5.2 Table of Responses
Responses to these questions were consolidated into a spreadsheet for organization and coding. As always, we encourage the reader to explore the data with their own queries and sorting.
Question number
Behavior number
Behavior, ritual, practice
Pre pregnancy
trying women consume ayurvedic kadha prepared by the Ayurvedic Doctors present in the village/area
It can cure any underlying issue that may be obstructing the woman to conceive
Pre pregnancy
Ashokarishta is a popular Ayurvedic syrup consumed regularly by women trying for pregnancy
It can cure any underlying issue that may be obstructing the woman to conceive - especially the irregular periods and other period related issues
Pre pregnancy
The woman mixes the flower of a plant (called urhul) in water and drink it empty stomach.
Based on Pandit's recommendation
Pre pregnancy
The women who want to have children would go to Chhath pooja (a famous festival in Bihar, where selected women in families perform holy bathing, fasting and abstaining from drinking water (Vratta), standing in water for long periods of time, and offering prasad (prayer offerings) and arghya to the setting and rising sun) and, wash the cloth worn by the woman performing Chath in the river, and wipe her forehead with that cloth. She takes blessings from 5 other women as well.
Chhath and women performing chhath are considered very holy and their blessings can make the wish of getting pregnant come true
Pre pregnancy
The trying woman would light diya for 5 or 9 consecutive tuesdays in goddess temple in the village
To get goddesses' blessings
Pre pregnancy
The trying woman would swallow a live tiny fish called jhinga during another big festival in Bihar called Jitiya
To get goddess of Jitiya blessings by eating jhinga which is also considered holy in certain regions of Bihar
Pre pregnancy
The trying woman consumes the sweet porridge (kheer) prepared by the holy men (guru, pandit etc.)
To get the blessings of the guru by eating the holy kheer (as a gift of god).
They strongly believe that this will happen. have strong faith.
Pre pregnancy
In marriage ceremonies, there is a gathbandhan pooja organized in the homes of would be brides and grooms. The trying woman leads this pooja to get the blessings of god and the holy environment of marriage.
Marriage is considered auspicious (shubh) and participating in a pooja associated with marriage transcends the blessings
Pre pregnancy
The trying woman secretly pulls a thread from the anchal (a portion of sari that covers the chest and head) of the woman who is currently pregnant, and wears it on the wrist. Godi suna karna
A form evil eye (Jadu) - It is done to steal the womb of the pregnant woman for the other woman to get pregnant. When a pregnant woman gets a miscarriage, it is linked to this curse.
Pre pregnancy
Avoid sour food
Pre pregnancy
Seeks blessings from holy men (Sadhu, Fakir etc.) to their blessings
Pre pregnancy
the newly wed woman (during the post Marriage ceremony) holds the male infant (of someone in the family) on her lap
For getting a male child
Trimester one
The first step is to confirm the pregnancy. Use of Pregnancy kit is pretty common nowadays, to confirm the pregnancy. Like other women, Roshni may ask her husband to get it or even buy the kit from the pharmacy by themselves. Asha also keeps the Nishchay kit (pregnancy kit provided by the government), which are utilized by the women frequently.
It is easy and keeps the pregnancy secret
Trimester one
Suman describes her experience. She got an headache while her period was missed. A pandit was called, he felt her pulse and told she is pregnant.
Trimester one
Dai and other older women can recognize if the woman is pregnant while observing her walk, and by looking at her big toes, legs and stomach
Trimester one
Old women and dai can recognise after looking at big toe, pair bhari hai. The way a woman walks.
Trimester one
Loss in appetite is also a sign of pregnancy
Trimester one
In the starting 3-4 months its not told even to the neighbours. Not even told to ASHA.
Kajal (investigator) shared a recent story of one of her relative (MIL) who hid the pregnancy from her ASHA as well. Her reason was that if ASHA would come and give TT injection too early (before three months), she may lose the child (miscarriage)
To avoid to TT injection before 3 months of pregnancy as taking the injection too early in the pregnancy may lead to miscarriage. This may be associated with the harsh nature of modern medicine which can create complication when the fetus is in early stage of development
Trimester one
if someone gets pregnant too early or too late after marriage, in both the cases, pregnancy is kept in much higher degree of secrecy.
One reason is avoid any social stigma, in case of miscarriage in early months (first 2-3 months)
Trimester one
for newlyweds who get pregnant right after marriage avoid disclosing the news early to avoid gossiping and comments related the couple's sex life
1–20 of 168 rows