10.7 2×2 Contingency Table in Practice

Let us focus on attribute k. For an element pab in the table,

pab=P(αk=a,ˆαk(Y)=b)=P(αk=a,ˆαk(Y)=b|Y)P(Y) Given a finite sample y of size n, we can estimate

ˆpab=P(αk=a,ˆαk(Y=y)=b)=P(αk=a,ˆαk(Y=y)=b|Y=y)P(Y=y)=1nni=1P(αik=a|yi)estimated probability of mastery/non-masteryI(ˆαik=b|yi)estimated mastery status in this case, we are calclluating the joint probability that the true mastery status of attribute k is a (either 1 for mastery or 0 for non-mastery) and the model estimated mastery as b (either 0 or 1). P(αk=a|Y=y) is the probability of true mastery or non-mastery for attribute k given the response pattern Y=y. P(ˆαk(Y=y)=b|Y=y) is the probability that the model’s estimate of mastery is b given the response pattern Y=y.

Lest us focus on two probabilities:

  • P(αik=ayi) is the posterior probability that individual i has mastery(or non-mastery) of attribute k, given their response vector yi.

  • I(ˆαik=byi) is an indicator function that is 1 if the model estimates the mastery status b correctly, and 0 otherwise.