11.2 Time Series
\[ y_t = \beta_0 + x_{t1}\beta_1 + x_{t2}\beta_2 + ... + x_{t(k-1)}\beta_{k-1} + \epsilon_t \]
Static Model
- \(y_t=\beta_0 + x_1\beta_1 + x_2\beta_2 - x_3\beta_3 - \epsilon_t\)
Finite Distributed Lag model
- \(y_t=\beta_0 + pe_t\delta_0 + pe_{t-1}\delta_1 +pe_{t-2}\delta_2 + \epsilon_t\)
- Long Run Propensity (LRP) is \(LRP = \delta_0 + \delta_1 + \delta_2\)
Dynamic Model
- \(GDP_t = \beta_0 + \beta_1GDP_{t-1} - \epsilon_t\)
Finite Sample Properties for Time Series:
- A1-A3: OLS is unbiased
- A1-A4: usual standard errors are consistent and Gauss-Markov Theorem holds (OLS is BLUE)
- A1-A6, A6: Finite Sample Wald Test (t-test and F-test) are valid
A3 might not hold under time series setting
- Spurious Time Trend - solvable
- Strict vs Contemporaneous Exogeneity - not solvable
In time series data, there are many processes:
- Autoregressive model of order p: AR(p)
- Moving average model of order q: MA(q)
- Autoregressive model of order p and moving average model of order q: ARMA(p,q)
- Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model of order p: ARCH(p)
- Generalized Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity of orders p and q; GARCH(p.q)
11.2.1 Deterministic Time trend
Both the dependent and independent variables are trending over time
Spurious Time Series Regression
\[ y_t = \alpha_0 + t\alpha_1 + v_t \]
and x takes the form
\[ x_t = \lambda_0 + t\lambda_1 + u_t \]
- \(\alpha_1 \neq 0\) and \(\lambda_1 \neq 0\)
- \(v_t\) and \(u_t\) are independent
- there is no relationship between \(y_t\) and \(x_t\)
If we estimate the regression,
\[ y_t = \beta_0 + x_t\beta_1 + \epsilon_t \]
so the true \(\beta_1=0\)
- Inconsistent: \(plim(\hat{\beta}_1)=\frac{\alpha_1}{\lambda_1}\)
- Invalid Inference: \(|t| \to^d \infty\) for \(H_0: \beta_1=0\), will always reject the null as \(n \to \infty\)
- Uninformative \(R^2\): \(plim(R^2) = 1\) will be able to perfectly predict as \(n \to \infty\)
We can rewrite the equation as
\[ \begin{aligned} y_t &=\beta_0 + \beta_1x_t+\epsilon_t \\ \epsilon_t &= \alpha_1t + v_t \end{aligned} \]
where \(\beta_0 = \alpha_0\) and \(\beta_1=0\). Since \(x_t\) is a deterministic function of time, \(\epsilon_t\) is correlated with \(x_t\) and we have the usual omitted variable bias.
Even when \(y_t\) and \(x_t\) are related (\(\beta_1 \neq 0\)) but they are both trending over time, we still get spurious results with the simple regression on \(y_t\) on \(x_t\)
Solutions to Spurious Trend
Include time trend \(t\) as an additional control
- consistent parameter estimates and valid inference
Detrend both dependent and independent variables and then regress the detrended outcome on detrended independent variables (i.e., regress residuals \(\hat{u}_t\) on residuals \(\hat{v}_t\))
Detrending is the same as partialing out in the [Frisch-Waugh-Lovell Theorem]
- Could allow for non-linear time trends by including \(t\) \(t^2\), and \(\exp(t)\)
- Allow for seasonality by including indicators for relevant “seasons” (quarters, months, weeks).
A3 does not hold under:
- \(\epsilon_t\) influences next period’s independent variables
- include last time period outcome as an explanatory variable
- For finite distrusted lag model, the number of lags needs to be absolutely correct.
11.2.2 Feedback Effect
\[ y_t = \beta_0 + x_t\beta_1 + \epsilon_t \]
\[ E(\epsilon_t|\mathbf{X})= E(\epsilon_t| x_1,x_2, ...,x_t,x_{t+1},...,x_T) \]
will not equal 0, because \(y_t\) will likely influence \(x_{t+1},..,x_T\)
- A3 is violated because we require the error to be uncorrelated with all time observation of the independent regressors (strict exogeneity)
11.2.3 Dynamic Specification
\[ y_t = \beta_0 + y_{t-1}\beta_1 + \epsilon_t \]
\[ E(\epsilon_t|\mathbf{X})= E(\epsilon_t| y_1,y_2, ...,y_t,y_{t+1},...,y_T) \]
will not equal 0, because \(y_t\) and \(\epsilon_t\) are inherently correlated
- A3 is violated because we require the error to be uncorrelated with all time observation of the independent regressors (strict exogeneity)
- Dynamic Specification is not allowed under A3
11.2.4 Dynamically Complete
\[ y_t = \beta_0 + x_t\delta_0 + x_{t-1}\delta_1 + \epsilon_t \]
\[ E(\epsilon_t|\mathbf{X})= E(\epsilon_t| x_1,x_2, ...,x_t,x_{t+1},...,x_T) \]
will not equal 0, because if we did not include enough lags, \(x_{t-2}\) and \(\epsilon_t\) are correlated
- A3 is violated because we require the error to be uncorrelated with all time observation of the independent regressors (strict exogeneity)
- Can be corrected by including more lags (but when stop? )
Without A3
- OLS is biased
- Gauss-Markov Theorem
- Finite Sample Properties are invalid
then, we can
- Focus on Large Sample Properties
- Can use [A3a] instead of A3
[A3a] in time series become
\[ A3a: E(\mathbf{x}_t'\epsilon_t)= 0 \]
only the regressors in this time period need to be independent from the error in this time period (Contemporaneous Exogeneity)
- \(\epsilon_t\) can be correlated with \(...,x_{t-2},x_{t-1},x_{t+1}, x_{t+2},...\)
- can have a dynamic specification \(y_t = \beta_0 + y_{t-1}\beta_1 + \epsilon_t\)
Deriving Large Sample Properties for Time Series
[Weak Law] and Central Limit Theorem depend on A5
- \(x_t\) and \(\epsilon_t\) are dependent over t
- without [Weak Law] or Central Limit Theorem depend on A5, we cannot have Large Sample Properties for OLS
- Instead of A5, we consider [A5a]
Derivation of the Asymptotic Variance depends on A4
- time series setting introduces Serial Correlation: \(Cov(\epsilon_t, \epsilon_s) \neq 0\)
under A1, A2, [A3a], and [A5a], OLS estimator is consistent, and asymptotically normal
11.2.5 Highly Persistent Data
If \(y_t, \mathbf{x}_t\) are not weakly dependent stationary process
\(y_t\) and \(y_{t-h}\) are not almost independent for large h
[A5a] does not hold and OLS is not consistent and does not have a limiting distribution.
