7.6 Test-level Absolute Fit measures
If a model fits data, the model predictions and observations should be close to each other.Test-level absolute fit measures attempt to identify how well the model reproduces the observed data(Han & Johnson, 2019).
Test-level absolute fit measures are calculated without comparison to other models.
Rupp et al. (2010) suggested that absolute fit should always be considered when analyzing test data.
To obtain the test-level absolute fit measure, we often use the full information statistics.
Han, Z., & Johnson, M. S. (2019). Global-and item-level model fit indices. Handbook of Diagnostic Classification Models: Models and Model Extensions, Applications, Software Packages, 265–285.
Rupp, A. A., Templin, J., & Henson, R. A. (2010). Diagnostic measurement: theory, methods, and applications. Guilford Press.