31.1 Applications

31.1.1 Example 1

by Danilo Freire

# install.packages("Synth")
# install.packages("gsynth")

simulate data for 10 states and 30 years. State A receives the treatment T = 20 after year 15.

year         <- rep(1:30, 10)
state        <- rep(LETTERS[1:10], each = 30)
X1           <- round(rnorm(300, mean = 2, sd = 1), 2)
X2           <- round(rbinom(300, 1, 0.5) + rnorm(300), 2)
Y            <- round(1 + 2 * X1 + rnorm(300), 2)
df           <- as.data.frame(cbind(Y, X1, X2, state, year))
df$Y         <- as.numeric(as.character(df$Y))
df$X1        <- as.numeric(as.character(df$X1))
df$X2        <- as.numeric(as.character(df$X2))
df$year      <- as.numeric(as.character(df$year))
df$state.num <- rep(1:10, each = 30)
df$state     <- as.character(df$state)
df$`T`       <- ifelse(df$state == "A" & df$year >= 15, 1, 0)
df$Y         <- ifelse(df$state == "A" & df$year >= 15, 
                       df$Y + 20, df$Y)
#> 'data.frame':    300 obs. of  7 variables:
#>  $ Y        : num  2.29 4.51 2.07 8.87 4.37 1.32 8 7.49 6.98 3.72 ...
#>  $ X1       : num  1.37 2.18 1.16 3.6 2.33 1.18 2.49 2.74 2.58 1.69 ...
#>  $ X2       : num  1.96 0.4 -0.75 -0.56 -0.45 1.06 0.51 -2.1 0 0.54 ...
#>  $ state    : chr  "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
#>  $ year     : num  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#>  $ state.num: int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ T        : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
dataprep.out <-
        predictors            = c("X1", "X2"),
        dependent             = "Y",
        unit.variable         = "state.num",
        time.variable         = "year",
        unit.names.variable   = "state",
        treatment.identifier  = 1,
        controls.identifier   = c(2:10),
        time.predictors.prior = c(1:14),
        time.optimize.ssr     = c(1:14),
        time.plot             = c(1:30)

synth.out <- synth(dataprep.out)
#> X1, X0, Z1, Z0 all come directly from dataprep object.
#> **************** 
#>  searching for synthetic control unit  
#> **************** 
#> **************** 
#> **************** 
#> MSPE (LOSS V): 9.831789 
#> solution.v:
#>  0.3888387 0.6111613 
#> solution.w:
#>  0.1115941 0.1832781 0.1027237 0.312091 0.06096758 0.03509706 0.05893735 0.05746256 0.07784853
print(synth.tables   <- synth.tab(
        dataprep.res = dataprep.out,
        synth.res    = synth.out)
#> $tab.pred
#>    Treated Synthetic Sample Mean
#> X1   2.028     2.028       2.017
#> X2   0.513     0.513       0.394
#> $tab.v
#>    v.weights
#> X1 0.389    
#> X2 0.611    
#> $tab.w
#>    w.weights unit.names unit.numbers
#> 2      0.112          B            2
#> 3      0.183          C            3
#> 4      0.103          D            4
#> 5      0.312          E            5
#> 6      0.061          F            6
#> 7      0.035          G            7
#> 8      0.059          H            8
#> 9      0.057          I            9
#> 10     0.078          J           10
#> $tab.loss
#>            Loss W   Loss V
#> [1,] 9.761708e-12 9.831789
path.plot(synth.res    = synth.out,
          dataprep.res = dataprep.out,
          Ylab         = c("Y"),
          Xlab         = c("Year"),
          Legend       = c("State A","Synthetic State A"),
          Legend.position = c("topleft")

abline(v   = 15,
       lty = 2)

Gaps plot:

gaps.plot(synth.res    = synth.out,
          dataprep.res = dataprep.out,
          Ylab         = c("Gap"),
          Xlab         = c("Year"),
          Ylim         = c(-30, 30),
          Main         = ""

abline(v   = 15,
       lty = 2)

Alternatively, gsynth provides options to estimate iterative fixed effects, and handle multiple treated units at tat time.

