B.1 ASHA-Mother Vignettes

##Effect sizes of who initiates conflict resolution in the vignettes.

For who initiates the conflict resolution, there is a large effect of Condition. In the Consistent condition, almost every time it falls on the Mother to resolve the conflict with her family member. In the Inconsistent condition, it is a fairly even split between the seeing the ASHA or the mother in the vignette as responsible for initiating conflict resolution. In addition, in the Inconsistent condition, it is more likely for the ASHA and mother in the vignette to just move on without a resolution. This was very rare in the Consistent condition when the conflict was between a mother and her family. Last, ASHAs are more likely than Mothers to think a third party should be part of the conflict resolution.

Table B.1: Question 5: Response frequencies
Respondent Condition Mother The other person in the conflict. A third party is also involved No true resolution
ASHA Consistent 0.93 0.03 0.08 0.00
Mother Consistent 0.95 0.02 0.02 0.02
ASHA Inconsistent 0.54 0.56 0.14 0.06
Mother Inconsistent 0.62 0.49 0.04 0.07
Table B.2: Question 5: Mixed-effects model results
Effect Mother The other person in the conflict A third party is also involved No true resolution
Consistent - Inconsistent 17.478*** .0121*** .437** .055***
ASHA - Mother .650* 5.185***
Condition X Respondent

Question 6: We wait for analyses for Q6 until we break down specific vignettes. This question was about when ASHAs should give the relevant information for this behavior, and there were not clear cross-vignette generalizations to analyze. Every behavior had their own specific preferred timeline.