29.9 Application


In practice, people usually sort portfolio because they are not sure whether the FF model is specified correctly.


  1. Sort all returns in CRSP into 10 deciles based on size.
  2. In each decile, sort returns into 10 decides based on BM
  3. Get the average return of the 100 portfolios for each period (i.e., expected returns of stocks given decile - characteristics)
  4. For each stock in the event study: Compare the return of the stock to the corresponding portfolio based on size and BM.


  • Sorting produces outcomes that are often more conservative (e.g., FF abnormal returns can be greater than those that used sorting).

  • If the results change when we do B/M first then size or vice versa, then the results are not robust (this extends to more than just two characteristics - e.g., momentum).




# example by the package's author
hh <- evReturn(
    y = daEsa,       # dataset
    firm = "wpp",    # firm name
    y.date = "date", # date in y 
    index = "sp500", # index
    est.win = 250,   # estimation window wedith in days
    digits = 3, 
    event.date = 19990505, # firm event dates 
    event.win = 5          # one-side event window wdith in days (default = 3, where 3 before + 1 event date + 3 days after = 7 days)
hh; plot(hh)
#> === Regression coefficients by firm =========
#>   N firm event.date alpha.c alpha.e alpha.t alpha.p alpha.s beta.c beta.e
#> 1 1  wpp   19990505  -0.135   0.170  -0.795   0.428          0.665  0.123
#>   beta.t beta.p beta.s
#> 1  5.419  0.000    ***
#> === Abnormal returns by date ================
#>    day Ait.wpp    HNt
#> 1   -5   4.564  4.564
#> 2   -4   0.534  5.098
#> 3   -3  -1.707  3.391
#> 4   -2   2.582  5.973
#> 5   -1  -0.942  5.031
#> 6    0  -3.247  1.784
#> 7    1  -0.646  1.138
#> 8    2  -2.071 -0.933
#> 9    3   0.368 -0.565
#> 10   4   4.141  3.576
#> 11   5   0.861  4.437
#> === Average abnormal returns across firms ===
#>      name estimate error t.value p.value sig
#> 1 CiT.wpp    4.437 8.888   0.499   0.618    
#> 2     GNT    4.437 8.888   0.499   0.618

Example by Ana Julia Akaishi Padula, Pedro Albuquerque (posted on LAMFO)

Example in AbnormalReturns package

29.9.1 Eventus

2 types of output:

    • Using different estimation methods (e.g., market model to calendar-time approach)

    • Does not include event-specific returns. Hence, no regression later to determine variables that can affect abnormal stock returns.

  1. Cross-sectional Analysis of Eventus: Event-specific abnormal returns (using monthly or data data) for cross-sectional analysis (under Cross-Sectional Analysis section)

    • Since it has the stock-specific abnormal returns, we can do regression on CARs later. But it only gives market-adjusted model. However, according to (A. Sorescu, Warren, and Ertekin 2017), they advocate for the use of market-adjusted model for the short-term only, and reserve the FF4 for the longer-term event studies using monthly daily. Basic Event Study

  1. Input a text file contains a firm identifier (e.g., PERMNO, CUSIP) and the event date
  2. Choose market indices: equally weighted and the value weighted index (i.e., weighted by their market capitalization). And check Fama-French and Carhart factors.
  3. Estimation options
    1. Estimation period: ESTLEN = 100 is the convention so that the estimation is not impacted by outliers.

    2. Use “autodate” options: the first trading after the event date is used if the event falls on a weekend or holiday

  4. Abnormal returns window: depends on the specific event
  5. Choose test: either parametric (including Patell Standardized Residual (PSR)) or non-parametric Cross-sectional Analysis of Eventus

Similar to the Basic Event Study, but now you can have event-specific abnormal returns.

29.9.2 Evenstudies

This package does not use the Fama-French model, only the market models.

This example is by the author of the package

# firm and date data

# stock price data 

es <-
        firm.returns = StockPriceReturns,
        event.list = SplitDates,
        event.window = 5,
        type = "None",
        to.remap = TRUE,
        remap = "cumsum",
        inference = TRUE,
        inference.strategy = "bootstrap"


29.9.3 EventStudy

You have to pay for the API key. (It’s $10/month).


Example by the authors of the package

Data Prep

TWTR <- Quandl("NSE/OIL",type ="xts")

addSMA(col="red") #Adding a Simple Moving Average

addEMA() #Adding an Exponential Moving Average

Reference market in Germany is DAX

# Index Data
# indexName <- c("DAX")

indexData <- tq_get("^GDAXI", from = "2014-05-01", to = "2015-12-31") %>%
    mutate(date = format(date, "%d.%m.%Y")) %>%
    mutate(symbol = "DAX")


Create files

  • 01_RequestFile.csv
  • 02_FirmData.csv
  • 03_MarketData.csv

Calculating abnormal returns

# get & set parameters for abnormal return Event Study
# we use a garch model and csv as return
# Attention: fitting a GARCH(1, 1) model is compute intensive
esaParams <- EventStudy::ARCApplicationInput$new()

dataFiles <-
        "request_file" = file.path(getwd(), "data", "EventStudy", "01_requestFile.csv"),
        "firm_data"    = file.path(getwd(), "data", "EventStudy", "02_firmDataPrice.csv"),
        "market_data"  = file.path(getwd(), "data", "EventStudy", "03_marketDataPrice.csv")

# check data files, you can do it also in our R6 class
arEventStudy <- estSetup$performEventStudy(estParams     = esaParams, 
                                      dataFiles     = dataFiles, 
                                      downloadFiles = T)

apiUrl <- "https://api.eventstudytools.com"
Sys.setenv(EventStudyapiKey = "")

# The URL is already set by default
options(EventStudy.URL = apiUrl)
options(EventStudy.KEY = Sys.getenv("EventStudyapiKey"))

# use EventStudy estAPIKey function

# initialize object
estSetup <- EventStudyAPI$new()
estSetup$authentication(apiKey = Sys.getenv("EventStudyapiKey"))


Mei, Bin, and Changyou Sun. 2008. “Event Analysis of the Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Financial Performance of the U.S. Forest Products Industry.” Forest Policy and Economics 10 (5): 286–94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2007.11.005.
Sorescu, Alina, Nooshin L Warren, and Larisa Ertekin. 2017. “Event Study Methodology in the Marketing Literature: An Overview.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 45: 186–207.
Sun, Changyou, and Xianchun Liao. 2011. “Effects of Litigation Under the Endangered Species Act on Forest Firm Values.” Journal of Forest Economics 17 (4): 388–98.