18.4 interactionR package
- For publication purposes
- Following
(Knol and VanderWeele 2012) for presentation
(Hosmer and Lemeshow 1992) for confidence intervals based on the delta method
(G. Y. Zou 2008) for variance recovery “mover” method
(Assmann et al. 1996) for bootstrapping
Assmann, Susan F, David W Hosmer, Stanley Lemeshow, and Kenneth A Mundt. 1996. “Confidence Intervals for Measures of Interaction.” Epidemiology, 286–90.
Hosmer, David W, and Stanley Lemeshow. 1992. “Confidence Interval Estimation of Interaction.” Epidemiology, 452–56.
Knol, Mirjam J, and Tyler J VanderWeele. 2012. “Recommendations for Presenting Analyses of Effect Modification and Interaction.” International Journal of Epidemiology 41 (2): 514–20.
Zou, Guang Yong. 2008. “On the Estimation of Additive Interaction by Use of the Four-by-Two Table and Beyond.” American Journal of Epidemiology 168 (2): 212–24.