10.7 Managing Symptoms: Staying Healthy

Being healthy is important for all children and can be especially important for children with mental health disorders. In addition to getting the right treatment, leading a healthy lifestyle can play a role in managing symptoms. Here are some healthy behaviors that may help:

  • Eating a healthful diet centered on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes (for example, beans, peas, and lentils), lean protein sources, and nuts and seeds

  • Participating in physical activity for at least 60 minutes each day

  • Getting the recommended amount of sleep each night based on age

  • Practicing mindfulness or relaxation techniques426

Staying healthy is critical for all children, especially those who may have mental health disorders.^[[Image](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Students,_families_walk_to_support_Autism_Awareness_Month_140404-M-ZZ999-331.jpg) by the [U.S. Marine Corps](https://www.marines.mil/) is in the public domain]

Figure 10.22: Staying healthy is critical for all children, especially those who may have mental health disorders.427

In this chapter we looked at:

  • Patterns of growth in the brain and body

  • Health and nutrition

  • Causes and results of obesity

  • Exercise, fitness, and organized sports

  • Physical health concerns

  • Mental health disorders

In the next chapter we will be examining cognitive development theories and theorists. We will learn about information processing; attention, memory, and planning in middle childhood. We will also see how school age children learn language and how intelligence is measured.

  1. Anxiety and Depression in Children by the CDC is in the public domain↩︎

  2. Image by the U.S. Marine Corps is in the public domain↩︎