7.1 Logistic Regression

\[ p_i = f(\mathbf{x}_i ; \beta) = \frac{exp(\mathbf{x_i'\beta})}{1 + exp(\mathbf{x_i'\beta})} \]


\[ logit(p_i) = log(\frac{p_i}{1+p_i}) = \mathbf{x_i'\beta} \]

where \(\frac{p_i}{1+p_i}\)is the odds.

In this form, the model is specified such that a function of the mean response is linear. Hence, Generalized Linear Models

The likelihood function

\[ L(p_i) = \prod_{i=1}^{n} p_i^{Y_i}(1-p_i)^{1-Y_i} \]

where \(p_i = \frac{\mathbf{x'_i \beta}}{1+\mathbf{x'_i \beta}}\) and \(1-p_i = (1+ exp(\mathbf{x'_i \beta}))^{-1}\)

Hence, our objective function is

\[ Q(\beta) = log(L(\beta)) = \sum_{i=1}^n Y_i \mathbf{x'_i \beta} - \sum_{i=1}^n log(1+ exp(\mathbf{x'_i \beta})) \]

we could maximize this function numerically using the optimization method above, which allows us to find numerical MLE for \(\hat{\beta}\). Then we can use the standard asymptotic properties of MLEs to make inference.

Property of MLEs is that parameters are asymptotically unbiased with sample variance-covariance matrix given by the inverse Fisher information matrix

\[ \hat{\beta} \dot{\sim} AN(\beta,[\mathbf{I}(\beta)]^{-1}) \]

where the Fisher Information matrix, \(\mathbf{I}(\beta)\) is

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathbf{I}(\beta) &= E[\frac{\partial \log(L(\beta))}{\partial (\beta)}\frac{\partial \log(L(\beta))}{\partial \beta'}] \\ &= E[(\frac{\partial \log(L(\beta))}{\partial \beta_i} \frac{\partial \log(L(\beta))}{\partial \beta_j})_{ij}] \end{aligned} \]

Under regularity conditions, this is equivalent to the negative of the expected value of the Hessian Matrix

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathbf{I}(\beta) &= -E[\frac{\partial^2 \log(L(\beta))}{\partial \beta \partial \beta'}] \\ &= -E[(\frac{\partial^2 \log(L(\beta))}{\partial \beta_i \partial \beta_j})_{ij}] \end{aligned} \]


\[ x_i' \beta = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i \]

\[ \begin{aligned} - \frac{\partial^2 \ln(L(\beta))}{\partial \beta^2_0} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\exp(x'_i \beta)}{1 + \exp(x'_i \beta)} - [\frac{\exp(x_i' \beta)}{1+ \exp(x'_i \beta)}]^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n p_i (1-p_i) \\ - \frac{\partial^2 \ln(L(\beta))}{\partial \beta^2_1} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{x_i^2\exp(x'_i \beta)}{1 + \exp(x'_i \beta)} - [\frac{x_i\exp(x_i' \beta)}{1+ \exp(x'_i \beta)}]^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2p_i (1-p_i) \\ - \frac{\partial^2 \ln(L(\beta))}{\partial \beta_0 \partial \beta_1} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{x_i\exp(x'_i \beta)}{1 + \exp(x'_i \beta)} - x_i[\frac{\exp(x_i' \beta)}{1+ \exp(x'_i \beta)}]^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n x_ip_i (1-p_i) \end{aligned} \]


\[ \mathbf{I} (\beta) = \left[ \begin{array} {cc} \sum_i p_i(1-p_i) & \sum_i x_i p_i(1-p_i) \\ \sum_i x_i p_i(1-p_i) & \sum_i x_i^2 p_i(1-p_i) \end{array} \right] \]


Likelihood Ratio Tests

To formulate the test, let \(\beta = [\beta_1', \beta_2']'\). If you are interested in testing a hypothesis about \(\beta_1\), then we leave \(\beta_2\) unspecified (called nuisance parameters). \(\beta_1\) and \(\beta_2\) can either a vector or scalar, or \(\beta_2\) can be null.

