24.4 Randomized Block Designs

To improve the precision of treatment comparisons, we can reduce variability among the experimental units. We can group experimental units into blocks so that each block contains relatively homogeneous units.

  • Within each block, random assignment treatments to units (separate random assignment for each block)
  • The number of units per block is a multiple of the number of factor combinations.
  • Commonly, use each treatment once in each block.

Benefits of Blocking

  • Reduction in variability of estimators for treatment means

    • Improved power for t-tests and F-tests
    • Narrower confidence intervals
    • Smaller MSE
  • Compare treatments under different conditions (related to different blocks).

Loss from Blocking (little to lose)

  • If you don’t do blocking well, you waste df on negligible block effects that could have been used to estimate σ2
  • Hence, the df for t-tests and denominator df for F-tests will be reduced without reducing MSE and small loss of power for both tests.




  • i=1,2,,n
  • j=1,2,,r
  • μ..: overall mean response, averaging across all blocks and treatments
  • ρi: block effect, average difference in response for i-th block (ρi=0)
  • τj treatment effect, average across blocks (τj=0)
  • ϵijiidN(0,σ2): random experimental error.

Here, we assume that the block and treatment effects are additive. The difference in average response for any pair of treatments i the same within each block


for all i=1,..,n blocks




ANOVA table

Source of Variation SS df

Fixed Treatments


Random Treatments


Blocks ri(ˉYi.ˉY..)2 n1 σ2+rρ2in1 σ2+rρ2in1
Treatments nj(ˉY.jˉY..)2 r1 σ2+nτ2jr1 σ2+nσ2τ
Error ij(YijˉYi.ˉY.j+ˉY..)2 (n1)(r1) σ2 σ2
Total SSTO nr1


H0:τ1=τ2=...=τr=0Fixed Treatment EffectsHa:not all τj=0H0:σ2τ=0Random Treatment EffectsHa:σ2τ0

In both cases F=MSTRMSE, reject H0 if F>f(1α;r1,(n1)(r1))

we don’t use F-test to compare blocks, because

  • We have a priori that blocs are different
  • Randomization is done “within” block.

To estimate the efficiency that was gained by blocking (relative to completely randomized design).

ˆσ2CR=(n1)MSBL+n(r1)MSEnr1ˆσ2RB=MSEˆσ2CRˆσ2RB=above 1

then a completely randomized experiment would


more observations than the randomized block design to get the same MSE

If batches are randomly selected then they are random effects. That is , if the experiment was repeated, a new sample of i batches would be selected,d yielding new values for ρ1,ρ2,...,ρi then.





  • μ.. fixed
  • ρi: random iid N(0,σ2p)
  • τj fixed (or random) τj=0
  • ϵijiidN(0,σ2)

Fixed Treatment


cov(Yij,Yij)=σ2,jj treatments within same block are correlatedcov(Yij,Yij)=0,ii,jj

Correlation between 2 observations in the same block


The expected MS for the additive fixed treatment effect, random block effect is

Source SS E(MS)
Blocks SSBL σ2+rσ2ρ
Treatment SSTR σ2+nτ2jr1
Error SSE σ2

Interactions and Blocks
without replications within each block for each treatment, we can’t consider interaction between block and treatment when the block effect is fixed. Hence, only in the random block effect, we have



  • μ.. constant
  • ρiiddN(0,σ2ρ) random
  • τj fixed (τj=0)
  • (ρτ)ijN(0,r1rσ2ρτ) with j(ρτ)ij=0 for all i
  • cov((ρτ)ij,(ρτ)ij)=1rσ2ρτ for jj
  • ϵijiidN(0,σ2) random

Note: a special case of mixed 2-factor model with 1 observation per “cell”


cov(Yij,Yij)=σ2ρ1rσ2ρτ,jj obs from the same block are correlatedcov(Yij,Yij)=0,ii,jj obs from different blocks are independent

The sum of squares and degrees of freedom for interaction model are the same as those for the additive model. The difference exists only with the expected mean squares

Source SS df E(MS)
Blocks SSBL n1 σ2+rσ2ρ
Treatment SSTR r1 σ2+σ2ρτ+nτ2jr1
Error SSE (n1)(r1) σ2+σ2ρτ
  • No exact test is possible for block effects when interaction is present (Not important if blocks are used primarily to reduce experimental error variability)
  • E(MSE)=σ2+σ2ρτ the error term variance and interaction variance σ2ρτ. We can’t estimate these components separately with this model. The two are confounded.
  • If more than 1 observation per treatment block combination, one can consider interaction with fixed block effects, which is called generalized randomized block designs (multifactor analysis).

24.4.1 Tukey Test of Additivity

(Tukey’s 1 df test for additivity)

formal test of interaction effects between blocks and treatments for a randomized block design. can also considered for testing additivity in 2-way analyses when there is only one observation per cell.

we consider a less restricted interaction term

(ρτ)ij=Dρiτj(D: Constant)



the least square estimate or MLE for D


replacing the parameters by their estimates


Thus, the interaction sum of squares


The ANOVA decomposition


where SSRem: remainder sum of squares


if D=0 (i.e., no interactions of the type Dρiτj). SSint and SSRem are independent χ21,rnrn.

If D=0,



H0:D=0 no interaction presentHa:D0 interaction of form Dρiτj present

we reject H0 if F>f(1α;1,nrrn)