第 86 章 探索性数据分析-ames房屋价格
86.1 数据故事

图 86.1: 这是数据故事的地图
ames <- read_csv("./demo_data/ames_houseprice.csv") %>%
## Rows: 1,460
## Columns: 81
## $ id <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,…
## $ ms_sub_class <dbl> 60, 20, 60, 70, 60, 50, 20, 60, 50, 190, 20, 60, 20, 2…
## $ ms_zoning <chr> "RL", "RL", "RL", "RL", "RL", "RL", "RL", "RL", "RM", …
## $ lot_frontage <dbl> 65, 80, 68, 60, 84, 85, 75, NA, 51, 50, 70, 85, NA, 91…
## $ lot_area <dbl> 8450, 9600, 11250, 9550, 14260, 14115, 10084, 10382, 6…
## $ street <chr> "Pave", "Pave", "Pave", "Pave", "Pave", "Pave", "Pave"…
## $ alley <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…
## $ lot_shape <chr> "Reg", "Reg", "IR1", "IR1", "IR1", "IR1", "Reg", "IR1"…
## $ land_contour <chr> "Lvl", "Lvl", "Lvl", "Lvl", "Lvl", "Lvl", "Lvl", "Lvl"…
## $ utilities <chr> "AllPub", "AllPub", "AllPub", "AllPub", "AllPub", "All…
## $ lot_config <chr> "Inside", "FR2", "Inside", "Corner", "FR2", "Inside", …
## $ land_slope <chr> "Gtl", "Gtl", "Gtl", "Gtl", "Gtl", "Gtl", "Gtl", "Gtl"…
## $ neighborhood <chr> "CollgCr", "Veenker", "CollgCr", "Crawfor", "NoRidge",…
## $ condition1 <chr> "Norm", "Feedr", "Norm", "Norm", "Norm", "Norm", "Norm…
## $ condition2 <chr> "Norm", "Norm", "Norm", "Norm", "Norm", "Norm", "Norm"…
## $ bldg_type <chr> "1Fam", "1Fam", "1Fam", "1Fam", "1Fam", "1Fam", "1Fam"…
## $ house_style <chr> "2Story", "1Story", "2Story", "2Story", "2Story", "1.5…
## $ overall_qual <dbl> 7, 6, 7, 7, 8, 5, 8, 7, 7, 5, 5, 9, 5, 7, 6, 7, 6, 4, …
## $ overall_cond <dbl> 5, 8, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 8, 7, 5, …
## $ year_built <dbl> 2003, 1976, 2001, 1915, 2000, 1993, 2004, 1973, 1931, …
## $ year_remod_add <dbl> 2003, 1976, 2002, 1970, 2000, 1995, 2005, 1973, 1950, …
## $ roof_style <chr> "Gable", "Gable", "Gable", "Gable", "Gable", "Gable", …
## $ roof_matl <chr> "CompShg", "CompShg", "CompShg", "CompShg", "CompShg",…
## $ exterior1st <chr> "VinylSd", "MetalSd", "VinylSd", "Wd Sdng", "VinylSd",…
## $ exterior2nd <chr> "VinylSd", "MetalSd", "VinylSd", "Wd Shng", "VinylSd",…
## $ mas_vnr_type <chr> "BrkFace", "None", "BrkFace", "None", "BrkFace", "None…
## $ mas_vnr_area <dbl> 196, 0, 162, 0, 350, 0, 186, 240, 0, 0, 0, 286, 0, 306…
## $ exter_qual <chr> "Gd", "TA", "Gd", "TA", "Gd", "TA", "Gd", "TA", "TA", …
## $ exter_cond <chr> "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", …
## $ foundation <chr> "PConc", "CBlock", "PConc", "BrkTil", "PConc", "Wood",…
## $ bsmt_qual <chr> "Gd", "Gd", "Gd", "TA", "Gd", "Gd", "Ex", "Gd", "TA", …
## $ bsmt_cond <chr> "TA", "TA", "TA", "Gd", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", …
## $ bsmt_exposure <chr> "No", "Gd", "Mn", "No", "Av", "No", "Av", "Mn", "No", …
## $ bsmt_fin_type1 <chr> "GLQ", "ALQ", "GLQ", "ALQ", "GLQ", "GLQ", "GLQ", "ALQ"…
## $ bsmt_fin_sf1 <dbl> 706, 978, 486, 216, 655, 732, 1369, 859, 0, 851, 906, …
## $ bsmt_fin_type2 <chr> "Unf", "Unf", "Unf", "Unf", "Unf", "Unf", "Unf", "BLQ"…
## $ bsmt_fin_sf2 <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,…
## $ bsmt_unf_sf <dbl> 150, 284, 434, 540, 490, 64, 317, 216, 952, 140, 134, …
## $ total_bsmt_sf <dbl> 856, 1262, 920, 756, 1145, 796, 1686, 1107, 