D.31 Answers: Correlation

Answers to exercises in Sect. 34.8.

Answer to Exercise 34.1: Many correct answers.
Answer to Exercise 34.2: 1. \(R^2 = 0.881^2 = 77.6\)%. About 77.6% of the variation in punting distance can be explained by the variation in right-leg strength. 2. \(H_0\): \(\rho=0\) and \(H_1\): \(\rho\ne0\). \(P\)-value very small. Very strong evidence of a correlation in the population.
Answer to Exercise 34.3: The plot looks linear; \(n = 25\); variation doesn’t seem constant.
Answer to Exercise 34.4: 1. Very close to \(-1\). 2. \(r = -\sqrt{0.9929} = -0.9964\). (\(r\) must be negative!) 3. Very small. This is a very large value for \(r\) on a reasonable sized sample. 4. Yes.
Answer to Exercise 34.5: 1. Close to \(-1\), but not super close. 2. \(r = -\sqrt{0.6707} = -0.819\). (\(r\) must be negative!) 3. Very small. This is a large value for \(r\) on a reasonable sized sample. (The \(P\)-value turns out to be 0.000104.) 4. Since \(n < 25\), the test may not be statistically valid.