1.1 Approaches to Research

1.1.1 Theory First Approaches

1.1.2 Empiric First-Apporaches

(Peter N. Golder et al. 2023)

  • Theory-First Approach is when researchers “borrowed refined, or developed and tested empirically” (p. 319)
  • Stages of the Empiric First Research

    1. Identify Opportunity (grounded in a real-world phenomenon, observation):

      1. Explore the real word for inspiration, novelty and relevance

      2. Evaluate Aptness fo EF Approach

    2. Explore Terrain (obtaining and analyze data)

      1. Generative/Compile/Acquire/Data

      2. Understand the Data

      3. Define the Scope

    3. Advance Understanding (get valid insights without developing or testing theory)

      1. Uncover Empirical Regularities

      2. Formulate Conceptual and Theoretical Insights

      3. Advise Stakeholders

1.1.4 Conceptual Contributions

(Kindermann et al. 2023)

1.1.5 Disruption-Driven Anomalies Apporach

(Swaminathan et al. 2023)

Types of anomalies:

  1. Gap between theory and practice
  2. Disconnects between theory and empirical evidence
  3. Challenges to foundational assumptions underlying an existing paradigms
  4. Emergence of entirely new phenomena.


Golder, Peter N, Marnik G Dekimpe, Jake T An, Harald J van Heerde, Darren SU Kim, and Joseph W Alba. 2023. “Learning from Data: An Empirics-First Approach to Relevant Knowledge Generation.” Journal of Marketing 87 (3): 319–36.
Kindermann, Bastian, Daniel Wentzel, David Antons, and Torsten-Oliver Salge. 2023. “EXPRESS: Conceptual Contributions in Marketing Scholarship: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Rebalancing Options.” Journal of Marketing, 00222429231196122.
Swaminathan, Vanitha, Cait Lamberton, Shrihari Sridhar, and Detelina Marinova. 2023. “EXPRESS: Paradigms for Progress: An Anomaly-First Framework for Paradigm Development.” Journal of Marketing. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.