12.3 GDINA discrimination index (GDI)

An essential component of these methods is the G-DINA discrimination index (GDI)

  • GDI, denoted by ς2j(q) for item j, is the variance of success probabilities given a possible q-vector q ς2j(q)=2Kjl=1p(αlj|q)[P(Y=1|αlj,q)ˉP(Y=1|αlj,q)]2, where q is a possible q-vector of item j and


  • Theoretically, or when the correct Q-matrix is used and models fit the data perfectly, the correct q-vector and overspecified q-vectors from the correct one produce the largest GDI

  • In practice, however, overspecified q-vectors from the correct one have larger GDI than the correct q-vector due to random errors

  • The q-vector with all 1s produced the largest GDI for each item in practice