Chapter 34 Interrupted Time Series

  • Regression Discontinuity in Time

  • Control for

    • Seasonable trends

    • Concurrent events

  • Pros (Penfold and Zhang 2013)

    • control for long-term trends
  • Cons

    • Min of 8 data points before and 8 after an intervention

    • Multiple events hard to distinguish


Interrupted time series should be used when

  1. longitudinal data (outcome over time - observations before and after the intervention)
  2. full population was affected at one specific point in time (or can be stacked based on intervention)

In each ITS framework, there can be 4 possible scenarios of outcome after an intervention

  • No effects

  • Immediate effect

  • Sustained (long-term) effect (smooth)

  • Both immediate and sustained effect

\[ Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 T + \beta_2 D + \beta_3 P + \epsilon \]


  • \(Y\) is the outcome variable

    • \(\beta_0\) is the baseline level of the outcome
  • \(T\) is the time variable (e.g., days, weeks, etc.) passed from the start of the observation period

    • \(\beta_1\) is the slope of the line before the intervention
  • \(D\) is the treatment variable where \(1\) is after the intervention and \(0\) is before the intervention.

    • \(\beta_2\) is the immediate effect after the intervention
  • \(P\) is the time variable indicating time passed since the intervention (before the intervention, the value is set to 0) (to examine the sustained effect).

    • \(\beta_3\) is the sustained effect = difference between the slope of the line prior to the intervention and the slope of the line subsequent to the intervention


Create a fictitious dataset where we know the true data generating process

\[ Outcome = 10 \times time + 20 \times treatment + 25 \times timesincetreatment + noise \]

# number of days
n = 365

# intervention at day
interven = 200

# time index from 1 to 365
time = c(1:n)

# treatment variable: before internvation = day 1 to 200, 
# after intervention = day 201 to 365
treatment = c(rep(0, interven), rep(1, n - interven))

# time since treatment
timesincetreat = c(rep(0, interven), c(1:(n - interven)))

# outcome
outcome = 10 + 15 * time + 20 * treatment + 
    25 * timesincetreat + rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1)

df = data.frame(outcome, time, treatment, timesincetreat)

head(df, 10)
#>      outcome time treatment timesincetreat
#> 1   24.21687    1         0              0
#> 2   39.32492    2         0              0
#> 3   54.64543    3         0              0
#> 4   68.85913    4         0              0
#> 5   84.75341    5         0              0
#> 6  101.29995    6         0              0
#> 7  113.72475    7         0              0
#> 8  130.61608    8         0              0
#> 9  143.40385    9         0              0
#> 10 159.76479   10         0              0


plot(df$time, df$outcome)

# intervention date
abline(v = interven, col = "blue")

# regression line
ts <- lm(outcome ~ time + treatment + timesincetreat, data = df)
lines(df$time, ts$fitted.values, col = "red")

#> Call:
#> lm(formula = outcome ~ time + treatment + timesincetreat, data = df)
#> Residuals:
#>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
#> -2.43488 -0.80653 -0.09411  0.76392  3.04793 
#> Coefficients:
#>                 Estimate Std. Error  t value Pr(>|t|)    
#> (Intercept)     9.904231   0.152106    65.11   <2e-16 ***
#> time           15.000437   0.001312 11430.16   <2e-16 ***
#> treatment      20.068054   0.225567    88.97   <2e-16 ***
#> timesincetreat 25.000138   0.002188 11423.44   <2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Residual standard error: 1.072 on 361 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared:      1,  Adjusted R-squared:      1 
#> F-statistic: 8.305e+08 on 3 and 361 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16


  • Time coefficient shows before-intervention outcome trend. Positive and significant, indicating a rising trend. Every day adds 15 points.

  • The treatment coefficient shows the immediate increase in outcome. Immediate effect is positive and significant, increasing outcome by 20 points.

  • The time since treatment coefficient reflects a change in trend subsequent to the intervention. The sustained effect is positive and statistically significant, showing that the outcome increases by 25 points per day after the intervention.

See Lee Rodgers, Beasley, and Schuelke (2014) for suggestions

Plot of counterfactual

# treatment prediction
pred <- predict(ts, df)

# counterfactual dataset
new_df <-
        time = time,
        # treatment = 0 means counterfactual
        treatment = rep(0, n),
        # time since treatment = 0 means counterfactual
        timesincetreat = rep(0)

# counterfactual predictions
pred_cf <- predict(ts, new_df)

# plot
    col = gray(0.2, 0.2),
    pch = 19,
    xlim  = c(1,365),
    ylim = c(0, 10000),
    xlab = "xlab",
    ylab = "ylab"

# regression line before treatment
lines(rep(1:interven), pred[1:interven], col = "blue", lwd = 3)

# regression line after treatment
lines(rep((interven + 1):n), pred[(interven + 1):n], 
      col = "blue", lwd = 3)

# regression line after treatment (counterfactual)
    col = "yellow",
    lwd = 3,
    lty = 5

abline(v = interven, col = "red", lty = 2)

Possible threats to the validity of interrupted time series analysis (Baicker and Svoronos 2019)

  • Delayed effects (Rodgers, John, and Coleman 2005) (may have to make assess some time after the intervention - do not assess the immediate dates).

  • Other confounding events Linden (2017)

  • Intervention is introduced but later withdrawn (Linden 2015)

  • Autocorrelation (for every time series data): might cause underestimation in the standard errors (i.e., overestimating the statistical significance of the treatment effect)

  • Regression to the mean: after a the short-term shock to the outcome, individuals can revert back to their initial states.

  • Selection bias: only certain individuals are affected by the treatment (could use a Multiple Groups).


Baicker, Katherine, and Theodore Svoronos. 2019. “Testing the Validity of the Single Interrupted Time Series Design.” National Bureau of Economic Research.
Bottomley, Christian, J Anthony G Scott, and Valerie Isham. 2019. “Analysing Interrupted Time Series with a Control.” Epidemiologic Methods 8 (1): 20180010.
Harper, Sam, and Tim A Bruckner. 2017. “Did the Great Recession Increase Suicides in the USA? Evidence from an Interrupted Time-Series Analysis.” Annals of Epidemiology 27 (7): 409–14.
Lee Rodgers, Joseph, William Howard Beasley, and Matthew Schuelke. 2014. “Graphical Data Analysis on the Circle: Wrap-Around Time Series Plots for (Interrupted) Time Series Designs.” Multivariate Behavioral Research 49 (6): 571–80.
Linden, Ariel. 2015. “Conducting Interrupted Time-Series Analysis for Single-and Multiple-Group Comparisons.” The Stata Journal 15 (2): 480–500.
———. 2017. “A Comprehensive Set of Postestimation Measures to Enrich Interrupted Time-Series Analysis.” The Stata Journal 17 (1): 73–88.
Penfold, Robert B, and Fang Zhang. 2013. “Use of Interrupted Time Series Analysis in Evaluating Health Care Quality Improvements.” Academic Pediatrics 13 (6): S38–44.
Rodgers, Joseph Lee, Craig A St John, and Ronnie Coleman. 2005. “Did Fertility Go up After the Oklahoma City Bombing? An Analysis of Births in Metropolitan Counties in Oklahoma, 1990–1999.” Demography 42: 675–92.