9.2 The Vignette Data and Coding

Readers not interested in the specifics of the vignette content may want to skip this section. It consists primarily of tables that contain the exact text used in the vignettes.

Here we present the exact text of each vignette, each follow-up question, and the responses (translated from Hindi to English).

9.2.1 Vignettes and Questions Vignette text

The following table lists all of the vignettes, the specific scenarios that ASHAs and Mothers react to. The first column is a number to identify each vignette by order and topic, the second names the topic (as introduced in previous section), and third (Cond) gives each condition, and the fourth is the exact text for each vignette.

Table 9.1: The text of each vignette used in the first type of vignette, those given to Mothers and ASHAs.
Vignette Topic Cond Vignette Text
1_A Colostrum Consistent Anita is a woman in Bihar who recently gave birth to her first baby. She went to her mother’s village to be with her family when she gave birth. Anita’s ASHA told her that she should feed her newborn baby colostrum as soon as the baby is born. Anita decided to feed her newborn colostrum.
1_B Colostrum Inconsistent Anita is a woman in Bihar who recently gave birth to her first baby. She went to her mother’s village to be with her family when she gave birth. Anita’s ASHA told her that she should feed her newborn baby colostrum as soon as the baby is born. Anita decided not feed her newborn colostrum, and instead fed her baby cow’s milk.
2_A IFA Consistent Rekha is a woman in Bihar. She is 3 months-pregnant with her second child. She lives with her husband, her in-laws, and her child. Her ASHA encouraged her to take IFA tablets during pregnancy. Rekha decided to take IFA tablets.
2_B IFA Inconsistent Rekha is a woman in Bihar. She is 3 months-pregnant with her second child. She lives with her husband, her in-laws, and her child. Her ASHA encouraged her to take IFA tablets during pregnancy. Rekha decided not to take IFA tablets.
3_A Exclusive breastfeeding Consistent Meena is a woman in Bihar who has a two month old baby. She’s lives with her husband’s family. Meena’s ASHA told her that she should feed her baby only breastmilk until her baby is 6 months old. Meena only feeds her baby breastmilk.
3_B Exclusive breastfeeding Inconsistent Meena is a woman in Bihar who has a two-month-old baby. She lives with her husband’s family. Meena’s ASHA told her that she should feed her baby only breastmilk until her baby is 6 months old. Anita feeds her baby both breastmilk and water.
4_A Institutional delivery Consistent Manju is a woman in Bihar. She recently gave birth to her first child. She lives with her husband, her husband’s family and her sister-in-law. Her ASHA told her to give birth at the hospital. Manju decided to give birth at the hospital.
4_B Institutional delivery Inconsistent Manju is a woman in Bihar. She recently gave birth to her first child. She lives with her husband, her husband’s family and her sister-in-law. Her ASHA told her to give birth at the hospital. Manju decided not to give birth at the hospital, and gave birth at home instead.
5_A Family planning 1 Consistent Ranjini is a woman who is newly married, and she lives with her husband and her husband’s parents. Ranjini met the local ASHA, and they had a discussion about family planning. The ASHA told Ranjini that she should wait to have children until she is older, and told Ranjini to use birth control.
5_B Family planning 1 Inconsistent Ranjini is a woman who is newly married, and she lives with her husband’s family. Ranjini met the local ASHA, and they had a discussion about family planning. The ASHA told Ranjini that she should carefully plan when she has children, and asks Ranjini and her husband to consider different methods of birth control. Ranjini decided not to use birth control.
6_A Family planning 2 Consistent Neetu is the mother of three children, one boy and two girls. She lives with her husband and her husband’s parents. Her ASHA recommended using birth control to prevent having more children in the near future. Neetu decided to take birth control.
6_B Family planning 2 Inconsistent Neetu is the mother of three children, one boy and two girls. She lives with her husband and her husband’s parents. Her ASHA recommended using birth control to prevent having more children in the near future. Neetu decided not to take birth control.
7_A Vaccination 1 Consistent Suman is a young woman in Bihar who is pregnant with her first child. She lives with her husband and her husband’s parents. Suman’s ASHA tells her she should be vaccinated for tetanus while she is pregnant. Suman decides to get vaccinated.
7_B Vaccination 1 Inconsistent Suman is a young woman in Bihar who is pregnant with her first child. She lives with her husband and her husband’s parents. Suman’s ASHA tells her she should be vaccinated for tetanus while she is pregnant. Suman decides not to get vaccinated.
8_A Vaccination 2 Consistent Soni is a young mother in Bihar who has a newborn infant. She is staying in her parents’ home while her baby is very young. Soni’s ASHA told her that her that she should get her infant vaccinated for hepatitis. Soni decided to vaccinate her baby.
8_B Vaccination 2 Inconsistent Soni is a young mother in Bihar who has a newborn infant. She is staying in her parents’ home while her baby is very young. Soni’s ASHA told her that her that she should get her infant vaccinated for hepatitis. Soni decided not to vaccinate her baby.