952, 991, …
## $ heating <chr> "GasA", "GasA", "GasA", "GasA", "GasA", "GasA", "GasA"…
## $ heating_qc <chr> "Ex", "Ex", "Ex", "Gd", "Ex", "Ex", "Ex", "Ex", "Gd", …
## $ central_air <chr> "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y",…
## $ electrical <chr> "SBrkr", "SBrkr", "SBrkr", "SBrkr", "SBrkr", "SBrkr", …
## $ x1st_flr_sf <dbl> 856, 1262, 920, 961, 1145, 796, 1694, 1107, 1022, 1077…
## $ x2nd_flr_sf <dbl> 854, 0, 866, 756, 1053, 566, 0, 983, 752, 0, 0, 1142, …
## $ low_qual_fin_sf <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
## $ gr_liv_area <dbl> 1710, 1262, 1786, 1717, 2198, 1362, 1694, 2090, 1774, …
## $ bsmt_full_bath <dbl> 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, …
## $ bsmt_half_bath <dbl> 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
## $ full_bath <dbl> 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, …
## $ half_bath <dbl> 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, …
## $ bedroom_abv_gr <dbl> 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, …
## $ kitchen_abv_gr <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, …
## $ kitchen_qual <chr> "Gd", "TA", "Gd", "Gd", "Gd", "TA", "Gd", "TA", "TA", …
## $ tot_rms_abv_grd <dbl> 8, 6, 6, 7, 9, 5, 7, 7, 8, 5, 5, 11, 4, 7, 5, 5, 5, 6,…
## $ functional <chr> "Typ", "Typ", "Typ", "Typ", "Typ", "Typ", "Typ", "Typ"…
## $ fireplaces <dbl> 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, …
## $ fireplace_qu <chr> NA, "TA", "TA", "Gd", "TA", NA, "Gd", "TA", "TA", "TA"…
## $ garage_type <chr> "Attchd", "Attchd", "Attchd", "Detchd", "Attchd", "Att…
## $ garage_yr_blt <dbl> 2003, 1976, 2001, 1998, 2000, 1993, 2004, 1973, 1931, …
## $ garage_finish <chr> "RFn", "RFn", "RFn", "Unf", "RFn", "Unf", "RFn", "RFn"…
## $ garage_cars <dbl> 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, …
## $ garage_area <dbl> 548, 460, 608, 642, 836, 480, 636, 484, 468, 205, 384,…
## $ garage_qual <chr> "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "Fa", …
## $ garage_cond <chr> "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", "TA", …
## $ paved_drive <chr> "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y", "Y",…
## $ wood_deck_sf <dbl> 0, 298, 0, 0, 192, 40, 255, 235, 90, 0, 0, 147, 140, 1…
## $ open_porch_sf <dbl> 61, 0, 42, 35, 84, 30, 57, 204, 0, 4, 0, 21, 0, 33, 21…
## $ enclosed_porch <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 272, 0, 0, 0, 228, 205, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 176, 0…
## $ x3ssn_porch <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0…
## $ screen_porch <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 176, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0…
## $ pool_area <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, …
## $ pool_qc <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…
## $ fence <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "MnPrv", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N…
## $ misc_feature <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "Shed", NA, "Shed", NA, NA, NA, NA…
## $ misc_val <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 700, 0, 350, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70…
