29.1 Anchoring Vignettes
Problem of interpersonal incomparability
Help with 2 questions:
Different respondents understand the same question differently: Incomparaability in Survey Responses (“DIF”). Agreement on theoretical concept is almost nearly impossible.
How can we measure concepts that can only be defined by examples
Measure like usually, then subtract the incomparable portion. (i.e., using the assessment from the same respondents for a particular example/case to correct/adjust for the self-assessment).
Varying vignette assessments give us DIF (i.e., differential item functioning)
Since we created the anchors (i.e., examples), we know the true vignette assessments are fixed over respondents
29.1.1 Nonparametric method
Code the relative ranking of self-assessment in accordance to vignettes.
Inconsistencies would be considered ties.
Measurement Assumptions:
Response consistency: Each responder approaches the self-assessment and vignette categories in a same manner across questions.
Vignette Equivalence: For every vignette, the real level is the same for all respondents.
Used Ordered Probit to estimate.