Chapter 17 List of Symbols

Symbol Quantity Unit Dimension
\(A\) Area m2 L2
\(A_b\) Area of cylinder representing animal’s body, measured inside fat m2 L2
\(A_c\) Area in contact with substrate m2 L2
\(A_e\) Area of emittance m2 L2
\(A_h\) Area of cylinder representing animal’s body, measured at fleece tips m2 L2
\(A_i\) Percent of total surface area exposed to radiation source \(i\) dimensionless
\(A_s\) Area of cylinder representing animal’s body, measured at the skin m2 L2
\(a\) Absorptivity dimensionless
\(a_l\) Average absorptivity to long-wave radiation dimensionless
\(a_s\) Average absorptivity to short-wave radiation dimensionless
\(a(\lambda)\) Absorptivity at wavelength \(\lambda\) dimensionless
\(B\) Sky thermal radiation W m-2 H L-2
\(Br\) Breathing rate min-1 T-1
\(b\) Wien constant 2.8978 \(\times\) 10-3 m K
\(C\) Total heat exchanged by conduction between animal and environment W H
\(C\) Convection W m-2 M T-1
\(C\) Heat capacity J K-1 H θ-1
\(C_a\) Water vapor concentration of the air kg m-1 M L-1
\(C_e\) Water vapor concentration of exhaled air kg m-1 M L-1
\(C_o\) Water vapor concentration at the surface of the organism kg m-1 M L-1
\(C_S\) speed of sound 3.50 \(\times\) 102 m s-1 L T-1
\(C_V\) Specific heat of air at constant volume 20.79 J K-1 mol-1 L2 T-2 θ-1
\(c\), \(c_L\) Speed of light 3 \(\times\) 108 m s-1 L T-1
\(c, c_p\) specific heat J kg-1 K-1 L2 T-2 θ-1
\(c_v\) Volumetric specific heat J m-3 K-1 H L-3 θ^-1
\(D\) Distance m L
\(D\) Leaf dimension parallel to the wind direction M L
\(D, L\) Characteristic length m L
\(DD\) Degree days K day θ T
\(d\) Diameter of cylinder representing animal’s body m L
\(_sd_a\) Saturation density of the air kg m-3 M L-3
\(_sd_l\) Saturation density of the leaf kg m-3 M L-3
\(d_i\) ith difference term dimensionless
\(d_b\) Fat thickness m L
\(d_f\) Fur or feather thickness m L
\(E\) Rate of heat exchange between animal and environment by evaporation W H
\(E\) Total power J s-1 M L2 T-3
\(E\) Water loss kg s-1 m-2 M T-1 L-2
\(E\) Transpiration rate kg m-2 s-1 M L-2 T-1
\(E_E\) power flow at earth’s surface J m-2 s-1 M T-3
\(E_b\) Body water losses W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(E_{ex}\) Respiratory water loss W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(E_f\) Radiation flux per unit frequency J m-2 H L-2
\(E_k\) Kinetic energy W H
\(E_n\) Radiation emittance J m-2 s-1 M T-3
\(E_{sw}\) Cutaneous water loss W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(E_r\) Rate of loss of heat by respiratory mechanisms W H
\(E_r\) Surface water loss W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(E_s\) Rate of loss of heat by sweating W H
\(E_s\) Power flow at sun’s surface J m-3 s-1 M T-3
\(E_{\lambda}\) Radiation flux per unit wavelength J m-3 s-1 H L-3 T-1
\(E(\lambda)\) Energy density as a function of wavelength J m-4 M L-2 T-2
\(E(\nu)\) Energy density as a function of frequency J m-3 s M L -1 T-1
\(e\) Vapor pressure of atmosphere millibar M L-1 T-2
\(e\) Energy in a photon J H
\(e_x\) Net energy gained in period \(x\) W H T-1
\(F_H\) Heat flux J s-1 m-2 M T-3
\(F_x\) Food captured in period \(x\) W H T-1
\(f\) frequency m-1 L-1
\(f_L\) Frequency at listener s-1 T-1
\(f_s\) Frequency at source s-1 T-1
\(G\) Conduction W m-2 M T-1
\(G\) Heat flux density W m-2 H T-1 L-2