## $ mo_sold <dbl> 2, 5, 9, 2, 12, 10, 8, 11, 4, 1, 2, 7, 9, 8, 5, 7, 3, …
## $ yr_sold <dbl> 2008, 2007, 2008, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2007, 2009, 2008, …
## $ sale_type <chr> "WD", "WD", "WD", "WD", "WD", "WD", "WD", "WD", "WD", …
## $ sale_condition <chr> "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Abnorml", "Normal", "No…
## $ sale_price <dbl> 208500, 181500, 223500, 140000, 250000, 143000, 307000…
explanation <- readxl::read_excel("./demo_data/ames_houseprice_explanation.xlsx")
explanation %>%
列名 | description | 解释 |
MSSubClass | Identifies the type of dwelling involved in the sale. | 住宅概况 |
MSZoning | Identifies the general zoning classification of the sale. | 建筑性质(农业、商业、高/低密度住宅) |
LotFrontage | Linear feet of street connected to property | 建筑离街道的距离 |
LotArea | Lot size in square feet | 占地面积 |
Street | Type of road access to property | 建筑附近的路面材质 |
Alley | Type of alley access to property | 建筑附近小巷的修建材质 |
LotShape | General shape of property | 建筑物的形状 |
LandContour | Flatness of the property | 地面平坦程度 |
Utilities | Type of utilities available | 可用公用设施类型 |
LotConfig | Lot configuration | 房屋哪里配置多 |
LandSlope | Slope of property | 建筑的斜率 |
Neighborhood | Physical locations within Ames city limits | 建筑在Ames城市的位置 |
Condition1 | Proximity to various conditions | 建筑附近的交通网络 |
Condition2 | Proximity to various conditions (if more than one is present) | 建筑附近的交通网络 |
BldgType | Type of dwelling | 住宅类别(联排别墅、独栋别墅…) |
HouseStyle | Style of dwelling | 建筑风格 |
OverallQual | Rates the overall material and finish of the house | 房屋装饰材质水平 |
OverallCond | Rates the overall condition of the house | 房屋整体状况评估 |
YearBuilt | Original construction date | 房屋修建日期 |
YearRemodAdd | Remodel date (same as construction date if no remodeling or additions) | 房屋改建日期 |
RoofStyle | Type of roof | 屋顶类型 |
RoofMatl | Roof material | 屋顶材质 |
Exterior1st | Exterior covering on house | 建筑外立面材质 |
Exterior2nd | Exterior covering on house (if more than one material) | 建筑外立面材质 |
MasVnrType | Masonry veneer type | 建筑表层砌体类型 |
MasVnrArea | Masonry veneer area in square feet | 每平方英尺的砌体面积 |
ExterQual | Evaluates the quality of the material on the exterior | 建筑表层砌体材料质量评估 |
ExterCond | Evaluates the present condition of the material on the exterior | 建筑表层砌体材料现状评估 |
Foundation | Type of foundation | 建筑基础的类型 |
BsmtQual | Evaluates the height of the basement | 地下室高度评估 |
BsmtCond | Evaluates the general condition of the basement | 地下室总体状况评估 |
BsmtExposure | Refers to walkout or garden level walls | 走廊/花园外墙的评估 |
BsmtFinType1 | Rating of basement finished area | 地下室完工区域的等级评价 |
BsmtFinSF1 | Type 1 finished square feet | 地下室完工区域的面积 |
BsmtFinType2 | Rating of basement finished area (if multiple types) | 其他地下室完工区域的等级评价 |
BsmtFinSF2 | Type 2 finished square feet | 其他地下室完工区域的面积 |
BsmtUnfSF | Unfinished square feet of basement area | 地下室未完工部分的面积 |
TotalBsmtSF | Total square feet of basement area | 地下室总面积 |
Heating | Type of heating | 房屋暖气类型(地暖、墙暖….) |
HeatingQC | Heating quality and condition | 暖气设施的质量和条件 |
CentralAir | Central air conditioning | 是否有中央空调 |
Electrical | Electrical system | 电器系统配置标准 |
1stFlrSF | First Floor square feet | 一楼面积 |
2ndFlrSF | Second floor square feet | 二楼面积 |
