12.4 Tests for ORs

This question has a video solution in the online book, so you can hear and see the solution.

A study (Tanagawa and Shigematsu 1998) examined the choice of airway devices used for nontraumatic, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients, to evaluate the success and failure of insertion for various devices.

The data for success and failure at insertion is given in Table 12.1, taken from available patient documentation.

TABLE 12.1: Data from the airways study
Succeed Fail
Esophageal gastric tube airway (EGTA) 545 49
Laryngeal mask (LM) 2701 315
  1. Define p as the population proportion of successful attempts at insertion. Write the hypotheses to be tested.

  2. Use the software output in Fig. 12.1) to test the hypotheses. Write a proper conclusion to communicate the results.

  3. Are the results likely to be statistically valid? Explain.

  4. The study was designed to enable medics to choose the best airway device.

    Would you recommend EGTA or LM? Why? Would you like any more information before making your choice? Explain.

The jamovi output for the table from Tanagawa and Shigematsu (1998)

FIGURE 12.1: The jamovi output for the table from Tanagawa and Shigematsu (1998)


Tanagawa K, Shigematsu A. Choice of airway devices for 12,020 cases of nontraumatic cardiac arrest in Japan. Prehospital Emergency Care. 1998;2:96–100.