Here, we use two=way fixed effects and bootstrapped standard errors

gsynth.out <- gsynth(
  Y ~ `T` + X1 + X2,
  data = df,
  index = c("state", "year"),
  force = "two-way",
  CV = TRUE,
  r = c(0, 5),
  se = TRUE,
  inference = "parametric",
  nboots = 1000,
  parallel = F # TRUE
#> Cross-validating ... 
#>  r = 0; sigma2 = 1.13533; IC = 0.95632; PC = 0.96713; MSPE = 1.65502
#>  r = 1; sigma2 = 0.96885; IC = 1.54420; PC = 4.30644; MSPE = 1.33375
#>  r = 2; sigma2 = 0.81855; IC = 2.08062; PC = 6.58556; MSPE = 1.27341*
#>  r = 3; sigma2 = 0.71670; IC = 2.61125; PC = 8.35187; MSPE = 1.79319
#>  r = 4; sigma2 = 0.62823; IC = 3.10156; PC = 9.59221; MSPE = 2.02301
#>  r = 5; sigma2 = 0.55497; IC = 3.55814; PC = 10.48406; MSPE = 2.79596
#>  r* = 2
Simulating errors .............
Bootstrapping ...
#> ..........

plot(gsynth.out, type = "counterfactual")

plot(gsynth.out, type = "counterfactual", raw = "all") 

# shows estimations for the control cases

31.1.2 Example 2

by Leihua Ye

dim(basque) #774*17
#> [1] 774  17
#>   regionno     regionname year   gdpcap sec.agriculture sec.energy sec.industry
#> 1        1 Spain (Espana) 1955 2.354542              NA         NA           NA
#> 2        1 Spain (Espana) 1956 2.480149              NA         NA           NA
#> 3        1 Spain (Espana) 1957 2.603613              NA         NA           NA
#> 4        1 Spain (Espana) 1958 2.637104              NA         NA           NA
#> 5        1 Spain (Espana) 1959 2.669880              NA         NA           NA
#> 6        1 Spain (Espana) 1960 2.869966              NA         NA           NA
#>   sec.construction sec.services.venta sec.services.nonventa school.illit
#> 1               NA                 NA                    NA           NA
#> 2               NA                 NA                    NA           NA
#> 3               NA                 NA                    NA           NA
#> 4               NA                 NA                    NA           NA
#> 5               NA                 NA                    NA           NA
#> 6               NA                 NA                    NA           NA
#>   school.prim school.med school.high school.post.high popdens invest
#> 1          NA         NA          NA               NA      NA     NA
#> 2          NA         NA          NA               NA      NA     NA
#> 3          NA         NA          NA               NA      NA     NA
#> 4          NA         NA          NA               NA      NA     NA
#> 5          NA         NA          NA               NA      NA     NA
#> 6          NA         NA          NA               NA      NA     NA

transform data to be used in synth()

dataprep.out <- dataprep(
    foo = basque,
    predictors = c(
    predictors.op =  "mean",
    # the operator
    time.predictors.prior = 1964:1969,
    #the entire time frame from the #beginning to the end
    special.predictors = list(
        list("gdpcap", 1960:1969,  "mean"),
        list("sec.agriculture", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("sec.energy", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("sec.industry", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("sec.construction", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("sec.services.venta", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("sec.services.nonventa", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("popdens", 1969,  "mean")
    dependent =  "gdpcap",
    # dv
    unit.variable =  "regionno",
    #identifying unit numbers
    unit.names.variable =  "regionname",
    #identifying unit names
    time.variable =  "year",
    treatment.identifier = 17,
    #the treated case
    controls.identifier = c(2:16, 18),
    #the control cases; all others #except number 17
    time.optimize.ssr = 1960:1969,
    #the time-period over which to optimize
    time.plot = 1955:1997
) #the entire time period before/after the treatment


  • X1 = the control case before the treatment

  • X0 = the control cases after the treatment

  • Z1: the treatment case before the treatment

  • Z0: the treatment case after the treatment

synth.out = synth(data.prep.obj = dataprep.out, method = "BFGS")
#> X1, X0, Z1, Z0 all come directly from dataprep object.
#> **************** 
#>  searching for synthetic control unit  
#> **************** 
#> **************** 
#> **************** 
#> MSPE (LOSS V): 0.008864606 
#> solution.v:
#>  0.02773094 1.194e-07 1.60609e-05 0.0007163836 1.486e-07 0.002423908 0.0587055 0.2651997 0.02851006 0.291276 0.007994382 0.004053188 0.009398579 0.303975 
#> solution.w:
#>  2.53e-08 4.63e-08 6.44e-08 2.81e-08 3.37e-08 4.844e-07 4.2e-08 4.69e-08 0.8508145 9.75e-08 3.2e-08 5.54e-08 0.1491843 4.86e-08 9.89e-08 1.162e-07

