5.6 Partial Least Squares Estimator
Partial Least Squares (PLS) is a dimensionality reduction technique used for regression and predictive modeling. It is particularly useful when predictors are highly collinear or when the number of predictors (p) exceeds the number of observations (n). Unlike methods such as Principal Component Regression (PCR), PLS simultaneously considers the relationship between predictors and the response variable.
5.6.1 Motivation for PLS
Limitations of Classical Methods
- Multicollinearity:
- OLS fails when predictors are highly correlated because the design matrix X′X becomes nearly singular, leading to unstable estimates.
- High-Dimensional Data:
- When p>n, OLS cannot be directly applied as X′X is not invertible.
- Principal Component Regression (PCR):
- While PCR addresses multicollinearity by using principal components of X, it does not account for the relationship between predictors and the response variable y when constructing components.
PLS overcomes these limitations by constructing components that maximize the covariance between predictors X and the response y. It finds a compromise between explaining the variance in X and predicting y, making it particularly suited for regression in high-dimensional or collinear datasets.
X be the n×p matrix of predictors,
y be the n×1 response vector,
tk be the k-th latent component derived from X,
pk and qk be the loadings for X and y, respectively.
PLS aims to construct latent components t1,t2,…,tK such that:
- Each tk is a linear combination of the predictors: tk=Xwk, where wk is a weight vector. 2
- The covariance between tk and y is maximized: Maximize Cov(tk,y)=w′kX′y.
5.6.2 Steps to Construct PLS Components
- Compute Weights:
- The weights wk for the k-th component are obtained by solving: wk=X′y‖
- Construct Latent Component:
- Form the k-th latent component: t_k = X w_k.
- Deflate the Predictors:
- After extracting t_k, the predictors are deflated to remove the information explained by t_k: X \leftarrow X - t_k p_k', where p_k = \frac{X't_k}{t_k't_k} are the loadings for X.
- Deflate the Response:
- Similarly, deflate y to remove the variance explained by t_k: y \leftarrow y - t_k q_k, where q_k = \frac{t_k'y}{t_k't_k}.
- Repeat for All Components:
- Repeat the steps above until K components are extracted.
After constructing K components, the response y is modeled as:
y = T C + \epsilon,
T = [t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_K] is the matrix of latent components,
C is the vector of regression coefficients.
The estimated coefficients for the original predictors are then:
\hat{\beta} = W (P' W)^{-1} C,
where W = [w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_K] and P = [p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_K].
5.6.3 Properties of PLS
- Dimensionality Reduction:
- PLS reduces X to K components, where K \leq \min(n, p).
- Handles Multicollinearity:
- By constructing uncorrelated components, PLS avoids the instability caused by multicollinearity in OLS.
- Supervised Dimensionality Reduction:
- Unlike PCR, PLS considers the relationship between X and y when constructing components.
- Efficiency:
- PLS requires fewer components than PCR to achieve a similar level of predictive accuracy.
Practical Considerations
- Number of Components:
- The optimal number of components K can be determined using cross-validation.
- Preprocessing:
- Standardizing predictors is essential for PLS, as it ensures that all variables are on the same scale.
- Comparison with Other Methods:
- PLS outperforms OLS and PCR in cases of multicollinearity or when p > n, but it may be less interpretable than sparse methods like Lasso.
# Load required library
# Step 1: Simulate data
set.seed(123) # Ensure reproducibility
n <- 100 # Number of observations
p <- 10 # Number of predictors
X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p) # Design matrix (predictors)
beta <- runif(p) # True coefficients
y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(n) # Response variable with noise
# Step 2: Fit Partial Least Squares (PLS) Regression
pls_fit <- plsr(y ~ X, ncomp = 5, validation = "CV")
# Step 3: Summarize the PLS Model
#> Data: X dimension: 100 10
#> Y dimension: 100 1
#> Fit method: kernelpls
#> Number of components considered: 5
#> Cross-validated using 10 random segments.
