21.14 Pricing and Search Theory

21.14.1 Varian and Purohit (1980)

  • From Stigler’s seminar paper (Stiglitz and Salop 1982; Salop and Stiglitz 1977), model of equilibrium price dispersion is born

    • Spatial price dispersion: assume uninformed and informed consumers

      • Since consumers can learn from experience, the result does not hold over time
    • Temporal price dispersion: sales

  • This paper is based on

    • Stiglitz: assume informed (choose lowest price store) and uninformed consumers (choose stores at random)

    • Shilony (Shilony 1977): randomized pricing strategies

\(I >0\) is the number of informed consumers

\(M >0\) is the number of uninformed consumers

\(n\) is the number of stores

\(U = M/n\) is the number of uninformed consumers per store

Each store has a density function \(f(p)\) indicating the prob it charges price \(p\)

Stores choose a price based on \(f(p)\)

  • Succeeds if it has the lowest price among n prices, then it has \(I + U\) customers

  • Fails then only has \(U\) customers

  • Stores charge the same lowest price will share equal size of informed customers

\(c(q)\) is the cost curve

\(p^* = \frac{c(I+U)}{(I+U}\) is the average cost with the maximum number of customers a store can get

Prop 1: \(f(p) = 0\) for \(p >r\) or \(p < p^*\)

Prop 2: No symmetric equilibrium when stores charge the same price

Prop 3: No point masses in the equilibrium pricing strategies

Prop 4: If \(f(p) >0\), then

\[ \pi_s(p) (1-F(p))^{n-1} + \pi_f (p) [1-(1-F(p))^{n-1}] =0 \]

Prop 5: \(\pi_f (p) (\pi_f(p) - \pi_s (p))\) is strictly decreasing in \(p\)

Prop 6: \(F(p^* _ \epsilon) >0\) for any \(\epsilon> 0\)

Prop 7: \(F(r- \epsilon) <1\) for any \(\epsilon > 0\)

Prop 8: No gap \((p_1, p_2)\) where \(f(p) \equiv 0\)

Decision to be informed can be endogenous, and depends on the “full price” (search costs + fixed cost)

21.14.2 Lazear (1984)

Retail pricing and clearance sales

  • Goods’ characteristics affect pricing behaviors

  • Market’s thinness can affect price volatility

  • Relationship between uniqueness of a goods and its price

  • Price reduction policies as a function of shelf time

Set up

Single period model

\(V\) = the price of the only buyer who is willing to purchase the product

\(f(V)\) is the density of V (firm’s prior)

\(F(V)^2\) is its distribution function

Firms try to

\[ \underset{R}{\operatorname{max}} R[1 - F(R)] \]

where \(R\) is the price

\(1 - F(R)\) is the prob that \(V > R\)

Assume \(V\) is uniform \([0,1]\) then

\(F(R) = R\) so that the optimum is \(R = 0.5\) with expected profits of \(0.25\)

Two-period model

Failures in period 1 implies \(V<R_1\).

Hence, based on Bayes’ theorem, the posterior distribution in period 2 is \([0, R_1]\)

\(F_2(V) = V/R_1\) (posterior distribution)

\(R_1\) affect (1) sales in period 1, (2) info in period 2

Then, firms want to choose \(R_1, R_2\) .Firms try to

\[ \underset{R_1, R_2}{\operatorname{max}} R_1[1 - F(R_1)] + R_2 [1-F_2(R_2)]F(R_1) \]

Then, in period 2, the firms try to

\[ \underset{R_2}{\operatorname{max}} R_2[1 - F_2(R_2)] \]

Based on Bayes’ Theorem

\[ F_2(R_2) = \begin{cases} F(R_2)/ F(R_1) & \text{for } R_2 < R_1 \\ 1 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

Due to FOC, second period price is always lower than first price price

Expected profits are higher than that of one-period due to higher expected probability of a sale in the two-period problem.

But this model assume

  • no brand recognition

  • no contagion or network effects

In thin markets and heterogeneous consumers

we have \(N\) customers examine the good with the prior probability \(P\) of being shoppers, and \(1-P\) being buyers who are willing to buy at \(V\)

There are 3 types of people

  1. customers = all those who inspect the good
  2. buyers = those whose value equal \(V\)
  3. shoppers = those who value equal \(0\)

An individual does not know if he or she is a buyer or shopper until he or she is a customer (i.e., inspect the goods)

Then, firms try to

\[ \begin{aligned} \underset{R_1, R_2}{\operatorname{max}} & R_1(\text{prob sale in 1}) + R_2 (\text{Posterior prob sale in 2})\times (\text{Prob no sale in 1}) \\ & R_1 \times (- F(R_1))(1-P^N) + R_2 \{ (1-F_2(R_2))(1- P^N) \} \times \{ 1 - [(1 - F(R_1))(1-P^N)] \} \end{aligned} \]

Based on Bayes’ Theorem, the density for period 2 is

\[ f_2(V) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{R_1 (1- P^N) + P^N} \text{ for } V \le R_1 \\ \frac{P^N}{R_1 (1- P^N) + P^N} \text{ for } V > R_1 \end{cases} \]


As \(P^N \to 1\) (almost all customers are shoppers), there is not much info to be gained. Hence, 2-period is no different than 2 independent one-period problems. Hence, the solution in this case is identical to that of one-period problem.

