14.8 Quick revision questions

A study (Alley et al. 2017) examined social media (SM) use, using a

… sample of Australian adults […] randomly selected from a database with Queensland landline telephone numbers. To be eligible, participants must be aged 18 or more and reside in Queensland.

Alley et al. (2017), p. 92

Part of the data are summarised in Table 14.10.

  1. Compute the sample proportion of urban residents who use social media, p^U.
  2. Compute the sample proportion of rural residents who use social media, p^R.
  3. Compute the sample odds of urban residents who use social media.
  4. Compute the sample odds of rural residents who use social media.
  5. Compute the sample odds ratio of using social media, comparing urban to rural residents.
TABLE 14.10: The number of Queenslanders using and not using social media (SM) in rural and urban locations in a sample
Doesn’t use SM Uses SM Total
Rural 78 89 167
Urban 416 568 984


Alley S, Wellens P, Schoeppe S, Vries H de, Rebar AL, Short CE, et al. Impact of increasing social media use on sitting time and body mass index. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 2017;28:91–5.