27 Gapminder: 200 Countries, 200 Years

27.1 Introduction

In this project, you will recreate single year versions of the chart Hans Rosling shows in the videos here:

The plots in both have the same information shown: income, life expectancy, population, and the continent.

27.2 Data files

The four files that you will need, downloaded from https://www.gapminder.org/data/, can be found in the “data” folder of this project.

There are CSV files for the following:

  • Income: “income_per_person_gdppercapita_ppp_inflation_adjusted.csv”

  • Life expectancy (years): “life_expectancy_years.csv”

  • Population: “population_total.csv”

In addition, there is an Excel file that you’ll need to use to get the region (continent) that each country is in. Use the variable “four_regions” for the continents.

  • “Data Geographies - v1 - by Gapminder.xlsx”, sheet = “list-of-countries-etc”

27.3 References

27.3.1 Animation of plots

Part of what makes Hans Rosling’s presentations so compelling is the animation of the data visualization. Here are some links to resources for you to create an animated plot in R, using the package {gganimate}.