Calculate the difference between the real basque region and the synthetic control

gaps = dataprep.out$Y1plot - (dataprep.out$Y0plot 
                                     %*% synth.out$solution.w)
#>       1955       1956       1957 
#> 0.15023473 0.09168035 0.03716475
synth.tables = synth.tab(dataprep.res = dataprep.out,
                         synth.res = synth.out)
#> [1] "tab.pred" "tab.v"    "tab.w"    "tab.loss"
#>                                          Treated Synthetic Sample Mean
#> school.illit                              39.888   256.337     170.786
#> school.prim                             1031.742  2730.104    1127.186
#> school.med                                90.359   223.340      76.260
#> school.high                               25.728    63.437      24.235
#> school.post.high                          13.480    36.153      13.478
#> invest                                    24.647    21.583      21.424
#> special.gdpcap.1960.1969                   5.285     5.271       3.581
#> special.sec.agriculture.1961.1969          6.844     6.179      21.353
#> special.sec.energy.1961.1969               4.106     2.760       5.310
#> special.sec.industry.1961.1969            45.082    37.636      22.425
#> special.sec.construction.1961.1969         6.150     6.952       7.276
#> special.sec.services.venta.1961.1969      33.754    41.104      36.528
#> special.sec.services.nonventa.1961.1969    4.072     5.371       7.111

Relative importance of each unit

synth.tables$tab.w[8:14, ]
#>    w.weights            unit.names unit.numbers
#> 9      0.000    Castilla-La Mancha            9
#> 10     0.851              Cataluna           10
#> 11     0.000  Comunidad Valenciana           11
#> 12     0.000           Extremadura           12
#> 13     0.000               Galicia           13
#> 14     0.149 Madrid (Comunidad De)           14
#> 15     0.000    Murcia (Region de)           15
# plot the changes before and after the treatment 
    synth.res = synth.out,
    dataprep.res = dataprep.out,
    Ylab = "real per-capita gdp (1986 USD, thousand)",
    Xlab = "year",
    Ylim = c(0, 12),
    Legend = c("Basque country",
               "synthetic Basque country"),
    Legend.position = "bottomright"

    synth.res = synth.out,
    dataprep.res = dataprep.out,
    Ylab =  "gap in real per - capita GDP (1986 USD, thousand)",
    Xlab =  "year",
    Ylim = c(-1.5, 1.5),
    Main = NA

Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences

Example from DRDID package

# Form the Lalonde sample with CPS comparison group
eval_lalonde_cps <- subset(nsw_long, nsw_long$treated == 0 | 
                               nsw_long$sample == 2)

Estimate Average Treatment Effect on Treated using Improved Locally Efficient Doubly Robust DID estimator

out <-
        yname = "re",
        tname = "year",
        idname = "id",
        dname = "experimental",
        xformla = ~ age + educ + black + married + nodegree + hisp + re74,
        data = eval_lalonde_cps,
        panel = TRUE
#>  Call:
#> drdid(yname = "re", tname = "year", idname = "id", dname = "experimental", 
#>     xformla = ~age + educ + black + married + nodegree + hisp + 
#>         re74, data = eval_lalonde_cps, panel = TRUE)
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------
#>  Further improved locally efficient DR DID estimator for the ATT:
#>    ATT     Std. Error  t value    Pr(>|t|)  [95% Conf. Interval] 
#> -901.2703   393.6247   -2.2897     0.022    -1672.7747  -129.766 
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------
#>  Estimator based on panel data.
#>  Outcome regression est. method: weighted least squares.
#>  Propensity score est. method: inverse prob. tilting.
#>  Analytical standard error.
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------
#>  See Sant'Anna and Zhao (2020) for details.

