5.11 Bayesian approach for parameter estimation
In maximum likelihood estimation, we attempt to find parameters {g,s} that can maximize the marginalized log likelihood ℓ(Y).
In Bayesian framework, we aim to determine the posterior distribution of all model parameters g,s,…: P(g,s,…|Y)=P(Y|g,s,…)p(g,s,…)P(Y)
Typically, in MCMC programs such as JAGS and nimble, one needs to specify two things:
- priors and
- model likelihood
All parameters have prior distributions
- Item parameters g and s follow beta(1,1), which is a uniform distribution ranging from 0 to 1:
Person’s latent class membership latent.group.index[n] follows a categorical distribution cat(p)
p in the categorical distribution cat(p) follows a dirichlet distribution dirich(δ)
Regarding likelihood, we need to specify the likelihood of observing each item response:
Although MCMC is guaranteed to converge to the target distributions of model parameters, one may need a very long MCMC chain to achieve that.