2.4 Other Resources

Everyone learns in different ways. This book may not fulfill all of the needs of every user. If you are in need of a different perspective or additional beginner-friendly help, I do highly recommend R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham (https://r4ds.had.co.nz/) and ModernDive: An Introduction to Statistical and Data Sciences via R by Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim (https://moderndive.com/). These are exceptional online resources that are also free!

This book is not a resource for:

  • Learning statistics. We will go over how to perform basic statistical analyses (correlations, chi square, ANOVAs), but it is by no means a tool for learning stats.

  • Learning functions. This is what I consider an advanced topic and will not be covered in this text.

  • Base R programming. We will briefly discuss and utilize some base R programming, but the majority of the book will teach R using the tidyverse syntax.