#> (Intercept) 1 comps 2 comps 3 comps 4 comps 5 comps
#> CV 1.339 1.123 1.086 1.090 1.088 1.087
#> adjCV 1.339 1.112 1.078 1.082 1.080 1.080
#> TRAINING: % variance explained
#> 1 comps 2 comps 3 comps 4 comps 5 comps
#> X 10.88 20.06 30.80 42.19 51.61
#> y 44.80 48.44 48.76 48.78 48.78
# Step 4: Perform Cross-Validation and Select Optimal Components
validationplot(pls_fit, val.type = "MSEP")
# Step 5: Extract Coefficients for Predictors
pls_coefficients <- coef(pls_fit)
#> , , 5 comps
#> y
#> X1 0.30192935
#> X2 -0.03161151
#> X3 0.22392538
#> X4 0.42315637
#> X5 0.33000198
#> X6 0.66228763
#> X7 0.40452691
#> X8 -0.05704037
#> X9 -0.02699757
#> X10 0.05944765
# Step 6: Evaluate Model Performance
predicted_y <- predict(pls_fit, X)
actual_vs_predicted <- data.frame(
Actual = y,
Predicted = predicted_y[, , 5] # Predicted values using 5 components
# Plot Actual vs Predicted
ggplot(actual_vs_predicted, aes(x = Actual, y = Predicted)) +
geom_point() +
intercept = 0,
slope = 1,
color = "red",
linetype = "dashed"
) +
labs(title = "Actual vs Predicted Values (PLS Regression)",
x = "Actual Values",
y = "Predicted Values") +
# Step 7: Extract and Interpret Variable Importance (Loadings)
loadings_matrix <- as.matrix(unclass(loadings(pls_fit)))
variable_importance <- as.data.frame(loadings_matrix)
colnames(variable_importance) <-
paste0("Component_", 1:ncol(variable_importance))
rownames(variable_importance) <-
paste0("X", 1:nrow(variable_importance))
# Print variable importance
#> Component_1 Component_2 Component_3 Component_4 Component_5
#> X1 -0.04991097 0.5774569 0.24349681 -0.41550345 -0.02098351
#> X2 0.08913192 -0.1139342 -0.17582957 -0.05709948 -0.06707863
#> X3 0.13773357 0.1633338 0.07622919 -0.07248620 -0.61962875
#> X4 0.40369572 -0.2730457 0.69994206 -0.07949013 0.35239113
#> X5 0.50562681 -0.1788131 -0.27936562 0.36197480 -0.41919645
#> X6 0.57044281 0.3358522 -0.38683260 0.17656349 0.31154275
#> X7 0.36258623 0.1202109 -0.01753715 -0.12980483 -0.06919411
#> X8 0.12975452 -0.1164935 -0.30479310 -0.65654861 0.49948167
#> X9 -0.29521786 0.6170234 -0.32082508 -0.01041860 0.04904396
#> X10 0.23930055 -0.3259554 0.20006888 -0.53547258 -0.17963372
The loadings provide the contribution of each predictor to the PLS components. Higher absolute values indicate stronger contributions to the corresponding component.
Summary of the Model:
The proportion of variance explained indicates how much of the variability in both the predictors and response is captured by each PLS component.
The goal is to retain enough components to explain most of the variance while avoiding overfitting.
Validation Plot:
The Mean Squared Error of Prediction (MSEP) curve is used to select the optimal number of components.
Adding too many components can lead to overfitting, while too few may underfit the data.
The extracted coefficients are the weights applied to the predictors in the final PLS model.
These coefficients are derived from the PLS components and may differ from OLS regression coefficients due to dimensionality reduction.
Actual vs Predicted Plot:
This visualization evaluates how well the PLS model predicts the response variable.
Points tightly clustered around the diagonal indicate good performance.
VIP Scores:
VIP scores help identify the most important predictors in the PLS model.
Predictors with higher VIP scores contribute more to explaining the response variable.