The following table gives the exact translated content for each of the ASHA-only vignettes. The topics for each vignette are included as well, which provides the connection to the previous section.

Table 9.2: The text of each vignette used in the second type of vignette, those given only to ASHAs.
Vignette Topic Vignette Text
AV_1 Conflict between ASHA’s own history and her recommendations Renu is an ASHA in Bihar, and is dedicated to doing her job well. She tries to convince young newly married women to use birth control and plan when to have children. Renu however did not use birth control herself and had children as a teenager. A young woman in her catchment area asks her whether she used birth control.
AV_2 Conflict between ASHA duties and current duties as a mother Phulmati works as an ASHA and is a mother of four children. She cares for all the mothers in her catchment area, and wants to bring as many of them to the clinic for to give birth and for regular check-ups. However, these trips take a lot of time.
AV_3 Beneficiary does not respect ASHA Angoori is an ASHA in Bihar, and she has been having some problems with some mothers who do not seem to listen to her. She has tried to convince them of the best nutrition for their children, but they do not act like they respect her recommendations and do not change how they feed her children.
AV_4 Beneficiary disagrees with best practice Mina is an ASHA in Bihar, and recently has had a disagreement with one of her mothers. This mother just came back from the clinic after giving birth and wants to rub mustard seed oil on her infant’s cord wound. Mina knows that is dangerous and can lead to infection. Mina tells the mother about her concerns, but the mother disagrees and says that the mustard seed oil is good for healing the infant.
AV_5 Conflict with other ASHAs Rekha is an ASHA in Bihar and is trying her best to bring all the mothers in her catchment area to the clinic for delivery and other regular health appointments. However, recently another ASHA from a nearby catchment area has been bringing some of her mothers to the clinic, and getting the payment instead of Rekha.
AV_6 Doctor is rude to mothers Ranju is an ASHA. When she recently took a mother to the clinic, the doctor asked the mother if she had gotten all of her children vaccinated. The mother said no, and the doctor/Nurse yelled insulting things at her. After the doctor left the room, the mother told Ranju she didn’t like going to the clinic and did not want to go back.
AV_7 Doctor is rude to ASHA Soni is an ASHA and recently brought a mother from her catchment area to the clinic. The doctor asked the mother if all of her children were vaccinated, and the mother said no. The doctor then yelled insulting things at Soni and said that she is not doing her job. Soni was very embarrassed.
AV_8 Too many responsibilities Neetu is an ASHA assigned to bring a new vaccine to her catchment area. Neetu is paid for every child that completes that first year course. However, there are also a lot of women very close to giving birth, and she also gets paid to bring them to the clinic. There may not be enough time to both get every child the new vaccine, and bring every pregnant woman to the clinic to give birth. Followup questions

The following table presents the exact followup questions given to participants in the vignettes for both ASHAs and Mothers. The first column allows the reader to connect the follow up questions to the exact vignettes, presented above.

