21 Communication—table formatting

21.1 Setup

This chunk of R code loads the table formatting packages that we will be using.

21.2 Introduction

The look of the default table in R markdown is not all that attractive. Here’s a summary table of the Oakland Athletics’ seasons from 1999-2008.

oakland_99 <- mlb_pay_wl |> 
  filter(tm == "OAK" & year_num < 2009)

## # A tibble: 10 × 8
##    year_num tm    attend_g est_payroll pay_index     w     l w_l_percent
##       <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1     1999 OAK      17711    24831833      49.5    87    75       0.537
##  2     2000 OAK      19799    33172333      59.0    91    70       0.565
##  3     2001 OAK      26337    33810750      51.5   102    60       0.63 
##  4     2002 OAK      26788    40004167      59.2   103    59       0.636
##  5     2003 OAK      27365    50260834      70.8    96    66       0.593
##  6     2004 OAK      27179    59425667      85.8    91    71       0.562
##  7     2005 OAK      26038    55425762      76.0    88    74       0.543
##  8     2006 OAK      24403    64843079      83.2    93    69       0.574
##  9     2007 OAK      23726    79366940      95.3    76    86       0.469
## 10     2008 OAK      20559    47967126      53.4    75    86       0.466

There are a few R packages that allow us to format a table like this, ready for publication. Here we will take a quick look at two of them. Both have many, many more options for formatting; see the reference materials at the top of this chapter for those details.

21.3 The kable package

First, {kableExtra} is an extension to the {kable} tool that is part of “knitting” our R Markdown files.

To create a kable table, use the kable() function:

# print table with {kableExtra} formatting  
oakland_99 |>
  # create table
year_num tm attend_g est_payroll pay_index w l w_l_percent
1999 OAK 17711 24831833 49.54511 87 75 0.537
2000 OAK 19799 33172333 59.03364 91 70 0.565
2001 OAK 26337 33810750 51.51234 102 60 0.630
2002 OAK 26788 40004167 59.15217 103 59 0.636
2003 OAK 27365 50260834 70.82774 96 66 0.593
2004 OAK 27179 59425667 85.76543 91 71 0.562
2005 OAK 26038 55425762 75.95992 88 74 0.543
2006 OAK 24403 64843079 83.20773 93 69 0.574
2007 OAK 23726 79366940 95.27085 76 86 0.469
2008 OAK 20559 47967126 53.41372 75 86 0.466

The package allow for additional formatting to be applied. In the code below, the bootstrap theme “striped” is applied, along with specific row formatting. You’ll notice that the header row is number “0”, and that the rows with data are numbered starting at “1”.

# print table with {kableExtra} formatting  
oakland_99 |>
  # create table, add title
  kable(caption = "Oakland Athletics, 1999-2008") |>
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", font_size = 10) |>
  # make variable names bold and large
  row_spec(0, bold = T, font_size = 14) |>
  # make 2002 season (row 4) bold
  row_spec(4, bold = T) 
Table 21.1: Table 21.2: Oakland Athletics, 1999-2008
year_num tm attend_g est_payroll pay_index w l w_l_percent
1999 OAK 17711 24831833 49.54511 87 75 0.537
2000 OAK 19799 33172333 59.03364 91 70 0.565
2001 OAK 26337 33810750 51.51234 102 60 0.630
2002 OAK 26788 40004167 59.15217 103 59 0.636
2003 OAK 27365 50260834 70.82774 96 66 0.593
2004 OAK 27179 59425667 85.76543 91 71 0.562
2005 OAK 26038 55425762 75.95992 88 74 0.543
2006 OAK 24403 64843079 83.20773 93 69 0.574
2007 OAK 23726 79366940 95.27085 76 86 0.469
2008 OAK 20559 47967126 53.41372 75 86 0.466

Other {kableExtra} formatting resources are here:

21.4 The {gt} package

A recent package that provides a significant amount of formatting possibilities is {gt}.

