3.4 Bivariate Statistics

Bivariate statistics involve the analysis of relationships between two variables. Understanding these relationships can provide insights into patterns, associations, or (suggestive of) causal connections. Below, we explore the correlation between different types of variables:

Before delving into the analysis, it is critical to consider the following:

  1. Is the relationship linear or non-linear?
    • Linear relationships can be modeled with simpler statistical methods such as Pearson’s correlation, while non-linear relationships may require alternative approaches, such as Spearman’s rank correlation or regression with transformations.
  2. If the variable is continuous, is it normal and homoskedastic?
    • For parametric methods like Pearson’s correlation, assumptions such as normality and homoskedasticity (equal variance) must be met. When these assumptions fail, non-parametric methods like Spearman’s correlation or robust alternatives are preferred.
  3. How big is your dataset?
    • Large datasets can reveal subtle patterns but may lead to statistically significant results that are not practically meaningful. For smaller datasets, careful selection of statistical methods is essential to ensure reliability and validity.
Categorical Continuous

Chi-squared Test

Phi Coefficient

Cramer’s V

Tschuprow’s T

Spearman’s Rank Correlation

Kendall’s Tau

Gamma Statistic

Freeman’s Theta


Goodman Kruskal’s Gamma

Somers’ D

Kendall’s Tau-b

Yule’s Q and Y

Tetrachoric Correlation

Polychoric Correlation


Point-Biserial Correlation

Logistic Regression

Pearson Correlation

Spearman Correlation

3.4.1 Two Continuous

n = 100 # (sample size)

data = data.frame(A = sample(1:20, replace = TRUE, size = n),
                  B = sample(1:30, replace = TRUE, size = n)) Pearson Correlation

Pearson correlation quantifies the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two continuous variables.


\[ r = \frac{\sum (x_i - \bar{x})(y_i - \bar{y})}{\sqrt{\sum (x_i - \bar{x})^2 \cdot \sum (y_i - \bar{y})^2}} \] where

  • \(x_i, y_i\): Individual data points of variables \(X\) and \(Y\).

  • \(\bar{x}, \bar{y}\): Means of \(X\) and \(Y\).


  1. The relationship between variables is linear.
  2. Variables are normally distributed.
  3. Data exhibits homoscedasticity (equal variance of \(Y\) for all values of \(X\)).

Use Case:

  • Use when the relationship is expected to be linear, and assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity are met.


  • \(r = +1\): Perfect positive linear relationship.
  • \(r = -1\): Perfect negative linear relationship.
  • \(r = 0\): No linear relationship.
# Pearson correlation
pearson_corr <- stats::cor(data$A, data$B, method = "pearson")
cat("Pearson Correlation (r):", pearson_corr, "\n")
#> Pearson Correlation (r): 0.02394939 Spearman Correlation

Spearman correlation measures the strength of a monotonic relationship between two variables. It ranks the data and calculates correlation based on ranks.


\[ \rho = 1 - \frac{6 \sum d_i^2}{n(n^2 -1)} \]


  • \(d_i\): Difference between the ranks of \(x_i\) and \(y_i\).
  • \(n\): Number of paired observations.


  1. Relationship must be monotonic, not necessarily linear.

  2. No assumptions about the distribution of variables.

Use Case:

  • Use when data is ordinal or when normality and linearity assumptions are violated.


  • \(\rho = +1\): Perfect positive monotonic relationship.

  • \(\rho = -1\): Perfect negative monotonic relationship.

  • \(\rho = 0\): No monotonic relationship.

# Spearman correlation
spearman_corr <- stats::cor(data$A, data$B, method = "spearman")
cat("Spearman Correlation (rho):", spearman_corr, "\n")
#> Spearman Correlation (rho): 0.02304636 Kendall’s Tau Correlation

Kendall’s Tau measures the strength of a monotonic relationship by comparing concordant and discordant pairs.


\[ \tau = \frac{(C- D)}{\binom{n}{2}} \]


  • \(C\): Number of concordant pairs (where ranks of \(X\) and \(Y\) increase or decrease together).

  • \(D\): Number of discordant pairs (where one rank increases while the other decreases).

  • \(\binom{n}{2}\): Total number of possible pairs.


