22.6 Geodemographic Classification
Example by Nick Bearman
#Load libraries
#set up data and data frame
oac_names <-
"Blue Collar Communities",
"City Living",
"Prospering Suburbs",
"Constrained by Circumstances",
"Typical Traits",
broadsheets <- c(73.2, 144, 103.9, 109.1, 78.2, 97.1, 120.2)
oac_broadsheets <- data.frame(oac_names, broadsheets)
#convert the percentage values (e.g. 144%) to decimal increase or decrease (e.g. 0.44)
oac_broadsheets$broadsheets <- broadsheets / 100 - 1
## oac_names broadsheets
## 1 Blue Collar Communities -0.268
## 2 City Living 0.440
## 3 Countryside 0.039
## 4 Prospering Suburbs 0.091
## 5 Constrained by Circumstances -0.218
## 6 Typical Traits -0.029
## 7 Multicultural 0.202
plot each group’s percentage difference from the mean
#select the colours we are going to use
my_colour <-
#plot the graph - this has several bits to it
#the first three lines setup the data and type of graph
ggplot(oac_broadsheets, aes(oac_names, broadsheets)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity",
fill = my_colour,
position = "identity") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(
angle = 90,
hjust = 1,
vjust = 1,
size = 12
)) +
#this line add the lables to each bar
label = paste(round(broadsheets * 100, digits = 0), "%"),
vjust = ifelse(broadsheets >= 0,-0.5, 1.5)
), size = 3) +
#these lines as the axis labels and these fonts
theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
scale_y_continuous("Difference from national average for broadsheet", labels = percent_format()) +
scale_x_discrete("OAC SuperGroups")
Create plot for another variable
tabloids <- c(110.8, 82.2, 104.9, 94.5, 108.4, 96.4, 96.0)
oac_tabloids <- data.frame(oac_names, tabloids)
#convert the percentage values (e.g. 144%) to decimal increase or decrease (e.g. 0.44)
oac_tabloids$tabloids <- tabloids / 100 - 1
## oac_names tabloids
## 1 Blue Collar Communities 0.108
## 2 City Living -0.178
## 3 Countryside 0.049
## 4 Prospering Suburbs -0.055
## 5 Constrained by Circumstances 0.084
## 6 Typical Traits -0.036
## 7 Multicultural -0.040
# plot
ggplot(oac_tabloids, aes(oac_names, tabloids)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity",
fill = my_colour,
position = "identity") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(
angle = 90,
hjust = 1,
vjust = 1,
size = 12
)) +
#this line add the lables to each bar
label = paste(round(tabloids * 100, digits = 0), "%"),
vjust = ifelse(tabloids >= 0, -0.5, 1.5)
), size = 3) +
#these lines as the axis labels and these fonts
theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12)) +
theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12)) +
scale_y_continuous("Difference from national average for tabloids", labels = percent_format()) +
scale_x_discrete("OAC SuperGroups")
To visualize how these two variables are distributed in a location such as Liverpool in this case.
We load the shapefile
#load library
#download file
# download.file("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nickbearman/r-geodemographic-analysis-20140710/master/liverpool_OA.zip", "liverpool_OA.zip", method = "internal") #if you are running this on OSX, you will need to replace method = "internal" with method = "curl"
#unzip file
#read in shapefile
liverpool <- readShapeSpatial('liverpool_OA/liverpool', proj4string = CRS("+init=epsg:27700"))
The dataset can be attained here select 2011 OAC Clusters and Names csv (1.1 Mb ZIP)
#read in OAC by OA csv file
OAC <- rio::import("images/2011oacclustersandnamescsvv2.zip") %>%
"Output Area Code",
"Supergroup Name",
"Supergroup Code",
"Group Name",
"Group Code",
"Subgroup Name",
"Subgroup Code"
) %>%
rename("OA_CODE" = "Output Area Code")
Merge data (OAC) to its location (liverpool)
# check dataset
# head(liverpool@data)
# head(OAC)
#Join OAC classification on to LSOA shapefile
liverpool@data = data.frame(liverpool@data, OAC[match(liverpool@data[, "OA01CD"], OAC[, "OA_CODE"]),]) %>% drop_na()
#Show head of liverpool
## OA01CD OA01CDOLD OA_CODE Supergroup.Name Supergroup.Code
## 2 E00032987 00BYFA0003 E00032987 Ethnicity Central 3
## 3 E00032988 00BYFA0004 E00032988 Cosmopolitans 2
## 4 E00032989 00BYFA0005 E00032989 Ethnicity Central 3
## 5 E00032990 00BYFA0006 E00032990 Ethnicity Central 3
## 6 E00032991 00BYFA0007 E00032991 Ethnicity Central 3
## 7 E00032992 00BYFA0008 E00032992 Ethnicity Central 3
## Group.Name Group.Code Subgroup.Name
## 2 Ethnic Family Life 3a Established Renting Families
## 3 Students Around Campus 2a Students and Professionals
## 4 Endeavouring Ethnic Mix 3b Multi-Ethnic Professional Service Workers
## 5 Aspirational Techies 3d Old EU Tech Workers
## 6 Endeavouring Ethnic Mix 3b Multi-Ethnic Professional Service Workers
## 7 Endeavouring Ethnic Mix 3b Striving Service Workers
## Subgroup.Code
## 2 3a1
## 3 2a3
## 4 3b3
## 5 3d3
## 6 3b3
## 7 3b1
#Define a set of colours, one for each of the OAC supergroups
my_colour <-
#Create a basic OAC choropleth map
col = my_colour[liverpool@data$Supergroup.Code],
axes = FALSE,
border = NA)
#Name the groups we've used
oac_names <-
liverpool@data %>% select(Supergroup.Name, Supergroup.Code) %>% unique() %>% arrange(Supergroup.Code) %>% select(Supergroup.Name) %>% deframe()
#Add the legend (the oac_names object was created earlier)
x = 332210,
y = 385752,
legend = oac_names,
fill = my_colour,
bty = "n",
cex = .8,
ncol = 1
#Add North Arrow
offset = c(332610, 385852),
scale = 1600,
plot.grid = F
#Add Scale Bar
offset = c(333210, 381252),
scale = 5000,
fill = c("white", "black"),
plot.grid = F
#Add text to scale bar
text(333410, 380952, "0km", cex = .8)
text(333410 + 2500, 380952, "2.5km", cex = .8)
text(333410 + 5000, 380952, "5km", cex = .8)
#Add a title
title("OAC Group Map of Liverpool")