LowQualFinSF | Low quality finished square feet (all floors) | 所有楼层中低质量施工面积 |
GrLivArea | Above grade (ground) living area square feet | 地上居住面积 |
BsmtFullBath | Basement full bathrooms | 地下室标准卫生间个数 |
BsmtHalfBath | Basement half bathrooms | 地下室简易卫生间个数 |
FullBath | Full bathrooms above grade | 地上楼层标准卫生间个数 |
HalfBath | Half baths above grade | 地上楼层简易卫生间个数 |
BedroomAbvGr | Bedrooms above grade (does NOT include basement bedrooms) | 地上楼层卧室个数 |
KitchenAbvGr | Kitchens above grade | 地上楼层厨房个数 |
KitchenQual | Kitchen quality | 厨房质量评估 |
TopRmsAbvGrd | Total rooms above grade (does not include bathrooms) | 地上楼层房间总数(除去卧室) |
Functional | Home functionality (Assume typical unless deductions are warranted) | 房屋功能情况 |
Fireplaces | Number of fireplaces | 壁炉个数 |
FireplaceQu | Fireplace quality | 壁炉质量 |
GarageType | Garage location | 车库位置 |
GarageYrBlt | Year garage was built | 车库建成年份 |
GarageFinish | Interior finish of the garage | 车库内部装饰情况 |
GarageCars | Size of garage in car capacity | 车库容量 |
GarageArea | Size of garage in square feet | 车库占地面积 |
GarageQual | Garage quality | 车库质量 |
GarageCond | Garage condition | 车库条件 |
PavedDrive | Paved driveway | 车道施工方式 |
WoodDeckSF | Wood deck area in square feet | 木甲板面积 |
OpenPorchSF | Open porch area in square feet | 开放式门廊面积 |
EnclosedPorch | Enclosed porch area in square feet | 封闭式门廊面积 |
3SsnPorch | Three season porch area in square feet | 三季门廊面积 |
ScreenPorch | Screen porch area in square feet | 纱窗门廊面积 |
PoolArea | Pool area in square feet | 游泳池面积 |
PoolQC | Pool quality | 游泳池质量 |
Fence | Fence quality | 栅栏质量 |
MiscFeature | Miscellaneous feature not covered in other categories | 其他配套设施(网球场、电梯…) |
MiscVal | $Value of miscellaneous feature | 其他配套设施的费用 |
MoSold | Month Sold (MM) | 销售月份 |
YrSold | Year Sold (YYYY) | 销售年份 |
SaleType | Type of sale | 支付方式 |
SaleCondition | Condition of sale | 房屋出售的情况 |
86.2 探索设想
- 读懂数据描述,比如
- 房屋设施 (bedrooms, garage, fireplace, pool, porch, etc.),
- 地理位置 (neighborhood),
- 土地信息 (zoning, shape, size, etc.),
- 品相等级
- 出售价格
- 探索影响房屋价格的因素
- 必要的预处理(缺失值处理、标准化、对数化等等)
- 必要的可视化(比如价格分布图等)
- 必要的统计(比如各地区房屋价格的均值)
- 合理选取若干预测变量,建立多元线性模型,并对模型结果给出解释
- 房屋价格与预测变量(房屋大小、在城市的位置、房屋类型、与街道的距离)
86.3 变量选取
- lot_frontage, 建筑离街道的距离
- lot_area, 占地面积
- neighborhood, 建筑在城市的位置
- gr_liv_area, 地上居住面积
- bldg_type, 住宅类别(联排别墅、独栋别墅…)
- year_built 房屋修建日期
d <- ames %>%
## # A tibble: 1,460 × 7
## sale_price lot_frontage lot_area neighborhood gr_liv_area bldg_type
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 208500 65 8450 CollgCr 1710 1Fam
## 2 181500 80 9600 Veenker 1262 1Fam
## 3 223500 68 11250 CollgCr 1786 1Fam
## 4 140000 60 9550 Crawfor 1717 1Fam
## 5 250000 84 14260 NoRidge 2198 1Fam
## 6 143000 85 14115 Mitchel 1362 1Fam
## 7 307000 75 10084 Somerst 1694 1Fam
## 8 200000 NA 10382 NWAmes 2090 1Fam
## 9 129900 51 6120 OldTown 1774 1Fam
## 10 118000 50 7420 BrkSide 1077 2fmCon
## # ℹ 1,450 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: year_built <dbl>
86.4 缺失值处理
## # A tibble: 1 × 7
## sale_price lot_frontage lot_area neighborhood gr_liv_area bldg_type year_built
## <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 0 259 0 0 0 0 0
d %>%
