10.2 Non-Nested Model
compare models with different non-nested specifications
10.2.1 Davidson-Mackinnon test Independent Variable
Should the independent variables be logged? (decide between non-nested alternatives)
y=β0+x1β1+x2β2+ϵ(level eq)y=β0+ln(x1)β1+x2β2+ϵ(log eq)
- Obtain predict outcome when estimating the model in log equation ˇy and then estimate the following auxiliary equation,
and evaluate the t-statistic for the null hypothesis H0:γ=0
- Obtain predict outcome when estimating the model in the level equation ˆy, then estimate the following auxiliary equation,
and evaluate the t-statistic for the null hypothesis H0:γ=0
- If you reject the null in the (1) step but fail to reject the null in the second step, then the log equation is preferred.
- If fail to reject the null in the (1) step but reject the null in the (2) step then, level equation is preferred.
- If reject in both steps, then you have statistical evidence that neither model should be used and should re-evaluate the functional form of your model.
- If fail to reject in both steps, you do not have sufficient evidence to prefer one model over the other. You can compare the R2adj to choose between the two models.
- Compare which better fits the data
- Compare standard R2 is unfair because the second model is less parsimonious (more parameters to estimate)
- The R2adj will penalize the second model for being less parsimonious + Only valid when there is no heteroskedasticity (A4 holds)
- Should only compare after a Davidson-Mackinnon test Dependent Variable
y=β0+x1β1+ϵlevel eqln(y)=β0+x1β1+ϵlog eq
- In the level model, regardless of how big y is, x has a constant effect (i.e., one unit change in x1 results in a β1 unit change in y)
- In the log model, the larger in y is, the effect of x is stronger (i.e., one unit change in x1 could increase y from 1 to 1+β1 or from 100 to 100+100xβ1)
- Cannot compare R2 or R2adj because the outcomes are complement different, the scaling is different (SST is different)
We need to “un-transform” the ln(y) back to the same scale as y and then compare,
- Estimate the model in the log equation to obtain the predicted outcome ^ln(y)
- “Un-transform” the predicted outcome
- Estimate the following model (without an intercept)
and obtain predicted outcome ˆy
- Then take the square of the correlation between ˆy and y as a scaled version of the R2 from the log model that can now compare with the usual R2 in the level model.