A.2 United Nations Human Development Data (2020)


The 2020 United Nations Human Development Data (UNHDD) contain nation-level measures, including the Human Development Index (HDI) and various economic and health indicators.

“The entire series of Human Development Index (HDI) values and rankings are recalculated every year using the same the most recent (revised) data and functional forms. The HDI rankings and values in the 2014 Human Development Report cannot therefore be compared directly to indices published in previous Reports.” Please see hdr.undp.org for more information.

“The HDI was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone. The HDI can also be used to question national policy choices, asking how two countries with the same level of GNI per capita can end up with different human development outcomes”. (United Nations Development Programme 2020)


See the Human Development Report 2020: Reader’s Guide for details about the data. The sidebar on that page has links to additional documentation. See the use license at Copyright and Terms of Use.

Teaching Dataset

The licensor in no way endorses the author or the author’s use of this data. Any analyses, interpretations, or conclusions reached herein are only for the purpose of illustrating regression methods and are credited to the author, not to the licensor. The author makes no claim or implication that any inferences derived from this teaching dataset are valid.

The raw data were downloaded from the UNHDD Download Data page on September 8, 2021, and processed to format variables as factors to create the teaching dataset unhdd2020.rmph.rData. No other changes were made to the data, although not all available variables were included in the teaching dataset. All included variables represent 2019 data unless noted otherwise in the variable labels. The .rData file is not labelled; however, the file UNHDD 2020.csv (available from RMPH Resources) has labels in the first row.

Creating the Teaching Dataset

To create the teaching dataset, do the following:

  • Download unhdd2020.rmph.rData from RMPH Resources.
  • Place this .Rdata file in your “Data” folder.

Rows and Columns

This file has the following numbers of rows and columns:

## [1] 189  70


United Nations Development Programme. 2020. “Human Development Data.” http://hdr.undp.org/en/content/copyright-and-terms-use.