  1. No specific assumptions about the data distribution.

  2. Measures monotonic relationships.

Use Case:

  • Preferred for small datasets or when data contains outliers.


  • \(\tau = +1\): Perfect positive monotonic relationship.

  • \(\tau = -1\): Perfect negative monotonic relationship.

  • \(\tau = 0\): No monotonic relationship.

# Kendall's Tau correlation
kendall_corr <- stats::cor(data$A, data$B, method = "kendall")
cat("Kendall's Tau Correlation (tau):", kendall_corr, "\n")
#> Kendall's Tau Correlation (tau): 0.02171284 Distance Correlation

Distance Correlation measures both linear and non-linear relationships between variables. It does not require monotonicity or linearity.


\[ d Cor = \frac{d Cov(X,Y)}{\sqrt{d Var (X) \cdot d Var (Y)}} \]


  • \(dCov\): Distance covariance between \(X\) and \(Y\).

  • \(dVar\): Distance variances of \(X\) and \(Y\).


  • No specific assumptions about the relationship (linear, monotonic, or otherwise).

Use Case:

  • Use for complex relationships, including non-linear patterns.


  • \(dCor = 0\): No association.

  • \(dCor = 1\): Perfect association.

# Distance correlation
distance_corr <- energy::dcor(data$A, data$B)
cat("Distance Correlation (dCor):", distance_corr, "\n")
#> Distance Correlation (dCor): 0.1008934 Summary Table of Correlation Methods

Method Formula/Approach Detects Relationship Type Assumptions Sensitivity to Outliers Use Case
Pearson Linear covariance Linear Normality, homoscedasticity High Linear relationships.
Spearman Ranks and monotonicity formula Monotonic None Moderate Monotonic, non-linear data.
Kendall’s Tau Concordance/discordance ratio Monotonic None Low Small datasets, robust to outliers.
Distance Correlation Distance-based variance Linear and non-linear None Low Complex, non-linear relationships.

3.4.2 Categorical and Continuous

Analyzing the relationship between a categorical variable (binary or multi-class) and a continuous variable requires specialized techniques. These methods assess whether the categorical variable significantly influences the continuous variable or vice versa.

We focus on the following methods:

  1. Point-Biserial Correlation
  2. Logistic Regression
  3. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  4. T-test Point-Biserial Correlation

The Point-Biserial Correlation is a special case of the Pearson correlation used to assess the relationship between a binary categorical variable (coded as 0 and 1) and a continuous variable. It measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship.


\[ r_{pb} = \frac{\bar{Y_1} - \bar{Y_0}}{s_Y} \sqrt{\frac{n_1 n_0}{n^2}} \]


  • \(\bar{Y_1}\), \(\bar{Y_0}\): Mean of the continuous variable for the groups coded as 1 and 0, respectively.

  • \(s_Y\): Standard deviation of the continuous variable.

  • \(n_1, n_0\): Number of observations in each group (1 and 0).

  • \(n\): Total number of observations.

Key Properties:

  • Range: \(-1\) to \(1\).
    • \(r_{pb} = +1\): Perfect positive correlation.
    • \(r_{pb} = -1\): Perfect negative correlation.
    • \(r_{pb} = 0\): No linear relationship.
  • A positive \(r_{pb}\) indicates higher values of the continuous variable are associated with the 1 group, while a negative \(r_{pb}\) indicates the opposite.


  1. The binary variable is truly dichotomous (e.g., male/female, success/failure).
  2. The continuous variable is approximately normally distributed.
  3. Homogeneity of variance across the two groups (not strictly required but recommended).

Use Case:

  • To evaluate the linear relationship between a binary categorical variable and a continuous variable.
# Point-Biserial Correlation
biserial_corr <- ltm::biserial.cor(
  c(12.5, 15.3, 10.7, 18.1, 11.2, 16.8, 13.4, 14.9), 
  c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1), 
  use = "all.obs", 
  level = 2
cat("Point-Biserial Correlation:", biserial_corr, "\n")
#> Point-Biserial Correlation: 0.8792835 Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression models the relationship between a binary categorical variable (dependent variable) and one or more independent variables (which may include continuous variables). It predicts the probability of the binary outcome (e.g., success/failure, yes/no).

Refer to for more detail.


