19.1 Notes

For outcomes with 0s, we can’t use log-like transformation, because it’s sensitive to outcome unit (J. Chen and Roth 2023). For info on this issue, check [Zero-valued Outcomes]. We should use:

  • Percentage changes in the Average: by using Poisson QMLE, we can interpret the coefficients of the effect of treatment on the treated group relative to the mean of the control group.

  • Extensive vs. Intensive Margins: Distinguish the treatment effect on the intensive (outcome: 10 to 11) vs. extensive margins (outcome: 0 to 1).

    • To get the bounds for the intensive-margin, use Lee (2009) (assuming that treatment has a monotonic effect on outcome)
set.seed(123) # For reproducibility

n <- 1000 # Number of observations
p_treatment <- 0.5 # Probability of being treated

# Step 1: Generate the treatment variable D
D <- rbinom(n, 1, p_treatment)

# Step 2: Generate potential outcomes
# Untreated potential outcome (mostly zeroes)
Y0 <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1) * (runif(n) < 0.3)

# Treated potential outcome (shifting both the probability of being positive - extensive margin and its magnitude - intensive margin)
Y1 <- Y0 + rnorm(n, mean = 2, sd = 1) * (runif(n) < 0.7)

# Step 3: Combine effects based on treatment
Y_observed <- (1 - D) * Y0 + D * Y1

# Add explicit zeroes to model situations with no effect
Y_observed[Y_observed < 0] <- 0

data <-
        ID = 1:n,
        Treatment = D,
        Outcome = Y_observed,
        X = rnorm(n)
    ) |>
    # whether outcome is positive
    dplyr::mutate(positive = Outcome > 0)

# Viewing the first few rows of the dataset
#>   ID Treatment   Outcome          X positive
#> 1  1         0 0.0000000  1.4783345    FALSE
#> 2  2         1 2.2369379 -1.4067867     TRUE
#> 3  3         0 0.0000000 -1.8839721    FALSE
#> 4  4         1 3.2192276 -0.2773662     TRUE
#> 5  5         1 0.6649693  0.4304278     TRUE
#> 6  6         0 0.0000000 -0.1287867    FALSE


  • Percentage changes in the Average
res_pois <-
        fml = Outcome ~ Treatment + X,
        data = data, 
        vcov = "hetero"
#>                           res_pois
#> Dependent Var.:            Outcome
#> Constant        -2.223*** (0.1440)
#> Treatment        2.579*** (0.1494)
#> X                  0.0235 (0.0406)
#> _______________ __________________
#> S.E. type       Heteroskedas.-rob.
#> Observations                 1,000
#> Squared Cor.               0.33857
#> Pseudo R2                  0.26145
#> BIC                        1,927.9
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

To calculate the proportional effect

# proportional effect
exp(coefficients(res_pois)["Treatment"]) - 1
#> Treatment 
#>  12.17757

# SE
exp(coefficients(res_pois)["Treatment"]) *
    sqrt(res_pois$cov.scaled["Treatment", "Treatment"])
#> Treatment 
#>  1.968684

Hence, we conclude that the treatment effect is 1215% higher for the treated group as compared to the control group.

  • Extensive vs. Intensive Margins

Here, we can estimate the intensive-margin treatment effect (i.e., the treatment effect for “always-takers”).

res <- causalverse::lee_bounds(
    df = data,
    d = "Treatment",
    m = "positive",
    y = "Outcome",
    numdraws = 10
) |> 
#>          term estimate std.error
#> 1 Lower bound    -0.22      0.09
#> 2 Upper bound     2.77      0.14

Since in this case, the bounds contains 0, we can’t say much about the intensive margin for always-takers.

If we aim to examine the sensitivity of always-takers, we should consider scenarios where the average outcome of compliers are \(100 \times c\%\) lower or higher than that of always-takers.

We assume that \(E(Y(1)|Complier) = (1-c)E(Y(1)|Always-taker)\)

c_values = c(.1, .5, .7)

combined_res <- bind_rows(lapply(c_values, function(c) {
    res <- causalverse::lee_bounds(
        df = data,
        d = "Treatment",
        m = "positive",
        y = "Outcome",
        numdraws = 10,
        c_at_ratio = c
    res$c_value <- as.character(c)

combined_res |> 
    dplyr::select(c_value, everything()) |> 
#>   c_value           term estimate std.error
#> 1     0.1 Point estimate     6.60      0.71
#> 2     0.5 Point estimate     2.54      0.13
#> 3     0.7 Point estimate     1.82      0.08
  • If we assume \(c = 0.1\) (i.e., under treatment, compliers would have an outcome equal to 10% of the outcome of always-takers), then the intensive-margin effect for always-takers is 6.6 more in the unit of the outcome.

  • If we assume \(c = 0.5\) (i.e., under treatment, compliers would have an outcome equal to 50% of the outcome of always-takers), then the intensive-margin effect for always-takers is 2.54 more in the unit of the outcome.


Chen, Jiafeng, and Jonathan Roth. 2023. “Logs with Zeros? Some Problems and Solutions.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, qjad054.
Lee, David S. 2009. “Training, Wages, and Sample Selection: Estimating Sharp Bounds on Treatment Effects.” The Review of Economic Studies, 1071–1102.