10.3 Heteroskedasticity
Using roust standard errors are always valid
If there is significant evidence of heteroskedasticity implying A4 does not hold
- Gauss-Markov Theorem no longer holds, OLS is not BLUE.
- Should consider using a better linear unbiased estimator (Weighted Least Squares or Generalized Least Squares)
10.3.1 Breusch-Pagan test
A4 implies
and determining whether or not xi has any predictive value
- if xi has predictive value, then the variance changes over the levels of xi which is evidence of heteroskedasticity
- if xi does not have predictive value, the variance is constant for all levels of xi
The Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity would compute the F-test of total significance for the following model
A low p-value means we reject the null of homoskedasticity
However, Breusch-Pagan test cannot detect heteroskedasticity in non-linear form
10.3.2 White test
test heteroskedasticity would allow for a non-linear relationship by computing the F-test of total significance for the following model (assume there are three independent random variables)
A low p-value means we reject the null of homoskedasticity
Equivalently, we can compute LM as LM=nR2e2 where the R2e2 come from the regression with the squared residual as the outcome
- The LM statistic has a [χ2k][Chi-squared] distribution