37.17 Quick review questions

  1. What is the correct word to complete this sentence? ‘The subject were told to eat [?????] snacks at about 8am.’
  2. What is the correct word to complete this sentence? ‘Seedlings were transplanted [?????] pots containing one of three different soils.’
  3. What is the correct word to complete this sentence? ‘Each kangaroos was observed for signs that [?????] tracking device caused discomfort.’
  4. What is the biggest problem with this sentence? ‘We took 50 samples of students; the mean age was 26.2 years.’
  5. What is the biggest problem with this text? ‘Subjects are not blinded. Because the subjects would clearly know they were in a study.’
  6. What is the biggest problem with this text? ‘The sample of pedestrians were all taken on a Thursday.’