34.2 Multiple Groups

When you suspect that you might have confounding events or selection bias, you can add a control group that did not experience the treatment (very much similar to Difference-in-differences)

The model then becomes

\[ \begin{aligned} Y = \beta_0 &+ \beta_1 time+ \beta_2 treatment +\beta_3 \times timesincetreat \\ &+\beta_4 group + \beta_5 group \times time + \beta_6 group \times treatment \\ &+ \beta_7 group \times timesincetreat \end{aligned} \]


  • Group = 1 when the observation is under treatment and 0 under control

  • \(\beta_4\) = baseline difference between the treatment and control group

  • \(\beta_5\) = slope difference between the treatment and control group before treatment

  • \(\beta_6\) = baseline difference between the treatment and control group associated with the treatment.

  • \(\beta_7\) = difference between the sustained effect of the treatment and control group after the treatment.