42.2 Coefficient stability
Coefficient stability can be evident against omitted variable bias.
But coefficient stability alone can be misleading, but combing with R2 movement, it can become informative.
: graphical Model stability and Variable Selectionrobomit
: Robustness checks for omitted variable bias (implementation of
# estimate beta
y = "mpg", # dependent variable
x = "wt", # independent treatment variable
con = "hp + qsec", # related control variables
delta = 1, # delta
R2max = 0.9, # maximum R-square
type = "lm", # model type
data = mtcars # dataset
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#> Name Value
#> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 beta* -2.00
#> 2 (beta*-beta controlled)^2 5.56
#> 3 Alternative Solution 1 -7.01
#> 4 (beta[AS1]-beta controlled)^2 7.05
#> 5 Uncontrolled Coefficient -5.34
#> 6 Controlled Coefficient -4.36
#> 7 Uncontrolled R-square 0.753
#> 8 Controlled R-square 0.835
#> 9 Max R-square 0.9
#> 10 delta 1
Oster, Emily. 2019. “Unobservable Selection and Coefficient Stability: Theory and Evidence.” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 37 (2): 187–204.