Example: \(H_0: \beta_1 = \beta_{1,0}\) (where \(\beta_{1,0}\) is specified) and \(\hat{\beta}_{2,0}\) be the MLE of \(\beta_2\) under the restriction that \(\beta_1 = \beta_{1,0}\). The likelihood ratio test statistic is

\[ -2\log\Lambda = -2[\log(L(\beta_{1,0},\hat{\beta}_{2,0})) - \log(L(\hat{\beta}_1,\hat{\beta}_2))] \]


  • the first term is the value fo the likelihood for the fitted restricted model
  • the second term is the likelihood value of the fitted unrestricted model

Under the null,

\[ -2 \log \Lambda \sim \chi^2_{\upsilon} \]

where \(\upsilon\) is the dimension of \(\beta_1\)

We reject the null when \(-2\log \Lambda > \chi_{\upsilon,1-\alpha}^2\)

Wald Statistics

Based on

\[ \hat{\beta} \sim AN (\beta, [\mathbf{I}(\beta)^{-1}]) \]

\[ H_0: \mathbf{L}\hat{\beta} = 0 \]

where \(\mathbf{L}\) is a \(q \times p\) matrix with \(q\) linearly independent rows. Then

\[ W = (\mathbf{L\hat{\beta}})'(\mathbf{L[I(\hat{\beta})]^{-1}L'})^{-1}(\mathbf{L\hat{\beta}}) \]

under the null hypothesis

Confidence interval

\[ \hat{\beta}_i \pm 1.96 \hat{s}_{ii}^2 \]

where \(\hat{s}_{ii}^2\) is the i-th diagonal of \(\mathbf{[I(\hat{\beta})]}^{-1}\)

If you have

  • large sample size, the likelihood ratio and Wald tests have similar results.
  • small sample size, the likelihood ratio test is better.

Logistic Regression: Interpretation of \(\beta\)

For single regressor, the model is

\[ logit\{\hat{p}_{x_i}\} \equiv logit (\hat{p}_i) = \log(\frac{\hat{p}_i}{1 - \hat{p}_i}) = \hat{\beta}_0 + \hat{\beta}_1 x_i \]

When \(x= x_i + 1\)

\[ logit\{\hat{p}_{x_i +1}\} = \hat{\beta}_0 + \hat{\beta}(x_i + 1) = logit\{\hat{p}_{x_i}\} + \hat{\beta}_1 \]


\[ \begin{aligned} logit\{\hat{p}_{x_i +1}\} - logit\{\hat{p}_{x_i}\} &= log\{odds[\hat{p}_{x_i +1}]\} - log\{odds[\hat{p}_{x_i}]\} \\ &= log(\frac{odds[\hat{p}_{x_i + 1}]}{odds[\hat{p}_{x_i}]}) = \hat{\beta}_1 \end{aligned} \]


\[ exp(\hat{\beta}_1) = \frac{odds[\hat{p}_{x_i + 1}]}{odds[\hat{p}_{x_i}]} \]

the estimated odds ratio

the estimated odds ratio, when there is a difference of c units in the regressor x, is \(exp(c\hat{\beta}_1)\). When there are multiple covariates, \(exp(\hat{\beta}_k)\) is the estimated odds ratio for the variable \(x_k\), assuming that all of the other variables are held constant.

Inference on the Mean Response

Let \(x_h = (1, x_{h1}, ...,x_{h,p-1})'\). Then

\[ \hat{p}_h = \frac{exp(\mathbf{x'_h \hat{\beta}})}{1 + exp(\mathbf{x'_h \hat{\beta}})} \]

and \(s^2(\hat{p}_h) = \mathbf{x'_h[I(\hat{\beta})]^{-1}x_h}\)

For new observation, we can have a cutoff point to decide whether y = 0 or 1.

7.1.1 Application


Logistic Regression

\(x \sim Unif(-0.5,2.5)\). Then \(\eta = 0.5 + 0.75 x\)

set.seed(23) #set seed for reproducibility
x <- runif(1000, min = -0.5, max = 2.5)
eta1 <- 0.5 + 0.75 * x

Passing \(\eta\)’s into the inverse-logit function, we get

\[ p = \frac{\exp(\eta)}{1+ \exp(\eta)} \]

where \(p \in [0,1]\)

Then, we generate \(y \sim Bernoulli(p)\)

p <- exp(eta1) / (1 + exp(eta1))
y <- rbinom(1000, 1, p)
BinData <- data.frame(X = x, Y = y)