Table 9.3: The text of the specific questions used to solicit responses to each of the first type of vignett, those given to Mothers and ASHAs.
Vignette Topic Cond Question number Question text
1_A Colostrum Consistent 1 Why do you think Anita chose to feed her baby colostrum?
1_A Colostrum Consistent 2 Who usually decides whether a mother feeds her infant colostrum? Why?
1_A Colostrum Consistent 3 Anita followed her ASHA’s recommendation and fed her baby colostrum. Anita’s mother disagreed with the ASHA and told Anita not to feed her baby colostrum. What do you think the ASHA said to convince Anita to feed her baby colostrum?
1_A Colostrum Consistent 4 Did Anita have conflict with her mother for deciding to feed her baby colostrum?
1_A Colostrum Consistent 5 If so, how did Anita resolve this conflict?
1_A Colostrum Consistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA tell Anita to feed her baby colostrum? Why?
2_A IFA Consistent 1 Why do you think Rekha chose to take IFA tablets?
2_A IFA Consistent 2 Who usually decides whether a mother takes IFA tablets? Why?
2_A IFA Consistent 3 Rekha followed her ASHA’s recommendation and took IFA tablets. Rekhas’s husband disagreed with Rekha’s ASHA and told Rekha not to take IFA tablets. What do you think the ASHA said to convince Rekha to take the IFA tablets?
2_A IFA Consistent 4 Did Rekha have conflict with her husband for deciding to take IFA tablets?
2_A IFA Consistent 5 If so, how did Rekha resolve this conflict?
2_A IFA Consistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA tell Rekha to take IFA tablets? Why?
3_A Exclusive breastfeeding Consistent 1 Why do you think Meena chose to only feed her baby breastmilk?
3_A Exclusive breastfeeding Consistent 2 Who usually decides whether a woman feeds her baby only breastmilk? Why?
3_A Exclusive breastfeeding Consistent 3 Meena followed her ASHA’s recommendation and only feeds her baby breastmilk. Meena’s mother-in-law disagrees with the ASHA and told Meena to feed her baby water during the hot summer days. What do you think the ASHA said to convince Meena to only feed her baby breastmilk?
3_A Exclusive breastfeeding Consistent 4 Did Meena have conflict with her mother-in-law for deciding to feed her baby only breastmilk?
3_A Exclusive breastfeeding Consistent 5 If so, how did Meena resolve this conflict?
3_A Exclusive breastfeeding Consistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA tell Meena to only feed her baby breastmilk? Why?
4_A Institutional delivery Consistent 1 Why do you think Manju chose to give birth in the hospital?
4_A Institutional delivery Consistent 2 Who usually decides whether a woman gives birth in a hospital? Why?
4_A Institutional delivery Consistent 3 Manju followed her ASHA’s recommendation and gave birth in a hospital. Meena’s sister-in-law disagreed with the ASHA and told Manju to have her baby at home. What do you think the ASHA said to convince Manju to give birth in the hospital?
4_A Institutional delivery Consistent 4 Did Manju have conflict with her sister-in-law for deciding to give birth in the hospital?
4_A Institutional delivery Consistent 5 If so, how did Manju resolve this conflict?
4_A Institutional delivery Consistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA tell Manju to deliver her baby in the hospital? Why?
5_A Family planning 1 Consistent 1 Why do you think Ranjini decided to use birth control?
5_A Family planning 1 Consistent 2 Who usually decides whether a woman uses birth control? Why?
5_A Family planning 1 Consistent 3 Ranjini followed her ASHA’s recommendation and uses birth control. Ranjini’s husband disagreed with the ASHA and told Manju not to use birth control. What do you think the ASHA said to convince Ranjini to use birth control?
5_A Family planning 1 Consistent 4 Did Ranjini have conflict with her husband for deciding to use birth control?
5_A Family planning 1 Consistent 5 If so, how did Ranjini resolve this conflict?
5_A Family planning 1 Consistent 6 When should the ASHA talk to Ranjini about family planning? Why?
6_A Family planning 2 Consistent 1 Why do you think Neetu decided to use birth control?
6_A Family planning 2 Consistent 2 Who usually decides whether a woman uses birth control? Why?
