22.5 A/B Testing Caution

Braun and Schwartz (2025)

  • Marketers use online advertising platforms to test user responses to different ad content.

  • Platforms’ experimentation tools deliver ads to different, dynamically optimized mixes of users, leading to nonrandom exposure.

  • This “divergent delivery” confounds ad content effects with algorithmic targeting, skewing A/B test results.

  • Algorithmic targeting, user heterogeneity, and data aggregation distort the magnitude and direction of A/B test results.

  • Platforms have little incentive to help experimenters isolate ad content effects from proprietary targeting mechanisms.


Braun, Michael, and Eric M. Schwartz. 2025. “Where a/b Testing Goes Wrong: How Divergent Delivery Affects What Online Experiments Cannot (and Can) Tell You about How Customers Respond to Advertising.” Journal of Marketing 0 (0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00222429241275886.