1.8 Optional questions

These questions are optional; e.g., if you need more practice, or you are studying for the exam. (Answers are available in Sect. A.1.)

1.8.1 Optional: Identifying different types of studies

1.8.2 Optional: Terminology

Complete the crossword below to help you understand some of the words used in this week's content.

1.8.3 Optional: Identifying poor RQs

Critique the following research questions, outlining how and why they can be improved (if at all).

  1. Among domestic watertanks used in southeast Queensland, are lead concentrations in water in concrete tanks higher than in poly tanks?
  2. Are lower-limb amputees more likely to die?
  3. Is the amount of salt the same for homebrand as for non-homebrand beans?
  4. Among zoo animals, is the weight of adult elephants greater than that of juvenile kangaroos (joeys)?
  5. Is the average reaction time related to gender?

What terms might need defining for each RQ?

1.8.4 Optional: Understanding the terminology

1.8.5 Optional: Units of analysis, and units of observation

1.8.6 Optional: Units of analysis, and units of observation