## # A tibble: 259 × 7
## sale_price lot_frontage lot_area neighborhood gr_liv_area bldg_type
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 200000 NA 10382 NWAmes 2090 1Fam
## 2 144000 NA 12968 Sawyer 912 1Fam
## 3 157000 NA 10920 NAmes 1253 1Fam
## 4 149000 NA 11241 NAmes 1004 1Fam
## 5 154000 NA 8246 Sawyer 1060 1Fam
## 6 149350 NA 8544 Sawyer 1228 1Fam
## 7 144000 NA 9180 SawyerW 884 1Fam
## 8 130250 NA 9200 CollgCr 938 1Fam
## 9 177000 NA 13869 Gilbert 1470 1Fam
## 10 219500 NA 9375 CollgCr 2034 1Fam
## # ℹ 249 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: year_built <dbl>
86.5 预处理
- 标准化
standard <- function(x) {
(x - mean(x)) / sd(x)
d %>%
across(where(is.numeric), standard),
across(where(is.character), as.factor)
## # A tibble: 1,201 × 7
## sale_price lot_frontage lot_area neighborhood gr_liv_area bldg_type
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <fct>
## 1 0.333 -0.208 -0.190 CollgCr 0.375 1Fam
## 2 0.00875 0.410 -0.0444 Veenker -0.470 1Fam
## 3 0.512 -0.0844 0.164 CollgCr 0.519 1Fam
## 4 -0.489 -0.414 -0.0507 Crawfor 0.388 1Fam
## 5 0.830 0.574 0.544 NoRidge 1.30 1Fam
## 6 -0.453 0.616 0.525 Mitchel -0.281 1Fam
## 7 1.51 0.204 0.0167 Somerst 0.345 1Fam
## 8 -0.610 -0.784 -0.484 OldTown 0.496 1Fam
## 9 -0.753 -0.826 -0.319 BrkSide -0.819 2fmCon
## 10 -0.615 -0.00206 0.158 Sawyer -0.889 1Fam
## # ℹ 1,191 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: year_built <dbl>
- 对数化
## # A tibble: 1,201 × 8
## sale_price lot_frontage lot_area neighborhood gr_liv_area bldg_type
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 208500 65 8450 CollgCr 1710 1Fam
## 2 181500 80 9600 Veenker 1262 1Fam
## 3 223500 68 11250 CollgCr 1786 1Fam
## 4 140000 60 9550 Crawfor 1717 1Fam
## 5 250000 84 14260 NoRidge 2198 1Fam
## 6 143000 85 14115 Mitchel 1362 1Fam
## 7 307000 75 10084 Somerst 1694 1Fam
## 8 129900 51 6120 OldTown 1774 1Fam
## 9 118000 50 7420 BrkSide 1077 2fmCon
## 10 129500 70 11200 Sawyer 1040 1Fam
## # ℹ 1,191 more rows
## # ℹ 2 more variables: year_built <dbl>, log_sale_price <dbl>
## # A tibble: 1,201 × 7
## sale_price lot_frontage lot_area neighborhood gr_liv_area bldg_type
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <fct>
## 1 12.2 4.17 9.04 CollgCr 7.44 1Fam
## 2 12.1 4.38 9.17 Veenker 7.14 1Fam
## 3 12.3 4.22 9.33 CollgCr 7.49 1Fam
## 4 11.8 4.09 9.16 Crawfor 7.45 1Fam
## 5 12.4 4.43 9.57 NoRidge 7.70 1Fam
## 6 11.9 4.44 9.55 Mitchel 7.22 1Fam
## 7 12.6 4.32 9.22 Somerst 7.43 1Fam
## 8 11.8 3.93 8.72 OldTown 7.48 1Fam
## 9 11.7 3.91 8.91 BrkSide 6.98 2fmCon
## 10 11.8 4.25 9.32 Sawyer 6.95 1Fam
## # ℹ 1,191 more rows
## # ℹ 1 more variable: year_built <dbl>
- 标准化 vs 对数化
d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = sale_price)) +

d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = log(sale_price))) +

86.6 有趣的探索
86.6.1 各区域的房屋价格均值
## # A tibble: 25 × 2
## neighborhood n
## <fct> <int>
## 1 Blmngtn 14
## 2 Blueste 2
## 3 BrDale 16
## 4 BrkSide 51
## 5 ClearCr 13
## 6 CollgCr 126
## 7 Crawfor 41
## 8 Edwards 92
## 9 Gilbert 49
## 10 IDOTRR 34
## # ℹ 15 more rows
d %>%
group_by(neighborhood) %>%
mean_sale = mean(sale_price)
) %>%
aes(x = mean_sale, y = fct_reorder(neighborhood, mean_sale))
) +
geom_col(aes(fill = mean_sale < 150000), show.legend = FALSE) +