The logistic regression model is represented as:

\[ \text{logit}(p) = \ln \left( \frac{p}{1 - p} \right) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X \]


  • \(p\): Probability of the outcome being 1.

  • \(\beta_0\): Intercept.

  • \(\beta_1\): Coefficient for the continuous variable \(X\).

  • \(\text{logit}(p)\): Log-odds of the probability.

Key Features:

  • Output: Odds ratio or probability of the binary outcome.

  • Can include multiple predictors (continuous and categorical).

  • Non-linear transformation ensures predictions are probabilities between 0 and 1.


  1. The dependent variable is binary.

  2. Observations are independent.

  3. There is a linear relationship between the logit of the dependent variable and the independent variable.

  4. No multicollinearity between predictors.

Use Case:

  • To predict the likelihood of a binary outcome based on a continuous predictor (e.g., probability of success given test scores).
# Simulated data
x <- rnorm(100, mean = 50, sd = 10)  # Continuous predictor
y <- ifelse(x > 55, 1, 0)  # Binary outcome based on threshold

# Logistic Regression
logistic_model <- glm(y ~ x, family = binomial)
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = y ~ x, family = binomial)
#> Deviance Residuals: 
#>        Min          1Q      Median          3Q         Max  
#> -2.770e-04  -2.100e-08  -2.100e-08   2.100e-08   2.548e-04  
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept)  -3749.9   495083.0  -0.008    0.994
#> x               67.9     8966.6   0.008    0.994
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#>     Null deviance: 1.2217e+02  on 99  degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 1.4317e-07  on 98  degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 4
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 25

# Predicted probabilities
predicted_probs <- predict(logistic_model, type = "response")
#>         1         2         3         4         5         6 
#> -735.6466 -511.3844  703.2134 -307.2281 -267.3187  809.3747
# Visualize logistic regression curve
data <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, predicted = predicted_probs)

ggplot(data, aes(x = x, y = predicted)) +
    geom_point(aes(y = y), color = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
    geom_line(color = "blue") +
    labs(title = "Logistic Regression: Continuous vs Binary",
         x = "Continuous Predictor", y = "Predicted Probability") Summary Table of Methods (Between Categorical and Continuous)

Method Type of Variable Relationship Key Assumptions Use Case
Point-Biserial Correlation Binary Categorical vs Continuous Linear, normality (continuous) Assess linear association.
Logistic Regression Continuous → Binary Categorical Logit-linear relationship Predict probability of binary outcome.
ANOVA Multi-level Categorical vs Continuous Normality, homogeneity of variance Compare means across groups.
T-Test Binary Categorical vs Continuous Normality, equal variance Compare means between two groups.

3.4.3 Two Discrete

When analyzing the relationship between two discrete variables (categorical or ordinal), various methods are available to quantify the degree of association or similarity. These methods can broadly be classified into:

  1. Distance Metrics

  2. Statistical Metrics Distance Metrics

Distance metrics measure the dissimilarity between two discrete variables and are often used as a proxy for correlation in specific applications like clustering or machine learning. Euclidean Distance

\[ d(x, y) = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - y_i)^2} \]

  • Measures the straight-line distance between two variables in Euclidean space.

  • Sensitive to scaling; variables should be normalized for meaningful comparisons. Manhattan Distance

\[ d(x, y) = \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i - y_i| \]

  • Measures distance by summing the absolute differences along each dimension.

  • Also called L1 norm; often used in grid-based problems. Chebyshev Distance

\[ d(x, y) = \max_{i=1}^n |x_i - y_i| \]

  • Measures the maximum single-step distance along any dimension.

  • Useful in discrete, grid-based problems (e.g., chess moves). Minkowski Distance

\[ d(x, y) = \left( \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i - y_i|^p \right)^{1/p} \]

  • Generalized distance metric. Special cases include:

    • \(p = 1\): Manhattan Distance.

    • \(p = 2\): Euclidean Distance.

    • \(p \to \infty\): Chebyshev Distance. Canberra Distance

\[ d(x, y) = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{|x_i - y_i|}{|x_i| + |y_i|} \]

  • Emphasizes proportional differences, making it sensitive to smaller values. Hamming Distance

\[ d(x, y) = \sum_{i=1}^n I(x_i \neq y_i) \]

  • Counts the number of differing positions between two sequences.

