10.10 Estimating Classification Accuracy using GDINA R package

The GDINA package can be used to calculate attribute level and pattern level accuracy using analytic approach.

Y <- ecpe$dat
Q <- ecpe$Q
lcdm <- GDINA(Y, Q, model = "GDINA",verbose = 0)
## Classification Accuracy 
## Test level accuracy =  0.7522 
## Pattern level accuracy: 
##    000    100    010    001    110    101    011    111 
## 0.8932 0.0000 0.0000 0.4235 0.3092 0.1831 0.5902 0.9062 
## Attribute level accuracy: 
##     A1     A2     A3 
## 0.8978 0.8560 0.9165

Classification accuracy may not necessarily the best measure. Matthew and Sandip (2018) introduced several other measures that can be directly calculated from the 2×2 table.

It is still unclear how these measures can be used for polytomous attributes.