geom_text(aes(label = round(mean_sale, 0)), hjust = 1) +
# scale_x_continuous(
# expand = c(0, 0),
# breaks = c(0, 100000, 200000, 300000),
# labels = c(0, "1w", "2w", "3w")
# ) +
expand = c(0, 0),
labels = scales::dollar
) +
scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "D") +
theme_classic() +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)

86.6.2 房屋价格与占地面积
d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = log_lot_area, y = log_sale_price)) +
geom_point(colour = "blue") +
geom_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE, formula = "y ~ x")

d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = log_lot_area, y = log_sale_price)) +
geom_point(aes(colour = neighborhood)) +
geom_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE, formula = "y ~ x")

d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = log_lot_area, y = log_sale_price)) +
geom_point(colour = "blue") +
geom_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE, formula = "y ~ x", fullrange = TRUE) +
facet_wrap(~neighborhood) +
theme(strip.background = element_blank())

86.6.3 房屋价格与房屋居住面积
d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = log_gr_liv_area, y = log_sale_price)) +
geom_point(aes(colour = neighborhood)) +
geom_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE, formula = "y ~ x")

d %>%
ggplot(aes(x = log_gr_liv_area, y = log_sale_price)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = lm, se = FALSE, formula = "y ~ x", fullrange = TRUE) +
facet_wrap(~neighborhood) +
theme(strip.background = element_blank())

86.6.4 车库与房屋价格
ames %>%
#select(garage_cars, garage_area, sale_price) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = garage_area, y = sale_price)) +
data = select(ames, -garage_cars),
color = "gray50"
) +
geom_point(aes(color = as_factor(garage_cars))) +
facet_wrap(vars(garage_cars)) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
ggtitle("This is the influence of garage for sale price")

86.7 建模
## # A tibble: 26 × 5
## term estimate std.error statistic p.value
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) 7.53 0.154 48.7 2.21e-284
## 2 log_gr_liv_area 0.638 0.0200 31.9 3.76e-161
## 3 neighborhoodBlueste -0.314 0.149 -2.10 3.55e- 2
## 4 neighborhoodBrDale -0.466 0.0724 -6.43 1.80e- 10
## 5 neighborhoodBrkSide -0.336 0.0597 -5.62 2.44e- 8
## 6 neighborhoodClearCr -0.103 0.0762 -1.35 1.76e- 1
## 7 neighborhoodCollgCr 0.00332 0.0556 0.0597 9.52e- 1
## 8 neighborhoodCrawfor -0.0870 0.0612 -1.42 1.55e- 1
## 9 neighborhoodEdwards -0.365 0.0567 -6.44 1.79e- 10
## 10 neighborhoodGilbert -0.0621 0.0599 -1.04 3.00e- 1
## # ℹ 16 more rows
lmer(log_sale_price ~ 1 + log_gr_liv_area + (log_gr_liv_area | neighborhood),
data = d) %>%
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
## effect group term estimate std.error statistic
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 fixed <NA> (Intercept) 6.88 0.334 20.6
## 2 fixed <NA> log_gr_liv_area 0.705 0.0493 14.3
## 3 ran_pars neighborhood sd__(Intercept) 1.34 NA NA
## 4 ran_pars neighborhood cor__(Intercept).log_gr_li… -0.993 NA NA
## 5 ran_pars neighborhood sd__log_gr_liv_area 0.205 NA NA
## 6 ran_pars Residual sd__Observation 0.191 NA NA