  • Widely used in text similarity and binary data. Cosine Similarity and Distance

\[ \text{Cosine Similarity} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n x_i y_i}{\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2} \cdot \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n y_i^2}} \]

\[ \text{Cosine Distance} = 1 - \text{Cosine Similarity} \]

  • Measures the angle between two vectors in a high-dimensional space.

  • Often used in text and document similarity. Sum of Absolute Differences

\[ d(x, y) = \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i - y_i| \]

  • Equivalent to Manhattan Distance but without coordinate context. Sum of Squared Differences

\[ d(x, y) = \sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - y_i)^2 \]

  • Equivalent to squared Euclidean Distance. Mean Absolute Error

\[ \text{MAE} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i - y_i| \]

  • Measures average absolute differences.
# Example data
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
y <- c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

# Compute distances
euclidean <- sqrt(sum((x - y)^2))
manhattan <- sum(abs(x - y))
chebyshev <- max(abs(x - y))
hamming <- sum(x != y)
cosine_similarity <- sum(x * y) / (sqrt(sum(x^2)) * sqrt(sum(y^2)))
cosine_distance <- 1 - cosine_similarity

# Display results
cat("Euclidean Distance:", euclidean, "\n")
#> Euclidean Distance: 2.236068
cat("Manhattan Distance:", manhattan, "\n")
#> Manhattan Distance: 5
cat("Chebyshev Distance:", chebyshev, "\n")
#> Chebyshev Distance: 1
cat("Hamming Distance:", hamming, "\n")
#> Hamming Distance: 5
cat("Cosine Distance:", cosine_distance, "\n")
#> Cosine Distance: 0.005063324 Statistical Metrics Chi-squared Test

The Chi-Squared Test evaluates whether two categorical variables are independent by comparing observed and expected frequencies in a contingency table.


\[ \chi^2 = \sum \frac{(O_i - E_i)^2}{E_i} \]


  • \(O_i\): Observed frequency in each cell of the table.

  • \(E_i\): Expected frequency under the assumption of independence.


  1. Construct a contingency table with observed counts.

  2. Compute expected frequencies: \(E_{ij} = \frac{\text{Row Total}_i \cdot \text{Column Total}_j}{\text{Grand Total}}\)

  3. Apply the Chi-squared formula.

  4. Compare \(\chi^2\) with a critical value from the Chi-squared distribution.


  1. Observations are independent.

  2. Expected frequencies should be \(\geq 5\) in at least 80% of the cells.

Use Case:

  • Tests for independence between two nominal variables.
# Example data
dt <- matrix(c(15, 25, 20, 40), nrow = 2)
rownames(dt) <- c("Group A", "Group B")
colnames(dt) <- c("Category 1", "Category 2")

# Perform Chi-Squared Test
chi_sq_test <- chisq.test(dt)
#>  Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
#> data:  dt
#> X-squared = 0.045788, df = 1, p-value = 0.8306 Phi Coefficient

The Phi Coefficient is a measure of association between two binary variables, derived from the Chi-squared statistic.


\[ \phi = \frac{\chi^2}{n} \]


  • \(n\): Total sample size.


  • \(\phi = 0\): No association.

  • \(\phi = +1\): Perfect positive association.

  • \(\phi = -1\): Perfect negative association.

Use Case:

  • Suitable for 2x2 contingency tables.
  • 2 binary

# Compute Phi Coefficient
phi_coeff <- phi(dt)
cat("Phi Coefficient:", phi_coeff, "\n")
#> Phi Coefficient: 0.04 Cramer’s V

Cramer’s V generalizes the Phi coefficient to handle contingency tables with more than two rows or columns.


\[ V = \sqrt{\frac{\chi^2 / n}{\min(r-1, c-1)}} \]


  • \(r\): Number of rows.

  • \(c\): Number of columns.


  1. Variables are nominal.

  2. Suitable for larger contingency tables.

Use Case:

  • Measures the strength of association between nominal variables with no natural order.