6_A Family planning 2 Consistent 3 Neetu followed her ASHA’s recommendation and uses birth control. Neetu’s mother-in-law disagreed with the ASHA and told Neetu not to use birth control. What do you think the ASHA said to convince Neetu to use birth control?
6_A Family planning 2 Consistent 4 Did Neetu have conflict with her mother-in-law for deciding to use birth control?
6_A Family planning 2 Consistent 5 If so, how did Neetu resolve this conflict?
6_A Family planning 2 Consistent 6 When should the ASHA talk to Neetu about family planning? Why?
7_A Vaccination 1 Consistent 1 Why do you think Suman decided to get vaccinated?
7_A Vaccination 1 Consistent 2 Who usually decides whether a pregnant woman gets vaccinated? Why?
7_A Vaccination 1 Consistent 3 Suman followed her ASHA’s recommendation and got vaccinated. Suman’s mother-in-law disagreed with the ASHA and told Suman not to get vaccinated. What do you think the ASHA said to convince Suman to get vaccinated?
7_A Vaccination 1 Consistent 4 Did Suman have conflict with her mother-in-law for deciding to get vaccinated?
7_A Vaccination 1 Consistent 5 If so, how did Suman resolve this conflict?
7_A Vaccination 1 Consistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA talk to Suman about vaccinations? Why?
8_A Vaccination 2 Consistent 1 Why do you think Soni decided to vaccinate her baby?
8_A Vaccination 2 Consistent 2 Who usually decides whether a baby is vaccinated? Why?
8_A Vaccination 2 Consistent 3 Soni followed her ASHA’s recommendation and got her baby vaccinated. Soni’s mother disagreed with the ASHA and told Soni not to get vaccinated. What do you think the ASHA said to convince Soni to vaccinate her baby?
8_A Vaccination 2 Consistent 4 Did Soni have conflict with her mother for deciding to get her baby vaccinated?
8_A Vaccination 2 Consistent 5 If so, how did Soni resolve this conflict?
8_A Vaccination 2 Consistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA talk to Soni about vaccinations? Why?
1_B Colostrum Inconsistent 1 Why do you think Anita chose to feed her baby cow’s milk instead of colostrum?
1_B Colostrum Inconsistent 2 Who usually decides whether a woman feeds her infant colostrum? Why?
1_B Colostrum Inconsistent 3 Anita did not follow the ASHA’s recommendation and did not feed her baby colostrum. Anita’s mother disagreed with the ASHA and told Anita not to feed her baby colostrum. What should the ASHA have said to Anita to convince her to feed her baby colostrum?
1_B Colostrum Inconsistent 4 Did Anita have conflict with her ASHA for not feeding her baby colostrum?
1_B Colostrum Inconsistent 5 If so, how did Anita resolve this conflict?
1_B Colostrum Inconsistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA tell Anita to feed her baby colostrum? Why?
2_B IFA Inconsistent 1 Why do you think Rekha chose not to take IFA tablets?
2_B IFA Inconsistent 2 Who usually decides whether a woman takes IFA tablets? Why?
2_B IFA Inconsistent 3 Rekha did not follow her ASHA’s recommendation and did not take IFA tablets. Rekha’s husband disagreed with Rekha’s ASHA and told Rekha not to take IFA tablets. What do you think the ASHA should have said to convince Rekha to take the IFA tablets?
2_B IFA Inconsistent 4 Did Rekha have conflict with her ASHA for deciding not to take IFA tablets?
2_B IFA Inconsistent 5 If so, how did Rekha resolve this conflict?
2_B IFA Inconsistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA tell Rekha to take IFA tablets? Why?
3_B Exclusive breastfeeding Inconsistent 1 Why do you think Meena chose to feed her baby breastmilk and water?
3_B Exclusive breastfeeding Inconsistent 2 Who usually decides whether a mother feeds her baby only breastmilk? Why?
3_B Exclusive breastfeeding Inconsistent 3 Meena did not follow her ASHA’s recommendation and does not feed her baby only breastmilk. Meena’s mother-in-law disagrees with the ASHA and told Meena to feed her baby water during the hot summer days. What do you think the ASHA should have said to convince Meena to only feed her baby breastmilk?
3_B Exclusive breastfeeding Inconsistent 4 Did Meena have conflict with her ASHA for deciding to feed her baby breastmilk and water?
