Chapter 7 Common Distributions of Continuous Random Variables
A continuous random variable can take any value within some uncountable interval, such as [0,1], [0,∞), or (−∞,∞). These are often measurement type variables.
The probability density function (pdf) (a.k.a., density) of a continuous random variable X, defined on a probability space with probability measure P, is a function fX:R↦[0,∞) which satisfies P(a≤X≤b)=∫bafX(x)dx,for all −∞≤a≤b≤∞
For a continuous random variable X with pdf fX, the probability that X takes a value in the interval [a,b] is the area under the pdf over the region [a,b].
The axioms of probability imply that a valid pdf must satisfy fX(x)≥0for all x,∫∞−∞fX(x)dx=1
In this section we study some commonly used continuous distributions and their properties. When developing a probability model for a random process, certain assumptions are made about the process or the distribution of a corresponding random variable. Some situations are so common that the corresponding distributions have special names.