# Simulate data
data <- data.frame(
  A = sample(1:5, replace = TRUE, size = 100),  # Nominal variable
  B = sample(1:6, replace = TRUE, size = 100)  # Nominal variable

# Compute Cramer's V
cramers_v <- cramersV(data$A, data$B)
cat("Cramer's V:", cramers_v, "\n")
#> Cramer's V: 0.1944616


  • ncchisq noncentral Chi-square

  • nchisqadj Adjusted noncentral Chi-square

  • fisher Fisher Z transformation

  • fisheradj bias correction Fisher z transformation

DescTools::CramerV(data, conf.level = 0.95,method = "ncchisqadj")
#>  Cramer V    lwr.ci    upr.ci 
#> 0.3472325 0.3929964 0.4033053 Adjusted Cramer’s V

Adjusted versions of Cramer’s V correct for bias, especially in small samples.

Adjusted formulas account for non-central Chi-squared or bias correction. Examples include:

  • Non-central Chi-squared: \(V_{adj} = \sqrt{\frac{\chi^2_{nc} / n}{\min(r-1, c-1)}}\)

  • Bias Correction: \(V_{adj} = V - \text{Bias Term}\)


# Compute Adjusted Cramer's V
cramers_v_adj <- CramerV(data, conf.level = 0.95, method = "ncchisqadj")
#>  Cramer V    lwr.ci    upr.ci 
#> 0.3472325 0.3929964 0.4033053 Tschuprow’s T

Tschuprow’s T is a symmetric measure of association for nominal variables. It differs from Cramer’s V by considering the product of rows and columns, making it less sensitive to asymmetrical tables.


\[ T = \sqrt{\frac{\chi^2/n}{\sqrt{(r-1)(c-1)}}} \]


  • Applicable to nominal variables.

  • Suitable for contingency tables with unequal dimensions.

Use Case:

  • Preferred when table dimensions are highly unequal.
# Compute Tschuprow's T
tschuprow_t <- DescTools::TschuprowT(data$A, data$B)
cat("Tschuprow's T:", tschuprow_t, "\n")
#> Tschuprow's T: 0.1839104 Ordinal Association (Rank correlation)

When at least one variable is ordinal, rank-based methods are the most appropriate as they respect the order of the categories. These methods are often used when relationships are monotonic (increasing or decreasing consistently) but not necessarily linear. Spearman’s Rank Correlation

Spearman’s Rank Correlation (\(\rho\)) measures the strength and direction of a monotonic relationship between two variables. It transforms the data into ranks and calculates Pearson correlation on the ranks.


\[ \rho = 1 - \frac{6 \sum d_i^2}{n (n^2 -1)} \]


  • \(d_i\): Difference between the ranks of the paired observations.

  • \(n\): Number of paired observations.


  1. Data must be ordinal or continuous but convertible to ranks.

  2. Relationship is monotonic.

Use Case:

  • Suitable for ordinal-ordinal or ordinal-continuous associations.
# Simulating ordinal data
ordinal_x <- sample(1:5, 100, replace = TRUE)
ordinal_y <- sample(1:5, 100, replace = TRUE)

# Spearman's Correlation
spearman_corr <- cor(ordinal_x, ordinal_y, method = "spearman")
cat("Spearman's Correlation (rho):", spearman_corr, "\n")
#> Spearman's Correlation (rho): 0.08731195 Kendall’s Tau

Kendall’s Tau (\(\tau\)) measures the strength of a monotonic relationship by comparing concordant and discordant pairs.


\[ \tau = \frac{C - D}{C + D} \]​where

  • \(C\): Number of concordant pairs (ranks increase together).

  • \(D\): Number of discordant pairs (one rank increases while the other decreases).


  1. Kendall’s Tau-a: For data with no ties.

  2. Kendall’s Tau-b: Adjusted for ties in ranks.

  3. Kendall’s Tau-c: Adjusted for ties in large tables.

Use Case:

  • Ideal for small datasets or when ties are present.
# Kendall's Tau
kendall_corr <- cor(ordinal_x, ordinal_y, method = "kendall")
cat("Kendall's Tau (tau):", kendall_corr, "\n")
#> Kendall's Tau (tau): 0.06795076 Gamma Statistic

The Gamma Statistic measures the strength of association between two ordinal variables by focusing on concordant and discordant pairs, ignoring ties.


\[ \gamma = \frac{C- D}{C + D} \]

Use Case:

  • Works well when there are many ties in the data.