3_B Exclusive breastfeeding Inconsistent 5 If so, how did Meena resolve this conflict?
3_B Exclusive breastfeeding Inconsistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA tell Meena to only feed her baby breastmilk? Why?
4_B Institutional delivery Inconsistent 1 Why do you think Manju chose to give birth at home?
4_B Institutional delivery Inconsistent 2 Who usually decides whether a woman gives birth in a hospital? Why?
4_B Institutional delivery Inconsistent 3 Manju did not follow her ASHA’s recommendation and gave birth at home. Manju’s sister-in-law disagreed with the ASHA and told Manju to have her baby at home. What do you think the ASHA should have said to convince Manju to give birth in the hospital?
4_B Institutional delivery Inconsistent 4 Did Manju have conflict with her ASHA for deciding to give birth at home?
4_B Institutional delivery Inconsistent 5 If so, how did Manju resolve this conflict?
4_B Institutional delivery Inconsistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA tell Manju to deliver her baby in the hospital? Why?
5_B Family planning 1 Inconsistent 1 Why do you think Ranjini chose not to use any form of birth control?
5_B Family planning 1 Inconsistent 2 Who usually decides whether a woman uses birth control? Why?
5_B Family planning 1 Inconsistent 3 Ranjini did not follow her ASHA’s recommendation and does not use birth control. Ranju’s husband disagreed with the ASHA and told Ranju not to use birth control. What do you think the ASHA should have said to convince Ranju to use birth control?
5_B Family planning 1 Inconsistent 4 Did Ranjini have conflict with her ASHA for deciding not to use birth control?
5_B Family planning 1 Inconsistent 5 If so, how did Ranjini resolve this conflict?
5_B Family planning 1 Inconsistent 6 When should the ASHA talk to Ranjini about family planning? Why?
6_B Family planning 2 Inconsistent 1 Why do you think Neetu choose not to use birth control?
6_B Family planning 2 Inconsistent 2 Who usually decides whether a woman uses birth control? Why?
6_B Family planning 2 Inconsistent 3 Neetu did not follow her ASHA’s recommendation and does not use birth control. Neetu’s mother-in-law disagreed with the ASHA and told Neetu not to use birth control. What do you think the ASHA should have said to convince Neetu to use birth control?
6_B Family planning 2 Inconsistent 4 Did Neetu have conflict with her ASHA for deciding not to use birth control?
6_B Family planning 2 Inconsistent 5 If so, how did Neetu resolve this conflict?
6_B Family planning 2 Inconsistent 6 When should the ASHA talk to Neetu about family planning? Why?
7_B Vaccination 1 Inconsistent 1 Why do you think Suman decided not to get vaccinated?
7_B Vaccination 1 Inconsistent 2 Who usually decides whether a pregnant woman gets vaccinated? Why?
7_B Vaccination 1 Inconsistent 3 Suman did not follow her ASHA’s recommendation and did not get vaccinated. Suman’s mother-in-law disagreed with the ASHA and told Suman not to get vaccinated. What do you think the ASHA should have said to convince Suman to vaccinate her baby?
7_B Vaccination 1 Inconsistent 4 Did Suman have conflict with her ASHA for deciding to get vaccinated?
7_B Vaccination 1 Inconsistent 5 If so, how did Suman resolve this conflict?
7_B Vaccination 1 Inconsistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA have talked to Suman about vaccinations? Why?
8_B Vaccination 2 Inconsistent 1 Why do you think Soni decided not to vaccinate her baby?
8_B Vaccination 2 Inconsistent 2 Who usually decides whether a baby is vaccinated? Why?
8_B Vaccination 2 Inconsistent 3 Soni did not follow her ASHA’s recommendation and did not get her baby vaccinated. Soni’s mother disagreed with the ASHA and told Soni not to get her baby vaccinated. What do you think the ASHA should have said to convince Soni to vaccinate her baby?
8_B Vaccination 2 Inconsistent 4 Did Soni have conflict with the ASHA for deciding not to get her baby vaccinated?
8_B Vaccination 2 Inconsistent 5 If so, how did Soni resolve this conflict?
8_B Vaccination 2 Inconsistent 6 When during her pregnancy should the ASHA have talked to Soni about vaccinations? Why?