We create a basic table object with the gt() function:

oakland_99 |> 
year_num tm attend_g est_payroll pay_index w l w_l_percent
1999 OAK 17711 24831833 49.54511 87 75 0.537
2000 OAK 19799 33172333 59.03364 91 70 0.565
2001 OAK 26337 33810750 51.51234 102 60 0.630
2002 OAK 26788 40004167 59.15217 103 59 0.636
2003 OAK 27365 50260834 70.82774 96 66 0.593
2004 OAK 27179 59425667 85.76543 91 71 0.562
2005 OAK 26038 55425762 75.95992 88 74 0.543
2006 OAK 24403 64843079 83.20773 93 69 0.574
2007 OAK 23726 79366940 95.27085 76 86 0.469
2008 OAK 20559 47967126 53.41372 75 86 0.466

Additional formatting can then be applied to the parts of the table.

  • tab_header() is how we apply the title and subtitle. Notice that the first and last years in the table are assigned as objects, which can then be added to the text using the glue::glue() function.

  • There are a variety of number formats available. In this case, the columns are specified but it is also possible to apply a global formatting to a variable (for example, two or more columns of dates can be formatted consistently without having to name them).

    • the use_seps = TRUE will place separators for thousands, millions, etc

    • the suffixing = TRUE automatically determines the length of the number and assigns a letter suffix. Here, the salary figures are in millions, but a similar thing would happen with thousands and billions as well.

    • decimals = allows us to control the number of decimal places shown.

    • Formatting column data references (with links to each of the different number formats): https://gt.rstudio.com/reference/index.html#formatting-column-data

# define year range to add as variable to title
year_min <- min(oakland_99$year_num)
year_max <- max(oakland_99$year_num)

oakland_table <- oakland_99 |> 
  gt() |> 
    title = "Oakland Athletics",
    subtitle = glue::glue("{year_min} to {year_max}")
  ) |> 

  # apply number formatting
  fmt_integer(columns = attend_g, use_seps = TRUE) |> 
  fmt_number(columns = est_payroll, suffixing = TRUE) |> 
  fmt_number(columns = pay_index, decimals = 2) 

Oakland Athletics
1999 to 2008
year_num tm attend_g est_payroll pay_index w l w_l_percent
1999 OAK 17,711 24.83M 49.55 87 75 0.537
2000 OAK 19,799 33.17M 59.03 91 70 0.565
2001 OAK 26,337 33.81M 51.51 102 60 0.630
2002 OAK 26,788 40.00M 59.15 103 59 0.636
2003 OAK 27,365 50.26M 70.83 96 66 0.593
2004 OAK 27,179 59.43M 85.77 91 71 0.562
2005 OAK 26,038 55.43M 75.96 88 74 0.543
2006 OAK 24,403 64.84M 83.21 93 69 0.574
2007 OAK 23,726 79.37M 95.27 76 86 0.469
2008 OAK 20,559 47.97M 53.41 75 86 0.466

In this next code chunk, we change the column headings to better describe the variables. cols_label() gives us control over how the column labels are displayed, rather than changing the variable names.

oakland_table |> 
  # add column heading labels
    year_num = "Year",
    tm = "Team",
    attend_g = "Average home game attendance",
    est_payroll = "Estimated payroll",
    pay_index = "Pay index (league average for season = 100)",
    w = "Wins",
    l = "Loses",
    w_l_percent = "Win-Loss Percent"
Oakland Athletics
1999 to 2008
Year Team Average home game attendance Estimated payroll Pay index (league average for season = 100) Wins Loses Win-Loss Percent
1999 OAK 17,711 24.83M 49.55 87 75 0.537
2000 OAK 19,799 33.17M 59.03 91 70 0.565
2001 OAK 26,337 33.81M 51.51 102 60 0.630
2002 OAK 26,788 40.00M 59.15 103 59 0.636
2003 OAK 27,365 50.26M 70.83 96 66 0.593
2004 OAK 27,179 59.43M 85.77 91 71 0.562
2005 OAK 26,038 55.43M 75.96 88 74 0.543
2006 OAK 24,403 64.84M 83.21 93 69 0.574
2007 OAK 23,726 79.37M 95.27 76 86 0.469
2008 OAK 20,559 47.97M 53.41 75 86 0.466

To have more control over where the column label line breaks occur, we use the HTML tag <br>, and add .fn = md (which calls the md() for markdown function.)

oakland_table <- oakland_table |> 
  # add column heading labels
    year_num = "Year",
    tm = "Team",
    attend_g = "Average home<br>game attendance",
    est_payroll = "Estimated payroll",
    pay_index = "Pay index<br>(league average for<br>season = 100)",
    w = "Wins",
    l = "Loses",
    w_l_percent = "Win-Loss Percent",
    .fn = md

Oakland Athletics
1999 to 2008
Year Team Average home
game attendance
Estimated payroll Pay index
(league average for
season = 100)
Wins Loses Win-Loss Percent
1999 OAK 17,711 24.83M 49.55 87 75 0.537
2000 OAK 19,799 33.17M 59.03 91 70 0.565
2001 OAK 26,337 33.81M 51.51 102 60 0.630
2002 OAK 26,788 40.00M 59.15 103 59 0.636
2003 OAK 27,365 50.26M 70.83 96 66 0.593
2004 OAK 27,179 59.43M 85.77 91 71 0.562
2005 OAK 26,038 55.43M 75.96 88 74 0.543
2006 OAK 24,403 64.84M 83.21 93 69 0.574
2007 OAK 23,726 79.37M 95.27 76 86 0.469
2008 OAK 20,559 47.97M 53.41 75 86 0.466

It is also possible to add summary rows that have calculations. In this instance, we will add a row with the average attendance.

oakland_table |> 
    columns = attend_g,
    fns = list(fn ="mean", id = "attend_g", label = "average"),
    fmt = ~ fmt_integer(.)
Oakland Athletics
1999 to 2008
Year Team Average home
game attendance
Estimated payroll Pay index
(league average for
season = 100)
Wins Loses Win-Loss Percent
1999 OAK 17,711 24.83M 49.55 87 75 0.537
2000 OAK 19,799 33.17M 59.03 91 70 0.565
2001 OAK 26,337 33.81M 51.51 102 60 0.630
2002 OAK 26,788 40.00M 59.15 103 59 0.636
2003 OAK 27,365 50.26M 70.83 96 66 0.593
2004 OAK 27,179 59.43M 85.77 91 71 0.562
2005 OAK 26,038 55.43M 75.96 88 74 0.543
2006 OAK 24,403 64.84M 83.21 93 69 0.574
2007 OAK 23,726 79.37M 95.27 76 86 0.469
2008 OAK 20,559 47.97M 53.41 75 86 0.466
average 23,991

More resources are here:

21.5 The flextable package

Another table formatting package is {flextable}.

In this first code chunk, we create use flextable() to turn our dataframe into a flextable object, and add a “Source” annotation as a footer to our table.


oakland_99 |> 
  flextable() |> 
  add_footer_row(values = "Source: baseball-reference.com", colwidths = 8)

You’ll notice that the year has a comma separating the thousands. This is because the “year” variable is numeric. In the chunk below, this is dealt with by using the as.character(), before the flextable() function is applied.

The code then adds a variety of formatting.

Note that the functions are format-first. For example, font size is the function fontsize() and which row is an argument. This is opposite to what we see with {kableExtra}, where the row or column is specified with row_spec(), and then the formatting applied.

It’s also possible to make formatting conditional on values in the table. In this code, the background colour is set using the bg() function, but only for those cases where wins (the “w” variable) is 100 or higher.

## print table with {flextable} formatting  
oakland_99 |> 
  mutate(year_num = as.character(year_num)) |>
  ## create table
  flextable() |> 
  ## add row striping
  theme_zebra() |>
  ## set font size to 10
  fontsize(size = 10, part = "all") |>
  ## but set variable names larger
  fontsize(size = 14, part = "header") |>
  ## make variable names bold
  bold(part = "header") |>
  ## make 2002 season (row 4) bold
  # bold(i = 4) |>
  ## or with conditional specification: where year_num is 2002
  bold(~ `year_num` == 2002) |>
  ## conditional background color as gold where wins are greater than 100
  bg(~ w >= 100, bg = "gold") |>
  ## set nicer column labels
  set_header_labels(year_num = "Year", tm = "Team", attend_g = "Attendance", 
                    est_payroll = "Payroll ($)", pay_index = "Pay Index",
                    w = "Wins", l = "Losses", w_l_percent = "Win-Loss Percentage") |>
  ## add footer
  add_footer_row(values = "Source: baseball-reference.com", colwidths = 8)

Additional {flextable} resources can be found here:

21.6 Another example

Earlier in this course, in the workflow example of the Statistics Canada New Housing Price Index (NHPI), we saw some other examples of data tables that were made publication-ready through {kableExtra} and {flextable} formatting. You are encouraged to review that code to see some of the other options that these packages make available.