31.1.3 Example 3

by Synth package’s authors


synth() requires

  • X1 vector of treatment predictors

  • X0 matrix of same variables for control group

  • Z1 vector of outcome variable for treatment group

  • Z0 matrix of outcome variable for control group

use dataprep() to prepare data in the format that can be used throughout the Synth package

dataprep.out <- dataprep(
    foo = basque,
    predictors = c(
    predictors.op = "mean",
    time.predictors.prior = 1964:1969,
    special.predictors = list(
        list("gdpcap", 1960:1969 , "mean"),
        list("sec.agriculture", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("sec.energy", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("sec.industry", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("sec.construction", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("sec.services.venta", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("sec.services.nonventa", seq(1961, 1969, 2), "mean"),
        list("popdens", 1969, "mean")
    dependent = "gdpcap",
    unit.variable = "regionno",
    unit.names.variable = "regionname",
    time.variable = "year",
    treatment.identifier = 17,
    controls.identifier = c(2:16, 18),
    time.optimize.ssr = 1960:1969,
    time.plot = 1955:1997

find optimal weights that identifies the synthetic control for the treatment group

synth.out <- synth(data.prep.obj = dataprep.out, method = "BFGS")
#> X1, X0, Z1, Z0 all come directly from dataprep object.
#> **************** 
#>  searching for synthetic control unit  
#> **************** 
#> **************** 
#> **************** 
#> MSPE (LOSS V): 0.008864606 
#> solution.v:
#>  0.02773094 1.194e-07 1.60609e-05 0.0007163836 1.486e-07 0.002423908 0.0587055 0.2651997 0.02851006 0.291276 0.007994382 0.004053188 0.009398579 0.303975 
#> solution.w:
#>  2.53e-08 4.63e-08 6.44e-08 2.81e-08 3.37e-08 4.844e-07 4.2e-08 4.69e-08 0.8508145 9.75e-08 3.2e-08 5.54e-08 0.1491843 4.86e-08 9.89e-08 1.162e-07
gaps <- dataprep.out$Y1plot - (dataprep.out$Y0plot %*% synth.out$solution.w)
gaps[1:3, 1]
#>       1955       1956       1957 
#> 0.15023473 0.09168035 0.03716475
synth.tables <-
    synth.tab(dataprep.res = dataprep.out, synth.res = synth.out)
names(synth.tables) # you can pick tables to see 
#> [1] "tab.pred" "tab.v"    "tab.w"    "tab.loss"
    synth.res = synth.out,
    dataprep.res = dataprep.out,
    Ylab = "real per-capita GDP (1986 USD, thousand)",
    Xlab = "year",
    Ylim = c(0, 12),
    Legend = c("Basque country",
               "synthetic Basque country"),
    Legend.position = "bottomright"

    synth.res = synth.out,
    dataprep.res = dataprep.out,
    Ylab = "gap in real per-capita GDP (1986 USD, thousand)",
    Xlab = "year",
    Ylim = c(-1.5, 1.5),
    Main = NA

You could also run placebo tests

31.1.4 Example 4

by Michael Robbins and Steven Davenport who are authors of MicroSynth with the following improvements:

  • Standardization use.survey = TRUE and permutation ( perm = 250 and jack = TRUE ) for placebo tests

  • Omnibus statistic (set to omnibus.var ) for multiple outcome variables

  • incorporate multiple follow-up periods end.post


  • Both predictors and outcome will be used to match units before intervention

    • Outcome variable has to be time-variant

    • Predictors are time-invariant

# right now the package is not availabe for R version 4.2

cov.var <-
match.out <- c("i_felony", "i_misdemea", "i_drugs", "any_crime")
sea1 <- microsynth(
    idvar       = "ID",
    timevar     = "time",
    intvar      = "Intervention",
    start.pre   = 1,
    end.pre     = 12,
    end.post    = 16,
    match.out   = match.out, # outcome variable will be matched on exactly
    match.covar = cov.var, # specify covariates will be matched on exactly
    result.var  = match.out, # used to report results
    omnibus.var = match.out, # feature in the omnibus p-value
    test        = "lower",
    n.cores     = min(parallel::detectCores(), 2)
sea2 <- microsynth(
    idvar = "ID",
    timevar = "time",
    intvar = "Intervention",
    start.pre = 1,
    end.pre = 12,
    end.post = c(14, 16),
    match.out = match.out,
    match.covar = cov.var,
    result.var = match.out,
    omnibus.var = match.out,
    test = "lower",
    perm = 250,
    jack = TRUE,
    n.cores = min(parallel::detectCores(), 2)