The following table presents the follow-up questions for the ASHA-only vignettes. The first column provides an index for the exact text of each vignette for connecting to the table that contains the vignettes, above.

Table 9.4: The text of the specific questions used to solicit responses to each of the second type of vignett, those given only to ASHAs.
Vignette Topic Question number Question text
AV_1 Conflict between ASHA’s own history and her recommendations 1 What should Renu tell this woman?
AV_1 Conflict between ASHA’s own history and her recommendations 2 How should Renu deal with this conflict?
AV_1 Conflict between ASHA’s own history and her recommendations 3 Should Renu tell about her own experiences?
AV_1 Conflict between ASHA’s own history and her recommendations 4 How would she have told her story to support her recommendation?
AV_1 Conflict between ASHA’s own history and her recommendations 5 Should Renu talk to other ASHAs about how to deal with this kind of issue?
AV_1 Conflict between ASHA’s own history and her recommendations 6 How frequently do you have to recommend something that differed from your own experience? Whether it is using birth control, exclusive breastfeeding, or anything else? How do you deal with it?
AV_2 Conflict between ASHA duties and current duties as a mother 1 How should Phulmati resolve with this problem?
AV_2 Conflict between ASHA duties and current duties as a mother 2 What happens if Phulmati brings a mother to the clinic, but then has less time for her children?
AV_2 Conflict between ASHA duties and current duties as a mother 3 Who should she seek help from to manage her work load?
AV_2 Conflict between ASHA duties and current duties as a mother 4 Should Phulmati talk to other ASHAs about how to deal with this kind of issue?
AV_2 Conflict between ASHA duties and current duties as a mother 5 How frequently do you have to choose between your ASHA duties and your duties as a mother? How do you deal with it?
AV_2 Conflict between ASHA duties and current duties as a mother 6 What kind of issues do you face while choosing between your duty as an ASHA and duty as a mother/family member?
AV_3 Beneficiary does not respect ASHA 1 How should Angoori deal with this?
AV_3 Beneficiary does not respect ASHA 2 Should Angoori talk to other ASHAs about how to deal with this kind of issue?
AV_3 Beneficiary does not respect ASHA 3 How common is it for mothers to not respect ASHAs?
AV_3 Beneficiary does not respect ASHA 4 Why would a mother not respect an ASHA?
AV_3 Beneficiary does not respect ASHA 5 How much have you dealt with mothers not respecting you? How have you dealt with that?
AV_4 Beneficiary disagrees with best practice 1 How should Mina deal with this?
AV_4 Beneficiary disagrees with best practice 2 Should Mina talk to other ASHAs about how to deal with this kind of issue?
AV_4 Beneficiary disagrees with best practice 3 How do ASHA’s explain why mothers should comply with a behaviour? Do they discuss costs? Benefits? Incentives? Risks?
AV_4 Beneficiary disagrees with best practice 4 How common is it for mothers to disagree with ASHAs?
AV_4 Beneficiary disagrees with best practice 5 If the mothers go ahead with unsafe practices, do the ASHAs continue to monitor the infant so that they can refer the mother, recommend care seeking appropriately?
AV_4 Beneficiary disagrees with best practice 6 How frequently do mothers disagree with you? How have you dealt with it?
AV_5 Conflict with other ASHAs 1 How should Rekha deal with this?
AV_5 Conflict with other ASHAs 2 Should Rekha talk to other ASHAs about how to deal with this kind of issue?
AV_5 Conflict with other ASHAs 3 How common is it for ASHAs to do this?
AV_5 Conflict with other ASHAs 4 Have you done this?
AV_5 Conflict with other ASHAs 5 Have you dealt with other ASHAs doing this to your area? What have you done about it?
AV_6 Doctor is rude to mothers 1 How should Ranju deal with this?
AV_6 Doctor is rude to mothers 2 Should Ranju talk to other ASHAs about how to deal with this kind of issue?
AV_6 Doctor is rude to mothers 3 How common is it for doctors to be rude to mothers? How common is it for mothers to not want to go to the clinic because of this?
AV_6 Doctor is rude to mothers 4 How frequently have you dealt with this problem? What do you do?
AV_6 Doctor is rude to mothers 5 What impact would the doctor’s behaviour have on ASHA and beneficiary’s relationship?
AV_7 Doctor is rude to ASHA 1 What impact would the doctor’s behaviour have on ASHA and beneficiary’s relationship?
AV_7 Doctor is rude to ASHA 2 Would the mother lose respect for Soni?
AV_7 Doctor is rude to ASHA 3 Why do you think the doctor behaved the way he did?
AV_7 Doctor is rude to ASHA 4 How should Soni deal with this?
AV_7 Doctor is rude to ASHA 5 How should Soni deal with this?
AV_7 Doctor is rude to ASHA 6 How common is it for doctors to be rude to ASHAs?
AV_7 Doctor is rude to ASHA 7 How frequently have doctors been rude to you? How have you dealt with it?
AV_8 Too many responsibilities 1 How should Neetu deal with this issue?
AV_8 Too many responsibilities 2 What would happen if Neetu prioritized vaccination over trips to the clinic for delivery?
AV_8 Too many responsibilities 3 What would happen in Neetu prioritized trips to the clinic over vaccination
AV_8 Too many responsibilities 4 Should Neetu talk to other ASHAs about how to deal with this kind of issue?
AV_8 Too many responsibilities 5 How often is there a time conflict different duties, some you get paid for, and some you do not? What duties are sometimes in conflict?
AV_8 Too many responsibilities 6 How frequently do you deal with a conflict between different duties? How have you dealt with that?

9.2.2 Vignette Raw Data

The following table contains the actual responses that participants gave to the vignettes. The table is searchable and sortable.