\(Gr\) Grashof number dimensionless
\(g\) gravity m s-2 L T-2
\(H\) Rate of heat exchange by convection between animal and environment W H
\(h\) height m L
\(h\) Planck’s constant 6.63 \(\times\) 10-34 J s H T
\(h\) Heat transfer coefficient J s-1 m-2 K-1 M T-3 θ-1
\(h_c\) Convection coefficient W K-1 H T-1 θ-1
\(K\) von Karmen’s constant
\(K, K_M\) Eddy viscosity m2 s-1 L2 T-1
\(K_0, K_n\) Conductance W m-2 K-1 H L-2 T-1 θ-1
\(K_b\) Boltzmann’s constant 1.38 \(\times\) 10-23 J K-1 H θ-1
\(K_g\) Thermal conductance W K-1 H θ-1 T-1
\(K_H\) Eddy diffusivity for heat m2 s-1 L2 T-1
\(k\) Thermal conductivity coefficient W m-1 K-1 H L-1 θ-1
\(k_a\) Thermal conductivity of air W m-1 K-1 H L-1 θ-1
\(k_c\) Constant for convection coefficient of a cylinder W m-2 K-1 H L-2 θ-1 T-1
\(k_f\) Thermal conductivity of fur or feathers W m-1 K-1 H L-1 θ-1 T-1
\(k_d, k_f\) Thermal conductivity of fat W m-1 K-1 H L-1 θ-1
\(k_h\) Thermal conductivity of hair (fleece) W m-1 K-1 H L-1 θ-1
\(k_s\) Constant for convection coefficient of a sphere W m-2 K-1 H L-2 θ-1 T-1
\(L\) Length of cylinder representing the body length of the animal m L
\(L\) Latent heat of evaporation J kg-1 L2 T-2
\(M\) Metabolism W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(M_b\) Body mass kg M
\(M_{fx}\) Metabolic cost of foraging in period \(x\) W H T-1
\(M_{rx}\) Metabolic cost while resting in period \(x\) W H T-1
\(m\) mass kg M
\(m\) molecular weight g mol-1 M
\(Nu\) Nusselt number dimensionless
\(n\) number of moles mol
\(n\) Wave number m-1 L-1
\(P\) Photosynthesis W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(\overline{P}\) Mean air pressure kg m-1 s-2 M L-1 T-2
\(p\) pressure kg m-1 s-2 M L-1 T-2
\(Q\) Rate of heat loss W H
\(Q\) Heat energy W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(Q_a\) Absorbed radiation W H T-1
\(Q_a\) Abnormal radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(Q_e\) Emitted radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(Q_h\) Rate of loss of heat across hair (fleece) W H
\(Q_f\) Rate of loss of heat across fat W H
\(Q_H\) Rate of heat loss from fleect tips by convection W H
\(Q_{n}\) Radiation factor W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(Q_{NR}\) Net Radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(q\) Rate of heat loss per unit area W m-2 H L-2
\(R\) ideal gas constant J kg-1 mol-1 M L2 T-2
\(R\) Radiation conductance W m-2 K-1 H L-2 T-1 θ-1
\(R\) Black body radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(R_+\) Total long- and short-wave radiation absorbed by the animal per unit time W H
\(R_−\) Total long-wave radiation emitted by the animal per unit time W H
\(R_a\) Thermal radiation originating in atmosphere W m-2 H L-2
\(Re\) Reynolds number dimensionless
\(R_g\) Thermal radiation originating from earth’s surface (including vegetation) W m-2 H L-2
\(R_{Nh}\) Net radiation absorbed or emitted at hair tips W H
\(R_{Na}\) Net radiation absorbed or emitted at hair tips if temperature of hair tips were the same as that of the air W H
\(R_p\) short-wave radiation from the sun and sky W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(R_v\) Respiration rate m3 s-1 L3 T-1
\(r\) radius m L
\(r\) Reflectivity dimensionless
\(r\) Distance along a radius of a cylinder measured from its center m L