# Simulating ordinal data
cont_table <- table(ordinal_x, ordinal_y)

# Gamma Statistic
gamma_stat <- assocstats(cont_table)$gamma
cat("Gamma Statistic:", gamma_stat, "\n")
#> Gamma Statistic: Freeman’s Theta

Freeman’s Theta measures the association between an ordinal variable and a nominal variable. It quantifies how well the grouping in the nominal variable explains the ordering in the ordinal variable.

Use Case:

  • Useful when analyzing relationships between ordinal predictors and nominal responses (or vice versa).
rcompanion::freemanTheta(ordinal_x, ordinal_y)
#> Freeman.theta 
#>         0.094 Epsilon-squared

Epsilon-Squared (\(\epsilon^2\)) measures the proportion of variance in the ordinal variable explained by a nominal variable. It is conceptually similar to the coefficient of determination (\(R^2\)) in linear regression but adapted for ordinal-nominal relationships.


\[ \epsilon^2 = \frac{\text{variance explained by group differences}}{\text{total variance}} \]


  • The numerator represents the variance between ordinal categories due to differences in nominal groups.

  • The denominator is the total variance in the ordinal variable.

Use Case:

  • Quantifies the effect size when analyzing how well a nominal variable explains an ordinal variable.
ordinal_x <- sample(1:5, 100, replace = TRUE)  # Ordinal variable
nominal_y <- sample(1:3, 100, replace = TRUE) # Nominal variable

# Compute Epsilon-Squared
epsilon_squared <- rcompanion::epsilonSquared(ordinal_x,  nominal_y)
#> epsilon.squared 
#>         0.00446 Goodman-Kruskal’s Gamma

Goodman-Kruskal’s Gamma measures the strength of association between two ordinal variables. It is a rank-based measure, focusing only on concordant and discordant pairs while ignoring ties.


\[ \gamma = \frac{C - D}{C + D} \]


  • \(C\): Number of concordant pairs (where ranks move in the same direction).

  • \(D\): Number of discordant pairs (where ranks move in opposite directions).

Use Case:

  • Suitable for ordinal variables with many ties.
n = 100 # (sample size)
dt = table(data.frame(
    A = sample(1:4, replace = TRUE, size = n), # ordinal
    B = sample(1:3, replace = TRUE, size = n)  # ordinal
#>    B
#> A    1  2  3
#>   1  7 11  9
#>   2 11  6 14
#>   3  7 11  4
#>   4  6  4 10
# Compute Goodman-Kruskal's Gamma
goodman_kruskal_gamma <- GoodmanKruskalGamma(dt, conf.level = 0.95)
cat("Goodman-Kruskal's Gamma:", goodman_kruskal_gamma, "\n")
#> Goodman-Kruskal's Gamma: 0.006781013 -0.2290321 0.2425941 Somers’ D

Somers’ D (also called Somers’ Delta) extends Kendall’s Tau by focusing on asymmetric relationships, where one variable is a predictor and the other is a response.


\[ D_{XY} = \frac{C - D}{C + D + T_Y} \]


  • \(T_Y\): Tied pairs in the dependent variable.

Use Case:

  • Appropriate when there is a clear predictor-response relationship between two ordinal variables.
# Compute Somers' D
somers_d <- SomersDelta(dt, conf.level = 0.95)
#>       somers       lwr.ci       upr.ci 
#>  0.005115859 -0.172800185  0.183031903 Kendall’s Tau-b

Kendall’s Tau-b is an extension of Kendall’s Tau that accounts for ties in the data.


\[ \tau_b = \frac{C - D}{\sqrt{(C + D+ T_X) (C + D + T_Y)}} \]


  • \(T_X, T_Y\): Tied pairs in each variable.

Use Case:

  • Use when ordinal data contains ties.
# Compute Kendall's Tau-b
kendalls_tau_b <- KendallTauB(dt, conf.level = 0.95)
#>        tau_b       lwr.ci       upr.ci 
#>  0.004839732 -0.163472443  0.173151906 Yule’s Q and Y

Yule’s Q and Yule’s Y are specialized measures for 2x2 contingency tables. They are simplified versions of Goodman-Kruskal’s Gamma, designed for binary ordinal variables.​​

Use Case:

  • Ideal for binary ordinal variables in a 2x2 table.

Special version \((2 \times 2)\) of the Goodman Kruskal’s Gamma coefficient.

