8.3 Load the Packages

If you don’t already have the tidyverse, readxl, and writexl packages loaded, please do so now. If you do not have these packages installed, please make sure to remedy that. If you are unsure how to install these packages, refer back to Section 3.2.3.


Because the diamonds dataset is already structured properly (factor, numeric, integer), we can jump right into graphing. In contrast, you will need to restructure your personal data when we work on it later.

Before you begin coding, it’s important to know what you want to graph and how you want your graph to look. What data is represented on the graph (i.e., mean, frequency, median)? Are there error bars? Is it a line graph, histogram, bar graph, violin/box plot? I always recommend taking a minute to draw out what your graph should look like on a separate sheet of paper.