Example + Random Walk \(y_t = y_{t-1} + u_t\) + Random Walk with a drift: \(y_t = \alpha+ y_{t-1} + u_t\)
Solution First difference is a stationary process
\[ y_t - y_{t-1} = u_t \]
- If \(u_t\) is a weakly dependent process (also called integrated of order 0) then \(y_t\) is said to be difference-stationary process (integrated of order 1)
- For regression, if \(\{y_t, \mathbf{x}_t \}\) are random walks (integrated at order 1), can consistently estimate the first difference equation
\[ \begin{aligned} y_t - y_{t-1} &= (\mathbf{x}_t - \mathbf{x}_{t-1}\beta + \epsilon_t - \epsilon_{t-1}) \\ \Delta y_t &= \Delta \mathbf{x}\beta + \Delta u_t \end{aligned} \]
Unit Root Test
\[ y_t = \alpha + \alpha y_{t-1} + u_t \]
tests if \(\rho=1\) (integrated of order 1)
- Under the null \(H_0: \rho = 1\), OLS is not consistent or asymptotically normal.
- Under the alternative \(H_a: \rho < 1\), OLS is consistent and asymptotically normal.
- usual t-test is not valid, will need to use the transformed equation to produce a valid test.
Dickey-Fuller Test \[
\Delta y_t= \alpha + \theta y_{t-1} + v_t
\] where \(\theta = \rho -1\)
- \(H_0: \theta = 0\) and \(H_a: \theta < 0\)
- Under the null, \(\Delta y_t\) is weakly dependent but \(y_{t-1}\) is not.
- Dickey and Fuller derived the non-normal asymptotic distribution. If you reject the null then \(y_t\) is not a random walk.
Concerns with the standard Dickey Fuller Test
1. Only considers a fairly simplistic dynamic relationship
\[ \Delta y_t = \alpha + \theta y_{t-1} + \gamma_1 \Delta_{t-1} + ..+ \gamma_p \Delta_{t-p} +v_t \]
- with one additional lag, under the null \(\Delta_{y_t}\) is an AR(1) process and under the alternative \(y_t\) is an AR(2) process.
- Solution: include lags of \(\Delta_{y_t}\) as controls.
- Does not allow for time trend \[ \Delta y_t = \alpha + \theta y_{t-1} + \delta t + v_t \]
- allows \(y_t\) to have a quadratic relationship with \(t\)
- Solution: include time trend (changes the critical values).
Adjusted Dickey-Fuller Test \[
\Delta y_t = \alpha + \theta y_{t-1} + \delta t + \gamma_1 \Delta y_{t-1} + ... + \gamma_p \Delta y_{t-p} + v_t
\] where \(\theta = 1 - \rho\)
- \(H_0: \theta_1 = 0\) and \(H_a: \theta_1 < 0\)
- Under the null, \(\Delta y_t\) is weakly dependent but \(y_{t-1}\) is not
- Critical values are different with the time trend, if you reject the null then \(y_t\) is not a random walk. Newey West Standard Errors
If A4 does not hold, we can use Newey West Standard Errors (HAC - Heteroskedasticity Autocorrelation Consistent)
\[ \hat{B} = T^{-1} \sum_{t=1}^{T} e_t^2 \mathbf{x'_tx_t} + \sum_{h=1}^{g}(1-\frac{h}{g+1})T^{-1}\sum_{t=h+1}^{T} e_t e_{t-h}(\mathbf{x_t'x_{t-h}+ x_{t-h}'x_t}) \]
estimates the covariances up to a distance g part
downweights to insure \(\hat{B}\) is PSD
How to choose g:
- For yearly data: \(g = 1\) or 2 is likely to account for most of the correlation
- For quarterly or monthly data: g should be larger ($g = 4$ or 8 for quarterly and \(g = 12\) or 14 for monthly)
- can also take integer part of \(4(T/100)^{2/9}\) or integer part of \(T^{1/4}\)
Testing for Serial Correlation
Run OLS regression of \(y_t\) on \(\mathbf{x_t}\) and obtain residuals \(e_t\)
Run OLS regression of \(e_t\) on \(\mathbf{x}_t, e_{t-1}\) and test whether coefficient on \(e_{t-1}\) is significant.
Reject the null of no serial correlation if the coefficient is significant at the 5% level.
- Test using heteroskedastic robust standard errors
- can include \(e_{t-2},e_{t-3},..\) in step 2 to test for higher order serial correlation (t-test would now be an F-test of joint significance)