Model Fit

Logistic_Model <- glm(formula = Y ~ X,
                      family = binomial, # family = specifies the response distribution
                      data = BinData)
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = Y ~ X, family = binomial, data = BinData)
#> Deviance Residuals: 
#>     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
#> -2.2317   0.4153   0.5574   0.7922   1.1469  
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
#> (Intercept)  0.46205    0.10201   4.530 5.91e-06 ***
#> X            0.78527    0.09296   8.447  < 2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#>     Null deviance: 1106.7  on 999  degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 1027.4  on 998  degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 1031.4
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
#>                 2.5 %    97.5 %
#> (Intercept) 0.2618709 0.6622204
#> X           0.6028433 0.9676934
OddsRatio <- coef(Logistic_Model) %>% exp
#> (Intercept)           X 
#>    1.587318    2.192995

Based on the odds ratio, when

  • \(x = 0\) , the odds of success of 1.59
  • \(x = 1\), the odds of success increase by a factor of 2.19 (i.e., 119.29% increase).

Deviance Tests

  • \(H_0\): No variables are related to the response (i.e., model with just the intercept)
  • \(H_1\): At least one variable is related to the response
Test_Dev <- Logistic_Model$null.deviance - Logistic_Model$deviance
p_val_dev <- 1 - pchisq(q = Test_Dev, df = 1)

Since we see the p-value of 0, we reject the null that no variables are related to the response

Deviance residuals

Logistic_Resids <- residuals(Logistic_Model, type = "deviance")
    y = Logistic_Resids,
    x = BinData$X,
    xlab = 'X',
    ylab = 'Deviance Resids'

However, this plot is not informative. Hence, we can can see the residuals plots that are grouped into bins based on prediction values.

plot_bin <- function(Y,
                     bins = 100,
                     return.DF = FALSE) {
    Y_Name <- deparse(substitute(Y))
    X_Name <- deparse(substitute(X))
    Binned_Plot <- data.frame(Plot_Y = Y, Plot_X = X)
    Binned_Plot$bin <-
        cut(Binned_Plot$Plot_X, breaks = bins) %>% as.numeric
    Binned_Plot_summary <- Binned_Plot %>%
        group_by(bin) %>%
            Y_ave = mean(Plot_Y),
            X_ave = mean(Plot_X),
            Count = n()
        ) %>% as.data.frame
        y = Binned_Plot_summary$Y_ave,
        x = Binned_Plot_summary$X_ave,
        ylab = Y_Name,
        xlab = X_Name
    if (return.DF)

plot_bin(Y = Logistic_Resids,
         X = BinData$X,
         bins = 100)

We can also see the predicted value against the residuals.

Logistic_Predictions <- predict(Logistic_Model, type = "response")
plot_bin(Y = Logistic_Resids, X = Logistic_Predictions, bins = 100)

We can also look at a binned plot of the logistic prediction versus the true category

NumBins <- 10
Binned_Data <- plot_bin(
    Y = BinData$Y,
    X = Logistic_Predictions,
    bins = NumBins,
    return.DF = TRUE
#>    bin     Y_ave     X_ave Count
#> 1    1 0.5833333 0.5382095    72
#> 2    2 0.5200000 0.5795887    75
#> 3    3 0.6567164 0.6156540    67
#> 4    4 0.7014925 0.6579674    67
#> 5    5 0.6373626 0.6984765    91
#> 6    6 0.7500000 0.7373341    72
#> 7    7 0.7096774 0.7786747    93
#> 8    8 0.8503937 0.8203819   127
#> 9    9 0.8947368 0.8601232   133
#> 10  10 0.8916256 0.9004734   203
abline(0, 1, lty = 2, col = 'blue')

Formal deviance test

Hosmer-Lemeshow test

Null hypothesis: the observed events match the expected evens

\[ X^2_{HL} = \sum_{j=1}^{J} \frac{(y_j - m_j \hat{p}_j)^2}{m_j \hat{p}_j(1-\hat{p}_j)} \]


  • within the j-th bin, \(y_j\) is the number of successes
  • \(m_j\) = number of observations
  • \(\hat{p}_j\) = predicted probability

Under the null hypothesis, \(X^2_{HLL} \sim \chi^2_{J-1}\)

HL_BinVals <-
    (Binned_Data$Count * Binned_Data$Y_ave - Binned_Data$Count * Binned_Data$X_ave) ^ 2 /   Binned_Data$Count * Binned_Data$X_ave * (1 - Binned_Data$X_ave)
HLpval <- pchisq(q = sum(HL_BinVals),
                 df = NumBins,
                 lower.tail = FALSE)
#> [1] 0.9999989

Since \(p\)-value = 0.99, we do not reject the null hypothesis (i.e., the model is fitting well).