When \(P^N\) is small, prices start higher and fall more rapid as time unsold increases

When \(P^N \to 1\), prices tend to be constant.

\(P^N\) can also be thought of as search cost and info.

Observable Time patterns of price and quantity

Pricing is a function of

  • The number of customers \(N\)

  • The proportion of shoppers \(P\)

  • The firm’s beliefs about the market (parameterized through the prior on \(V\))

Markets where prices fall rapidly as time passes, the probability that the good will go unsold is low.

Goods with high initial price are likely to sell because high initial price reflects low \(P^N\) - low shoppers

Heterogeneity among goods

The more disperse prior leads to a higher expected price for a given mean. And because of longer time on shelf, expected revenues for such a product can be lower.

Fashion, Obsolescence, and discounting the future

The more obsolete, the more anxious is the seller

Goods that are “classic”, have a higher initial price, and its price is less sensitive to inventory (compared to fashion goods)

Discounting is irrelevant to the pricing condition due to constant discount rate (not like increasing obsolescence rate)

For non-unique good, the solution is identical to that of the one-period problem.

Simple model

Customer’s Valuation \(\in [0,1]\)

Firm’s decision is to choose a price \(p\) (label - \(R_1\))

One-period model

Buy if \(V >R_1\) prob = \(1-R_1\)

Not buy if \(V<R_1\) probability = \(R_1\)

\(\underset{R_1}{\operatorname{max}} [R_1][1-R_1]\) hence, FOC \(R_1 = 1/2\), then total \(\pi = 1/2-(1/2)^2 = 1/4\)

Two-period model

Two prices \(R_1, R_2\)

\(R_1 \in [0,1]\)

\(R_2 \in [0, R_1]\)

\[ \underset{R_1}{\operatorname{max}} [R_1][1-R_1] + R_2 (1 - R_2)(R_1) \]

\[ \underset{R_1}{\operatorname{max}} [R_2][\frac{R_1 - R_2}{R_1}] \]

FOC \(R_2 = R_1/2\)

\[ \underset{R_1}{\operatorname{max}} R_1(1-R_1) + \frac{R_1}{2}(1 - \frac{R_1}{2}) (R_1) \]

FOC: \(R_1 = 2/3\) then \(R_2 = 1/3\)

\(N\) customers

Each customer could be a

  • shopper with probability p with \(V <0\)

  • buyer with probability \(1-p\) with \(V > \text{price}\)

Modify equation 1 to incorporate types of consumers

\[ R_1(1 - R_1)(1- p^N) + R_2 (1- R_2) R_1 (1-p^N) [ 1 - (1-R_1)(1-p^N)] \]

Reduce costs by

  • Economy of scale \(c(\text{number of units})\)

  • Economy of scope \(c(\text{number of types of products})\) (typically, due to the transfer of knowledge)

  • Experience effect \(c(\text{time})\) (is a superset of economy of scale)

Lal and Sarvary (1999)

  • Conventional idea: lower search cost (e.g., Internet) will increase price competition.

  • Assumptions:

    • Demand side: info about product attributes:

      • digital attributes (those can be communicated via the Internet)

      • nondigital attributes (those can’t)

    • Supply side: firms have both traditional and Internet stores.

  • Monopoly pricing can happen when

    • high proportion of Internet users

    • Not overwhelming nondigital attributes

    • Favor familiar brands

    • destination shopping

  • Monopoly pricing can lead to higher prices and discourage consumer from searching

  • Stores serve as acquiring tools, while Internet maintain loyal customers.

Kuksov (2004)

  • For products that cannot be changed easily (design),lower search costs lead to higher price competition

  • For those that can be easily changed, lower search costs lead to higher product differentiation, which in turn decreases price competition, lower social welfare, higher industry profits.

(Salop and Stiglitz 1977)


Kuksov, Dmitri. 2004. “Buyer Search Costs and Endogenous Product Design.” Marketing Science 23 (4): 490–99. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.1040.0080.
Lal, Rajiv, and Miklos Sarvary. 1999. “When and How Is the Internet Likely to Decrease Price Competition?” Marketing Science 18 (4): 485–503. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.18.4.485.
Lazear, Edward. 1984. “Retail Pricing and Clearance Sales.” NBER. https://doi.org/10.3386/w1446.
Salop, Steven, and Joseph Stiglitz. 1977. “Bargains and Ripoffs: A Model of Monopolistically Competitive Price Dispersion.” The Review of Economic Studies 44 (3): 493. https://doi.org/10.2307/2296903.
Shilony, Yuval. 1977. “Mixed Pricing in Oligopoly.” Journal of Economic Theory 14 (2): 373–88. https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-0531(77)90137-5.
Stiglitz, Joseph E., and Steven C. Salop. 1982. “The Theory of Sales: A Simple Model of Equilibrium Price Dispersion with Identical Agents.” https://doi.org/10.7916/D8P84NW1.
Varian, Hal R., and Devavrat Purohit. 1980. “A Model of Sales.” American Economic Review 70 (4): 651–59. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1803562?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents.