16.2 Average Marginal Effect Algorithm
For one-sided derivative \(\frac{\partial p(\mathbf{X},\beta)}{\partial X}\) in the probability scale
- Estimate your model
- For each observation \(i\)
Calculate \(\hat{Y}_{i0}\) which is the prediction in the probability scale using observed values
Increase \(X\) (variable of interest) by a “small” amount \(h\) (\(X_{new} = X + h\))
When \(X\) is continuous, \(h = (|\bar{X}| + 0.001) \times 0.001\) where \(\bar{X}\) is the mean value of \(X\)
When \(X\) is discrete, \(h = 1\)
Calculate \(\hat{Y}_{i1}\) which is the prediction in the probability scale using new \(X\) and other variables’ observed vales.
Calculate the difference between the two predictions as fraction of \(h\): \(\frac{\bar{Y}_{i1} - \bar{Y}_{i0}}{h}\)
- Average numerical derivative is \(E[\frac{\bar{Y}_{i1} - \bar{Y}_{i0}}{h}] \approx \frac{\partial p (Y|\mathbf{X}, \beta)}{\partial X}\)
Two-sided derivatives
- Estimate your model
- For each observation \(i\)
Calculate \(\hat{Y}_{i0}\) which is the prediction in the probability scale using observed values
Increase \(X\) (variable of interest) by a “small” amount \(h\) (\(X_{1} = X + h\)) and decrease \(X\) (variable of interest) by a “small” amount \(h\) (\(X_{2} = X - h\))
When \(X\) is continuous, \(h = (|\bar{X}| + 0.001) \times 0.001\) where \(\bar{X}\) is the mean value of \(X\)
When \(X\) is discrete, \(h = 1\)
Calculate \(\hat{Y}_{i1}\) which is the prediction in the probability scale using new \(X_1\) and other variables’ observed vales.
Calculate \(\hat{Y}_{i2}\) which is the prediction in the probability scale using new \(X_2\) and other variables’ observed vales.
Calculate the difference between the two predictions as fraction of \(h\): \(\frac{\bar{Y}_{i1} - \bar{Y}_{i2}}{2h}\)
- Average numerical derivative is \(E[\frac{\bar{Y}_{i1} - \bar{Y}_{i2}}{2h}] \approx \frac{\partial p (Y|\mathbf{X}, \beta)}{\partial X}\)
mod <- lm(mpg ~ cyl * disp * hp, data = mtcars)
margins::margins(mod) %>% summary()
#> factor AME SE z p lower upper
#> cyl -4.0592 3.7619 -1.0790 0.2806 -11.4324 3.3141
#> disp -0.0350 0.0132 -2.6471 0.0081 -0.0610 -0.0091
#> hp -0.0284 0.0185 -1.5348 0.1248 -0.0647 0.0079
# function for variable
get_mae <- function(mod, var = "disp") {
data = mod$model
pred <- predict(mod)
if (class(mod$model[[{
}]]) == "numeric") {
h = (abs(mean(mod$model[[var]])) + 0.01) * 0.01
} else {
h = 1
}]] <- data[[{
}]] - h
pred_new <- predict(mod, newdata = data)
mean(pred - pred_new) / h
get_mae(mod, var = "disp")
#> [1] -0.03504546