Variable 1
Variable 2 a b
c d

\[ \text{Yule's Q} = \frac{ad - bc}{ad + bc} \]

We typically use Yule’s \(Q\) in practice while Yule’s Y has the following relationship with \(Q\).

\[ \text{Yule's Y} = \frac{\sqrt{ad} - \sqrt{bc}}{\sqrt{ad} + \sqrt{bc}} \]

\[ Q = \frac{2Y}{1 + Y^2} \]

\[ Y = \frac{1 = \sqrt{1-Q^2}}{Q} \]

# Create 2x2 table
dt_binary <- table(data.frame(
  A = sample(c(0, 1), replace = TRUE, size = n),
  B = sample(c(0, 1), replace = TRUE, size = n)

# Compute Yule's Q
yules_q <- YuleQ(dt_binary)
#> [1] -0.07667474 Tetrachoric Correlation

Tetrachoric Correlation measures the association between two binary variables by assuming they represent thresholds of underlying continuous normal distributions. It is a special case of Polychoric Correlation when both variables are binary

# Simulate binary data
data_binary <- data.frame(
  A = sample(c(0, 1), replace = TRUE, size = n),
  B = sample(c(0, 1), replace = TRUE, size = n)

# Compute Tetrachoric Correlation
tetrachoric_corr <- tetrachoric(data_binary)
#> Call: tetrachoric(x = data_binary)
#> tetrachoric correlation 
#>   A    B   
#> A 1.00     
#> B 0.31 1.00
#>  with tau of 
#>      A      B 
#>  0.126 -0.025 Polychoric Correlation

Polychoric Correlation measures the association between ordinal variables by assuming they are discretized versions of latent, normally distributed continuous variables.


  • The ordinal variables represent categories of an underlying normal distribution.

Use Case:

  • Suitable for ordinal variables with a natural order.
# Simulate ordinal data
data_ordinal <- data.frame(
  A = sample(1:4, replace = TRUE, size = n),
  B = sample(1:6, replace = TRUE, size = n)

# Compute Polychoric Correlation
polychoric_corr <- polychor(data_ordinal$A, data_ordinal$B)
cat("Polychoric Correlation:", polychoric_corr, "\n")
#> Polychoric Correlation: 0.1908334
Metric Variable Types Use Case
Spearman’s Correlation Ordinal vs. Ordinal Non-linear, monotonic relationships.
Kendall’s Tau Ordinal vs. Ordinal Non-linear, monotonic relationships with ties.
Gamma Statistic Ordinal vs. Ordinal Handles data with many ties effectively.
Freeman’s Theta Ordinal vs. Nominal Mixed data types (ordinal and nominal).
Epsilon-Squared Ordinal vs. Nominal Variance explained by nominal groups.
Goodman-Kruskal’s Gamma Ordinal vs. Ordinal Strong association; ignores ties.
Somers’ D Ordinal Predictor and Response Asymmetric association.
Kendall’s Tau-b Ordinal vs. Ordinal Adjusts for ties in data.
Yule’s Q Binary Ordinal vs. Binary Ordinal Special case for 2x2 tables.
Tetrachoric Correlation Binary vs. Binary Binary ordinal variables.
Polychoric Correlation Ordinal vs. Ordinal Continuous latent structure.

3.4.4 General Approach to Bivariate Statistics


df = mtcars %>%
    dplyr::select(cyl, vs, carb)

df_factor = df %>%
        cyl = factor(cyl),
        vs = factor(vs),
        carb = factor(carb)
# summary(df)
#> 'data.frame':    32 obs. of  3 variables:
#>  $ cyl : num  6 6 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 6 ...
#>  $ vs  : num  0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ carb: num  4 4 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 4 ...
#> 'data.frame':    32 obs. of  3 variables:
#>  $ cyl : Factor w/ 3 levels "4","6","8": 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 ...
#>  $ vs  : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 ...
#>  $ carb: Factor w/ 6 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 4 4 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 4 ...

