34 Classic Rock 25: fictional wholesale orders

34.1 Introduction

The fictional wholesale company, CR25 (for “Classic Rock 25”) only sells 25 album titles. They are the biggest selling / most famous albums by the 25 most-played artists on “Classic Rock” radio stations in the U.S.A.19

Your company, being completely nostalgic, hasn’t added those new-fangled CDs yet … all you sell is LPs and, for the hip kids to play in their Sony Walkmans and boomboxes, cassettes.

You work in the marketing department, and you have been asked to make a summary for the company’s annual meeting, showing purchases by chain and region.

To get you started, the database team at the warehouse has just run an extract for you, with the detailed orders from every store CR25 deals with. A snapshot looks like this:

order_multi table
order_multi table

You also have a list of the stores that are buying from CR25, with details about things like their location and which chain they are part of.

Both files are in the “data” folder.

Typically at this sort of meeting, a one-page summary of your presentation materials (sometimes called a handout) will be distributed to the people in attendance. This document will contain tables and charts, along with some text analysis.

For this capstone, create the plots and tables that would be included in the handout.

Other topics to explore would be sales by store, chain, by month or quarter, or by artist.

34.2 Going beyond

Explore the RMarkdown functionality, and create a separate file that

  • uses the same code chunks that you used to generate the charts

  • knits as a slide deck

34.3 Data source

The data for this project are in the “data” folder.

Details on how the contents of the files were generated can be found here: https://monkmanmh.github.io/dpjr/articles/data_generate_cr25.html


This file by Martin Monkman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ -->