Assignment week 5: optional {#assignment5}

library(tidyverse) # functions using {tidyr}, {dplyr}, and {readr}
library(readxl)    # to read Excel files

library(Lahman)    # Major League Baseball database


NOTE: This optional assignment is for those course participants who were not able to complete one of assignments #1–#3.

For this homework assignment, please write your answer for each question after the question text but before the line break before the next one.

In some cases, you will have to insert R code chunks, and run them to ensure that you’ve got the right result.

Use all of the R Markdown formatting you want! Bullets, bold text, etc. is welcome. And don’t forget to consider changes to the YAML.

Once you have finished your assignment, create an HTML document by “knitting” the document using either the “Preview” or “Knit” button in the top left of the script window frame

1. Where do Major League Baseball players come from?

The 30 Major League Baseball teams play in cities in the United States and Canada (only Toronto!), but draw the best players from around the world. In this problem you will create a table and a chart to show the country of birth of the players in the 2020 season.

For this we will use the data stored in the R package that contains the Lahman baseball database (named after Sean Lahman, the person who initially created the database).

The Lahman package is loaded into your environment with the library(Lahman) function above.

We can get a listing of the tables in this database with either

  • typing ?Lahman in the console or

  • the LahmanData function.

##                   file      class   nobs nvar                     title
## 1          AllstarFull data.frame   5454    8         AllstarFull table
## 2          Appearances data.frame 110423   21         Appearances table
## 3       AwardsManagers data.frame    179    6      AwardsManagers table
## 4        AwardsPlayers data.frame   6531    6       AwardsPlayers table
## 5  AwardsShareManagers data.frame    425    7 AwardsShareManagers table
## 6   AwardsSharePlayers data.frame   6879    7  AwardsSharePlayers table
## 7              Batting data.frame 110495   22             Batting table
## 8          BattingPost data.frame  15879   22         BattingPost table
## 9       CollegePlaying data.frame  17350    3      CollegePlaying table
## 10            Fielding data.frame 147080   18            Fielding table
## 11          FieldingOF data.frame  12028    6          FieldingOF table
## 12     FieldingOFsplit data.frame  34563   18     FieldingOFsplit table
## 13        FieldingPost data.frame  15063   17         FieldingPost data
## 14          HallOfFame data.frame   4191    9  Hall of Fame Voting Data
## 15           HomeGames data.frame   3195    9           HomeGames table
## 16            Managers data.frame   3684   10            Managers table
## 17        ManagersHalf data.frame     93   10        ManagersHalf table
## 18               Parks data.frame    255    6               Parks table
## 19              People data.frame  20370   26              People table
## 20            Pitching data.frame  49430   30            Pitching table
## 21        PitchingPost data.frame   6308   30        PitchingPost table
## 22            Salaries data.frame  26428    5            Salaries table
## 23             Schools data.frame   1207    5             Schools table
## 24          SeriesPost data.frame    367    9          SeriesPost table
## 25               Teams data.frame   2985   48               Teams table
## 26     TeamsFranchises data.frame    120    4      TeamFranchises table
## 27           TeamsHalf data.frame     52   10           TeamsHalf table

Here is an ER (Entity Relationship) diagram, showing the key relationships between each table. (Open the image in a new tab to see it full size.)

Lahman ER diagram
Lahman ER diagram

1.a What countries do players come from?

(marks: 4)

Create a table that shows the country of birth of the players who batted during the 2020 season.

(This will require you to join two tables, and then wrangle a summary table.)

1.b Canadian Pitchers

(marks: 4)

Which team had the most Canadian pitchers on their roster during the 2015 season?

2. The B.C. residential housing market

The file “municipal_monthly_2021.xlsx” has a variety of statistics, collected by the B.C. Ministry of Finance through the Property Transfer Tax.

2.a Import

(marks: 2)

  • Read the contents of the Excel file (there’s only one sheet)
# solution

2.b Wrangle

(marks: 3)

  • Calculate the average sales price of residential properties for the full year (i.e. all 12 months), for each municipality in the data. Notes:

    • “RESIDENTIAL TOTAL (count)” gives the total number of residential transactions

    • “FMV SUM - RESIDENTIAL ($ sum)” gives the total sales value of those transactions (“FMV” is short for Fair Market Value, a value used to calculate the tax when a property changes hands at a below-market-value price, such as a $1 sale between family members.)

    • Some rural areas are in multiple regional districts!

At the end of this process, you will end up with a table that looks something like this:

# solution

2.c Plot

(marks: 3)

  • Create a plot with the average sale price of a residential sale for the 10 municipalities with the highest price
# solution