Get the correlation table for continuous variables only

#>             cyl         vs       carb
#> cyl   1.0000000 -0.8108118  0.5269883
#> vs   -0.8108118  1.0000000 -0.5696071
#> carb  0.5269883 -0.5696071  1.0000000

# only complete obs
# cor(df, use = "complete.obs")

Alternatively, you can also have the

Hmisc::rcorr(as.matrix(df), type = "pearson")
#>        cyl    vs  carb
#> cyl   1.00 -0.81  0.53
#> vs   -0.81  1.00 -0.57
#> carb  0.53 -0.57  1.00
#> n= 32 
#> P
#>      cyl    vs     carb  
#> cyl         0.0000 0.0019
#> vs   0.0000        0.0007
#> carb 0.0019 0.0007
cyl vs carb
cyl 1 . .
vs −.81 1 .
carb .53 −.57 1

Comparing correlations between different types of variables (e.g., continuous vs. categorical) poses unique challenges. One key issue is ensuring that methods are appropriate for the nature of the variables being analyzed. Another challenge lies in detecting non-linear relationships, as traditional correlation measures, such as Pearson’s correlation coefficient, are designed to assess linear associations.

To address these challenges, a potential solution is to utilize mutual information from information theory. Mutual information quantifies how much knowing one variable reduces the uncertainty of another, providing a more general measure of association that accommodates both linear and non-linear relationships. Approximating Mutual Information

We can approximate mutual information using the following relationship:

\[ \downarrow \text{Prediction Error} \approx \downarrow \text{Uncertainty} \approx \uparrow \text{Association Strength} \]

This principle underpins the X2Y metric, which is implemented through the following steps:

  1. Predict \(y\) without \(x\) (baseline model):

    • If \(y\) is continuous, predict the mean of \(y\).
    • If \(y\) is categorical, predict the mode of \(y\).
  2. Predict \(y\) with \(x\) using a model (e.g., linear regression, random forest, etc.).

  3. Calculate the difference in prediction error between steps 1 and 2. This difference reflects the reduction in uncertainty about \(y\) when \(x\) is included, serving as a measure of association strength. Generalizing Across Variable Types

To construct a comprehensive framework that handles different variable combinations, such as:

  • Continuous vs. continuous
  • Categorical vs. continuous
  • Continuous vs. categorical
  • Categorical vs. categorical

a flexible modeling approach is required. Classification and Regression Trees (CART) are particularly well-suited for this purpose, as they can accommodate both continuous and categorical predictors and outcomes. However, other models, such as random forests or generalized additive models (GAMs), may also be employed. Limitations of the Approach

Despite its strengths, this approach has some limitations:

  1. Asymmetry:
    The measure is not symmetric, meaning \((x, y) \neq (y, x)\).

  2. Comparability:
    Different variable pairs may yield metrics that are not directly comparable. For instance, continuous outcomes often use metrics like Mean Absolute Error (MAE), while categorical outcomes use measures like misclassification error.

These limitations should be considered when interpreting results, especially in multi-variable or mixed-data contexts.


iris <- iris %>% 

# ppsr::score_df(iris) # if you want a dataframe
                   do_parallel = TRUE,
                   n_cores = parallel::detectCores() / 2)
#>              Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length
#> Sepal.Length   1.00000000  0.04632352    0.5491398
#> Sepal.Width    0.06790301  1.00000000    0.2376991
#> Petal.Length   0.61608360  0.24263851    1.0000000

# if you want a similar correlation matrix
                   do_parallel = TRUE,
                   n_cores = parallel::detectCores() / 2)
#>             cyl        vs      carb
#> cyl  1.00000000 0.3982789 0.2092533
#> vs   0.02514286 1.0000000 0.2000000
#> carb 0.30798148 0.2537309 1.0000000


PerformanceAnalytics::chart.Correlation(df, histogram = T, pch = 19)


More general form,

    df = iris,
    do_parallel = TRUE,
    n_cores = parallel::detectCores() / 2

    df = iris

Both heat map and correlation at the same time

    df = iris,
    do_parallel = TRUE,
    n_cores = parallel::detectCores() / 2

More elaboration with ggplot2

    df = iris,
    color_value_high = 'red',
    color_value_low = 'yellow',
    color_text = 'black'
) +
    ggplot2::theme_classic() +
    ggplot2::theme(plot.background = 
                       ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "lightgrey")) +
    ggplot2::theme(title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15)) +
        title = 'Correlation aand Heatmap',
        subtitle = 'Subtitle',
        caption = 'Caption',
        x = 'More info'