\(r_E\) Mean distance from earth to sun 1.5 \(\times\) 1011 m L
\(r_a\) Resistance to water diffusion across the boundary layer of air s m-1 T L-1
\(r_b\) Body radius (not including fat) m L
\(r_e\) Resistance to water vapor loss s m-1 T L-1
\(r_l\) Internal resistance of leaf s m-1 T L-1
\(r_s\) Skin radius m L
\(r_s\) Radius of sun 7.1 \(\times\) 108 m L
\(r_h\) Hair (fleece-tip) radius m L
\(r. h.\) Relative humidity dimensionless
\(r(\lambda)\) Reflectivity at wavelength \(\lambda\) dimensionless
\(S\) Direct solar radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(S\) Sky radiation W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(SA\) Surface area m2 L2
\(s\) Sky (scattered and reflected solar) radiation per unit area impinging on animal W m-2 H
\(T\) Temperature K θ
\(T_a\) Air temperature K θ
\(T_{amax}\) Maximum daily air temperature K θ
\(T_{amin}\) Minimum daily air temperature K θ
\(T_B\) Boundary temperature K θ
\(T_b\) Body temperature of animal K θ
\(T_e\) Effective temperature, operative temperature K θ
\(T_f\) Fruit temperature K θ
\(T_g\) Ground temperature K θ
\(T_h\) Surface, "radiant or hair (fleece-tip) temperature of animal K θ
\(T_l\) Leaf temperature K θ
\(T_o\) Temperature of organism K θ
\(T_o, T_r, T_S\) Surface temperature K θ
\(T_s\) Skin temperature of animal K θ
\(T_s\) Surface temperature of sun K θ
\(T_t\) Threshold temperature K θ
\(T_w\) Wall temperature K θ
\(t\) time s T
\(t(\lambda)\) Transmittance at wavelength \(\lambda\) dimensionless
\(U\) iternal energy J M L2 T-2
\(V\) volume m3 L3
\(V\) Fluid velocity m s-1 L T-1
\(V_L\) Volume of the lungs m3 L3
\(V_L\) Listener velocity m s-1 L T-1
\(V_s\) Source velocity m s-1 L T-1
\(v\) velocity m s-1 L T-1
\(v, w\) Wind speed m s-1 L T-1
\(v\) volume m3 L3
\(W\) work kg m2 s-2 = J M L2 T-2
\(W\) Leaf dimension transverse to the wind m L
\(W_x\) Metabolic cost of waiting through period \(x\) W H T-1
\(w\) Weight per unit height kg s-2 M T-2
\(x\) Boundary layer thickness m L
\(X_a\) Volume fraction - air dimensionless
\(X_m\) Volume fraction - minerals dimensionless
\(X_o\) Volume fraction - organics dimensionless
\(X_w\) Volume fraction - water dimensionless
\(Z_f\) “Impedance” to flow of heat through fat s K J-1 θ W-1
\(Z_h\) “Impedance” to flow of heat through hair s K J-1 θ W-1
\(z\) Depth m L
\(\alpha\) “Conductance” associated with radiation and convection W K-1 W-1
\(\alpha\) angle radians
\(\beta\) “Conductance” associated with animal’s insulation (fat and hair) W K-1 W-1
\(\gamma\) Thermal diffusivity m2 s-1 L2 T-1
\(\delta\) Boundary layer thickness m L
\(\varepsilon\) Emissivity dimensionless
\(\phi\) Energy flux W m-2 H L-2 T-1
\(\eta\) Small scale eddy size m L
\(\lambda\) wavelength m L
\(\lambda_B\) Wavelength behind source m L
\(\lambda_F\) Wavelength in front of source m L
\(\lambda_m\) wavelength at which black-body spectrum has maximum energy density m L
\(\lambda_{max}\) Wavelength of maximum radiation m L
\(\mu\) Fluid viscosity kg m-1 s-1 M L T-1
\(\nu\) Kinematic viscosity m2 s-1 L2 T-1
\(\nu\) frequency s-1 T-1
\(\rho\) Density kg m-3 M L-3
\(\sigma\) Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5.67 \(\times\) 10-8 W m-2 K-4 H L-2 θ-4
\(\tau\) Shear stress kg m-1 s-2 M L-1 T-2
\(\tau_t\) Shear stress attributed to turbulence kg m-1 s-2 M L-1 T-2