27.16 Evaluation of an RD

  • Evidence for (either formal tests or graphs)

    • Treatment and outcomes change discontinuously at the cutoff, while other variables and pre-treatment outcomes do not.

    • No manipulation of the assignment variable.

  • Results are robust to various functional forms of the forcing variable

  • Is there any other (unobserved) confound that could cause the discontinuous change at the cutoff (i.e., multiple forcing variables / bundling of institutions)?

  • External Validity: How likely the result at the cutoff will generalize?

General Model


where f(xi) is any functional form of xi

Simple case

When f(xi)=xi (linear function)


RD gives you β2 (causal effect) of X on Y at the cutoff point

In practice, everyone does


where we estimate different slope on different sides of the line

and if you estimate α3 to be no different from 0 then we return to the simple case


  • Sparse data can make α3 large differential effect

  • People are very skeptical when you have complex f(xi), usual simple function forms (e.g., linear, squared term, etc.) should be good. However, if you still insist, then non-parametric estimation can be your best bet.

Bandwidth of c (window)

  • Closer to c can give you lower bias, but also efficiency

  • Wider c can increase bias, but higher efficiency.

  • Optimal bandwidth is very controversial, but usually we have to do it in the appendix for research article anyway.

  • We can either

    • drop observations outside of bandwidth or

    • weight depends on how far and close to c