D.19 Answers: CIs for one proportion
Answers to exercises in Sect. 20.11.
Answer to Exercise 20.1: ˆp=2182/6882=0.317059 and n=6882. So:
s.e.(ˆp)=√0.317059×(1−0.317059)6882=0.005609244. The CI is 0.317059±(2×0.005609244), or 0.317059±0.01121849.
Rounding sensibly: 0.317±0.011 (notice we keep lots of decimal places in the working, but round the final answer).
Answer to Exercise 20.2:
approximate 95% CI is
or 0.0519±0.0358,
equivalent to 0.016 to 0.088.
The CI is statistically valid.
Answer to Exercise 20.3:
Use ˆp=708/864=0.8194444 and n=864.
Standard error: s.e.(ˆp)=0.01308604;
approximate 95% CI is
The CI is statistically valid.

FIGURE D.6: The sampling distribution of the proportion of males in samples of 864 people with hiccups
Answer to Exercise 20.4:
1. Approximately n=1/(0.052)=400.
2. Approximately n=1/(0.0252)=1600.
3. To halve the width of the interval, four times as many people are needed.
Answer to Exercise 20.5: After 3000 hours: ˆp=0.2143; s.e.(ˆp)=0.06331. The CI is from 0.088 to 0.341. The statistical validity conditions are satisfied.
After 400 hours: ˆp=0; s.e.(ˆp)=0. The CI is from 0 to 0: clearly silly (implies no sampling variation). This is because the statistical validity conditions are not satisfied.