6.16 Panama
6.16.1 Total adolescent births
6.16.2 Total adolescent births by age at first birth
6.16.3 Contribution to total adolescent fertility by cohort and age at first birth
6.16.4 Contribution to total adolescent fertility by age at first birth (all cohorts)
6.16.5 Completed fertility by motherhood entry age
Measure not possible because not using cohorts that are 40 yrs old at time of survey (WFS survey 1975 and start with year 1940 to align with earliest start date of other DHS surveys)
6.16.6 Difference in completed fertility between adolescent and non-adolescent mothers
Measure not possible because not using cohorts that are 40 yrs old at time of survey (WFS survey 1975 and start with year 1940 to align with earliest start date of other DHS surveys)
6.16.7 Contribution of adolescent fertility to total fertility by cohort
Measure not possible because not using cohorts that are 40 yrs old at time of survey (WFS survey 1975 and start with year 1940 to align with earliest start date of other DHS surveys)