29.6 One Difference
The regression formula is as follows (Liaukonytė, Tuchman, and Zhu 2023):
- yut: Outcome of interest for unit u in time t.
- Postt: Dummy variable representing a specific post-event period.
- β: Coefficient measuring the average change in the outcome after the event relative to the pre-period.
- γu: Fixed effects for each unit.
- γw(t): Time-specific fixed effects to account for periodic variations.
- γl: Dummy variable for a specific significant period (e.g., a major event change).
- γg(u)p(t): Group x period fixed effects for flexible trends that may vary across different categories (e.g., geographical regions) and periods.
- ϵut: Error term.
This model can be used to analyze the impact of an event on the outcome of interest while controlling for various fixed effects and time-specific variations, but using units themselves pre-treatment as controls.
Liaukonytė, Jūra, Anna Tuchman, and Xinrong Zhu. 2023. “Frontiers: Spilling the Beans on Political Consumerism: Do Social Media Boycotts and Buycotts Translate to Real Sales Impact?” Marketing Science 42 (1): 11–25.