7.3 Papua New Guinea
7.3.1 Total adolescent births
Country | 5-year birth cohort | Unweighted cases | Total adolescent births | |
| |
1 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 520 | 0.61 |
2 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 1,365 | 0.45 |
3 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | 1,772 | 0.46 |
4 | Papua New Guinea | 1980 | 2,130 | 0.49 |
5 | Papua New Guinea | 1985 | 2,404 | 0.48 |
6 | Papua New Guinea | 1990 | 2,615 | 0.50 |
7 | Papua New Guinea | 1995 | 900 | 0.53 |
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
7.3.2 Total adolescent births by age at first birth
Country | 5-year birth cohort | Age at first birth | Unweighted cases | Total adolescent births | |
| |
1 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 14 years and younger | 23 | 2.56 |
2 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 15-17 years | 80 | 1.95 |
3 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 18-19 years | 89 | 1.10 |
4 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 14 years and younger | 37 | 2.70 |
5 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 15-17 years | 191 | 1.68 |
6 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 18-19 years | 211 | 1.05 |
7 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | 14 years and younger | 67 | 2.29 |
8 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | 15-17 years | 207 | 1.56 |
9 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | 18-19 years | 296 | 1.05 |
10 | Papua New Guinea | 1980 | 14 years and younger | 77 | 2.21 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 21 entries
7.3.3 Contribution to total adolescent fertility by cohort and age at first birth
Country | 5-year birth cohort | Age at first birth | Unweighted cases | Proportion | |
| |
1 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 14 years and younger | 23 | 0.24 |
2 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 15-17 years | 80 | 0.48 |
3 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 18-19 years | 89 | 0.29 |
4 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 14 years and younger | 37 | 0.16 |
5 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 15-17 years | 191 | 0.50 |
6 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 18-19 years | 211 | 0.34 |
7 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | 14 years and younger | 67 | 0.17 |
8 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | 15-17 years | 207 | 0.42 |
9 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | 18-19 years | 296 | 0.40 |
10 | Papua New Guinea | 1980 | 14 years and younger | 77 | 0.16 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 21 entries
7.3.4 Contribution to total adolescent fertility by age at first birth (all cohorts)
Country | Age at first birth | Unweighted cases | Proportion | |
| |
1 | Papua New Guinea | 14 years and younger | 386 | 0.18 |
2 | Papua New Guinea | 15-17 years | 1,425 | 0.43 |
3 | Papua New Guinea | 18-19 years | 1,977 | 0.39 |
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
7.3.5 Completed fertility by motherhood entry age
Country | 5-year birth cohort | Age at first birth | Unweighted cases | Number of children | |
| |
1 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | All mothers | 480 | 4.83 |
2 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | In adolescence | 192 | 4.98 |
3 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | After adolescence | 288 | 4.74 |
4 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | All mothers | 1,277 | 4.80 |
5 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | In adolescence | 439 | 5.44 |
6 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | After adolescence | 838 | 4.50 |
7 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | All mothers | 516 | 4.68 |
8 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | In adolescence | 180 | 5.24 |
9 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | After adolescence | 336 | 4.33 |
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries
7.3.7 Contribution of adolescent fertility to total fertility by cohort
Country | 5-year birth cohort | Unweighted cases | Proportion | |
| |
1 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 480 | 0.14 |
2 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 1,277 | 0.10 |
3 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | 516 | 0.11 |
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
7.3.8 Mean age at first birth
Country | 5-year birth cohort | Unweighted cases | Mean age | |
| |
1 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 480 | 21.92 |
2 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 1,277 | 22.58 |
3 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | 1,641 | 22.10 |
4 | Papua New Guinea | 1980 | 1,986 | 21.75 |
5 | Papua New Guinea | 1985 | 655 | 21.41 |
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
7.3.9 Adolescent parity progression ratios
Country | 5-year birth cohort | Progression ratio from | Unweighted cases | Ratio | |
| |
1 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | none to 1st birth | 192 | 0.37 |
2 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 1st to 2nd birth | 73 | 0.44 |
3 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 2nd to 3rd birth | 27 | 0.49 |
4 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 3rd to 4th birth | 3 | 0.08 |
5 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 4th to 5th birth | 0 | 0.00 |
6 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | none to 1st birth | 439 | 0.30 |
7 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 1st to 2nd birth | 159 | 0.36 |
8 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 2nd to 3rd birth | 39 | 0.26 |
9 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 3rd to 4th birth | 11 | 0.17 |
10 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 4th to 5th birth | 0 | 0.00 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 35 entries
7.3.10 Adolescent parity progression ratios by age
Country | 5-year birth cohort | Age at first birth | Progression ratio from | Unweighted cases | Ratio | |
| |
1 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 14 years and younger | none to 1st birth | 23 | 0.06 |
2 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 15-17 years | none to 1st birth | 80 | 0.15 |
3 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 18-19 years | none to 1st birth | 89 | 0.16 |
4 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 14 years and younger | 1st to 2nd birth | 18 | 0.85 |
5 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 15-17 years | 1st to 2nd birth | 47 | 0.66 |
6 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 18-19 years | 1st to 2nd birth | 8 | 0.10 |
7 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 14 years and younger | 2nd to 3rd birth | 12 | 0.77 |
8 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 15-17 years | 2nd to 3rd birth | 15 | 0.42 |
9 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 18-19 years | 2nd to 3rd birth | 0 | 0.00 |
10 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 14 years and younger | 3rd to 4th birth | 2 | 0.08 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 105 entries
7.3.11 Rapid Repeat Birth probability
Country | 5-year birth cohort | Likelihood | |
| |
1 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 0.26 |
2 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 0.28 |
3 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | 0.23 |
4 | Papua New Guinea | 1980 | 0.22 |
5 | Papua New Guinea | 1985 | 0.28 |
6 | Papua New Guinea | 1990 | 0.26 |
7 | Papua New Guinea | 1995 | 0.18 |
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
7.3.12 Rapid Repeat Birth proportion
Country | 5-year birth cohort | Unweighted cases (non-first adolescent births) | Proportion | |
| |
1 | Papua New Guinea | 1965 | 103 | 0.41 |
2 | Papua New Guinea | 1970 | 209 | 0.54 |
3 | Papua New Guinea | 1975 | 236 | 0.52 |
4 | Papua New Guinea | 1980 | 276 | 0.53 |
5 | Papua New Guinea | 1985 | 344 | 0.54 |
6 | Papua New Guinea | 1990 | 325 | 0.51 |
7 | Papua New Guinea | 1995 | 96 | 0.42 |
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries