21.8 Conjoint Analysis and Augmented Conjoint Analysis
More technical on 27.1
Jedidi and Zhang (2002)
- Augmenting Conjoint Analysis to Estimate Consumer Reservation Price
Using conjoint analysis (coefficients) to derive at consumers’ reservation prices for a product in a category.
Can be applied in the context of
product introduction
calculating customer switching effect
the cannibalization effect
the market expansion effect
\[ Utility(Rating) = \alpha + \beta_i Attribute_i \]
where \(\alpha\)
Netzer and Srinivasan (2011)
Break conjoint analysis down to a sequence of constant-sum paired comparison questions.
Can also calculate the standard errors for each attribute importance.
Jedidi, Kamel, and Z. John Zhang. 2002. “Augmenting Conjoint Analysis to Estimate Consumer Reservation Price.” Management Science 48 (10): 1350–68. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.48.10.1350.272.
Netzer, Oded, and V. Srinivasan. 2011. “Adaptive Self-Explication of Multiattribute Preferences.” Journal of Marketing Research 48 (1): 140–56. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkr.48.1.140.